Synchronizing Cables with Cable Routes

You can synchronize your cables with their cable routes to persist the validated routing information of cable routes to their cables.

Once the information is persisted and up-to-date, your cables are fully validated and ready to be released.

See Also
About Cables Synchronization
  1. From the Cable section of the action bar, click Cable Management Assistant .
  2. In the tree, select an electrical physical system.

    Tip: You can also select:
    • Cables
    • Cable Routes
    • Physical products

    Multi-selection is available.

    • In the Cable Management Assistant panel, your cables are listed in the Cable View tab, and their cable routes are listed in the Cable Route View tab.
      • If an electrical physical system is selected, all the cables and their cable routes aggregated under it are listed.
      • If a cable is selected, all its cable routes are listed.
      • If a cable route is selected, its cable and its associated cable routes are listed.
      • If a physical product is selected, all the cables and cables routes aggregated in the electrical physical systems under the selected product are listed.
      • Click to lock the content in the panel. When the lock option is activated, you cannot add objects in your selection.
      • Click to display in the Cable Route View only the cable routes owned by the cables selected in the Cable View tab.
      • Press Ctrl and click a tab to display the content of both tabs simultaneously.
    • In the 3D area, a color is applied to the cable routes to distinguish their synchronization status.
      Important: The colors appear only when one single cable is selected. If you select several cable routes, colors appear only if the cable routes belong to the same cable.

      Whenever you perform an action impacting the synchronization status of a cable route, the color is updated in the 3D area.

      Three predefined colors can appear:

      Up to date The information validated for your cable route is synchronized with its cable, or the cable route is not validated.
      Updates available The cable route is not synchronized with its cable, or the current validated information for the cable route is different from the information previously synchronized.
      In revision The cable route is in revision.

      Tip: You can modify the predefined colors from the Preferences .

  3. To manage the itinerary of your cable routes, use the following commands:
    Load Cables Missing Information  
    Routing Assistant For more information, see Managing Cable Routes.
    Associate Junction points For more information, see Associating Junction Points with Cables.
    Replace with Major Revision of the Selected Cables  
    The statuses of your cable routes are updated according to your actions in the Cable Route View tab.

    When new routing information is ready to be synchronized, the following label appears in the Sync Status column in the Cable View: Updates Available.

  4. To synchronize your cables with your cable routes, select a cable or a cable route, and then click Synchronize Cables .

    Important: Only cable routes that have a Fully Validated status can be synchronized with their cable. For more information, see Validating Cable Routes.