Release Phases
A part can be in one of two release phases, Development or Production. Development parts are intended only for research, testing, or internal use. A production part either belongs to a product or is a product itself.
Using the Set to Production command on either the part properties or the Bill of Materials categories, you can move a part or BOM from Development to Production. Moving from Production to Development is not allowed. See About Set to Production.
You can create a part of either phase with or without enabling change-required. If you select a work under change action (CA) while creating a production part, change-required is automatically enabled for the part. If you create a production part without change-required enabled, you can enable change management later using the Set Change Required in the part's Properties tab toolbar.
Regardless of when you apply change management to a part, the part is moved to strict mode once the change is associated. Afterward, all modifications to the part must be enforced only through the selected work under CA. No other CA can be applied to the part.
Production parts cannot be promoted from In Work to Frozen state without an associated CA. Therefore, production parts cannot be released without change-required applied to it.