About Part Definition

Parts can be defined by (Senior) Design Engineers and (Senior) Manufacturing Engineers who can create top-level parts or subtypes of parts.

When a new part is created, a master part is automatically created at the same time and connected to the part with the Part Revision relationship. Unconfigured parts can be revised and all revisions of a particular unconfigured part are connected to the same part master. Each part revision has only one part master at any time.

This page discusses:

See Also
Creating a Part
Part Properties
Editing Part Properties

A CO creates part revisions for unconfigured parts when the CO enters the In Work state and each part revision begins moving through its own lifecycle. Parts can belong to logical groups called part families. You can add or remove parts from a part family.

Once a part is created, you can attach other objects to it such as drawing prints, CAD models, CAD drawings, supporting documents, and specifications.

The Responsible Manufacturing Engineer reviews and approves parts and attached objects, making adjustments to attributes like Target Release Date and Estimated Cost as required.