Exporting Content to 3D XML Files

You can export the selected content to a 3D XML file using the Export command. You can also execute a partial selection and provide authorization rights to the suppliers for accessing and modifying the required content during the content exchange using the Delegation mode. You can also control the content to be sent and modified at the supplier location.

You can select several objects when exporting to 3D XML files.


Required baseline access roles: Leader, Author.

This task shows you how to:

Export Content with the Export Command

You can export content to a 3D XML file with the Export command. In this scenario, the content is exported from Product Finder.

For the fields that are common to all the exports, see Exporting Content.

  1. From the Format list, select one of the following options:
    • 3D XML with authoring (*.3dxml): allows you to exchange the content on another site through import. If you export several objects (using Multiselect only), only the with authoring (*.3dxml) option is available. When you select several objects within a product structure, the 3DXML with authoring (*.3dxml) format is applied to the selected objects by default.
    • 3D XML for review (*.3dxml): allows you to perform a DMU review on the exported file.
  2. From the Target list, select one of the following options:
    • File on disk: allows you to export a 3D XML file from the selected drive. By default, this option is selected.
    • Exchange space: allows you to retrieve and export a 3D XML file from the exchange space available in Program Central.
  3. In the Location field, enter the path of the file from where you want to export the 3D XML file. You can also click , browse, and select the required file.

    If you browse and select the file, the required path is automatically generated and appears in the Location field.

    Note: If the Doc Locator Name is activated, the Browse section appears when you click . You can select the required file.

  4. In the Options area, in the General tab, choose your settings for the following options:

    Option Description
    Completion Options With all representations Exports all the representations available in the product structure.

    By default, this option is selected.

    With 3D shape representations only Exports only 3D shape representations available in the product structure.
    Without any representation Exports the product structure without any representation.
    With configuration Export the configuration in the 3D XML file.

    The configuration model contains the information about configurable features of the product and their options or values. When the Send Configuration Model option is selected, information about configurable features of the product and their selected option is exported in the 3D XML file.

    By default, this option is selected.

    Propagate operations to all children Applies operations such as Delegate, Exclude, and Waive to the child objects under the selected structure.

    By default, this option is selected.

    • If you exclude an object but do not select this option, only the selected object is excluded.Its child objects are not excluded from the export.
    • This option is not available when you export content from a Search workbench.

    Compatibility mode Generates a downward compatible 3D XML with authoring file.

    This option is available for downward compatibility management only.

    Without wireframe Exports data without wireframe objects.

    • When you export content from a Search workbench, you can select the Whole Structure option to export all the children of the selected objects. Delegate, Exclude, and Waive operations are not available.
    • If you export a library, select the Export library with content option to export the library structure and its content. For more information, see Export of Libraries, Classes, and Classified Items to 3D XML.

  5. Optional: Select an exchange status for the objects in the B.I. Essentials panel.
    The following table lists the exchange status information available in the B.I. Essentials panel with reference to the colors displayed in the product structure and 3D geometry:

    Color Exchange Status Information
    Green To be exported The PLM Entities are exported into the 3D XML file.
    Blue To be delegated The PLM Entities are exported with delegation into the 3D XML file.
    White To be excluded The PLM Entities are not exported into the 3D XML file.
    Light Blue To be waived The PLM Entities are not editable.

    By default, the exchange status is specified as To be exported and the PLM Entities are in green color.

  6. Optional: To edit the properties of the 3D XML file, in the Options area, click the Manifest tab.

    You can specify and customize attributes in the PLMImportExportManifest.CATNls file.

    By default, the values of From, To, Title, Comment, and Copyright attributes are generated from the customized CATNls file as per the inputs. If the CATNls file is corrupted or the value of an attribute is empty, the value of that attribute is substituted with the People and Organization (P&O) values.

  7. Optional: To see the list of objects to be exported, click Simulate.

    If one of the selected objects cannot be exported, none of the selected objects are exported, and the 3D XML file is not generated.

    Note: You can view attributes such as Lock Status, Lock Owner, Maturity Status, and Exchange Status in the Simulate dialog box.

    • All selected exportable objects are exported, even if the selected objects are owned by different users.
    • You can export a 3D shape representation for review from the Product Finder app because this representation is exported in context of the root product. It means that the whole branch from the root object to the selected representation is exported.
    • You cannot export objects marked as favorite.
    • You can use filters and searches while exporting an object. However, only the results of filters and searches are exported but not the search of filtered components.
    • You cannot export engineering connections and ports. They are not the result of filter execution.
    • If you select a minor revision of an object, only the selected minor revision of the revision family is exported as 3D XML with authoring or for review format.
    • If you export a configured product structure, all the configuration information stored in model dictionaries is exported.
    • Export completion adds the objects that are mandatory for the integrity of the content. If you exclude an object, but select another one that requires this object at the same time, the excluded object is exported.
    • You can access the configuration and change the information depending on the products installed.
    • While executing concurrent operations (either import or export of 3D XML files containing the same content), one operation can fail. If so, an error message about a conflict of naming, identifier, or revision appears. Relaunch the operation that has led to a conflict.

      The Simulation dialog box does not show the RepInstance, Connection, and Relation (of E/R model) in the dialog box.

  8. Optional: Click Close to return to the Export dialog box.
  9. Click OK.
    The content is exported to a 3D XML file.

Export Content Using the Delegation Process

You can export the content to a 3D XML file using the delegation process.

Required baseline access roles: Leader, Author.

  1. Click the Export command.
    Note: By default, the exchange status is not available in the B.I. Essentials until the immersive Export dialog box is launched.
  2. In the tree or in the 3D area, select a product.
    The label displays detailed information about the name, local exchange status, and the delegation status for the reference and instance.
    Notes: When using delegation:
    • The delegation information is not available if the action (exporting with delegation) is impossible. For example, if the product is Distant (after Import As Reference), it is impossible to export the content with a delegation.
    • You can delegate an instance and its reference separately. Therefore, the instance and reference can have different colors. The reference is in blue color in the 3D area, whereas the instance is in white color in the tree.
    • You can also export documents selected through a folder, a catalog, and stand-alone documents.
    • Exporting a stand-alone aggregated representation (3D shape) is not supported. An error message appears when you directly export a 3D shape. If a stand-alone 3D shape is selected using a filter, catalog, folder, or a query, it can be filtered. You can export stand-alone shard representation.

Export Content Using the Waive Process

You can export the content to a 3D XML file using the waive process. For more information about the Waive operation, see About Site Ownership

Required baseline access roles: Leader, Author.

  1. Create content at the OEM side (site 1) and save it.
  2. Export the structure with a delegation and perform Import As Reference on the supplier's side (site 2).
  3. On the supplier's side (site 2), modify the delegated 3D shapes and save them.
  4. Export content from the supplier's side (site 2) and perform Import As Reference on the OEM's side (site 1).
  5. Waive the delegation on the supplier's side (site 2).

    You must have the Leader access role to waive the delegation.

  6. Export content from the supplier's side, and perform Import As Reference on the OEM's side.