Sequence Diagram Section

The Sequence Diagram section provides commands for managing sequence diagrams for functions and logical components.

This page discusses:

Create New View
Creates a new view.
A sequence diagram view shows the interactions between the different entities of a system. Create a sequence diagram view for a function or a logical component, and then insert it in a sheet.
See Creating Sequence Diagrams.

Create New Actor
Creates a new actor.
Functions or logical components are represented by actors in a sequence diagram view. You can insert an actor in a selected sequence diagram view.
See Inserting a New Actor.

Create New Activation
Creates a new activation.
Click the lifeline of the associated actor.
See Creating Activations.

Create New Message
See Flyout for Creating New Messages

Create New Interaction Use
Creates a new interaction use.
An existing sequence diagram is inserted in a selected sequence diagram view.

Create New Guard - Alt
See Flyout for Creating New Guards

Insert New Duration Constraint
See Flyout for Time and Duration Constraint

Insert Empty Space
Inserts space.
Click the sequence diagram, move your pointer to define the space gap and then click.

Remove Empty Space
Removes space.
Click the sequence diagram, move your pointer to define the space gap to be removed and click.

Insert Text
See Flyout for Inserting Text

Insert Table
See Flyout for Inserting Tables

Flyout for Creating New Messages

Create New Message
Creates a new message.
Create a message between two selected actors.
See Creating a Message.

Create New Multiple Messages
Creates multiple messages between two actors in a selected sequence diagram view.
Select an actor from the active sequence and select one or several existing connections.
See Creating Multiple Messages.

Flyout for Creating New Guards

Create New Guard - Alt
Creates a new Alt guard. A guard composed of one block is created and displayed in the active sequence diagram view.
Select one of the following elements to create a guard: one or several messages, an activation, a guard or an interaction use.
See Creating a New Guard or Block.

Create New Guard - Opt
Creates a new Opt guard.
A guard composed of one block is created and displayed in the active sequence diagram view. Select one of the following elements to create a guard: one or several messages, an activation, a guard or an interaction use.
See Creating a New Guard or Block.

Create New Guard - Loop
Creates a new Loop guard. A guard composed of one block is created and displayed in the active sequence diagram view.
Select one of the following elements to create a guard: one or several messages, an activation, a guard or an interaction use.
See Creating a New Guard or Block.

Create New Guard - Par
Creates a new Par guard.
A guard composed of one block is created and displayed in the active sequence diagram view. Select one of the following elements to create a guard: one or several messages, an activation, a guard or an interaction use.
See Creating a New Guard or Block.

Create New Guard - Break
Creates a new Break guard.
A guard composed of one block is created and displayed in the active sequence diagram view. Select one of the following elements to create a guard: one or several messages, an activation, a guard or an interaction use.
See Creating a New Guard or Block.

Flyout for Time and Duration Constraint

Insert New Duration Constraint
Inserts a time limit between two messages.
Click the two messages, and then enter the constraint information.

Insert New Time Constraint
Inserts time creation.
Click a message, and then enter the constraint information.

Flyout for Inserting Text

Creates a text and associates it to a component.
See Creating Texts.

Text with Leader
Creates a text with a leader.
See Creating a Text With a Leader.

Instantiate Text
Instantiates the text template stored in a current drawing or a catalog.
See Instantiating Table Templates.

Instantiate Label
Creates a label using a label template.
See Instantiating a Label.

Flyout for Inserting Tables

Creates a table.
See Creating a Table.

Instantiate Table
Instantiates a table template stored in a current drawing or a catalog.
See Instantiating Table Templates.

Legend Table
Creates a legend table.
See Drafting User's Guide: Creating a Legend Table

Knowledge Report Creation
Generates a schematic report and insert it in a diagram view.
See Inserting a Knowledge Report in a Representation.

Creates a balloon.
See Creating Balloons.