Signal Monitor Window

This topic describes the Signal Monitor window, which is available when you launch a virtual execution.

The Signal Monitor window provides a detailed view of ports, interfaces, and signals' states during the simulation. The signals, ports, and interfaces are displayed in the same way as in the tree.

Watchlists, the content and position of plot windows, and breakpoints are remembered for all simulated models during a session. When you restart the simulation of any previously simulated model, the corresponding watchlists and breakpoints are available in the Signal Monitor window, and the plot windows of the model are displayed with the remembered contents and positions.

You can have several Signal Monitor windows open at the same time, also when you have stopped the simulation. The following apply:

  • You can define the maximum number of Signal Monitor windows open at the same time by the option Maximum number of variable browsers from Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Systems Modeling and Execution > Dymola Behavior Modeling , the Results tab. For more information, see Native Apps Preferences Guide: Results. If you open a new Signal Monitor when you have the maximum number of them already open, the oldest one is closed.
  • If you open a new model in a new tab, the present Signal Monitor windows are hidden. When you return to the previous model, they are displayed again.
Note: The Forced Value column is only displayed in the Signal Monitor window of the current active simulation.

With the Signal Monitor, you can:

See also Working with the Signal Monitor.

This page discusses:

Column Content


Column Description and Symbols

Displays the tree structure, the name, and the direction of the port, interface, or signal.

Examples of symbols in the tree:

Modelica class


Output port

Input port

Input or Output port

Value Displays the current value of ports, interfaces, and signals, and if it is locked.


Not locked

Unit Displays the current unit of the port, interface, or signal. You can change the current unit from Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Multi Discipline Automated Engineering > Knowledge Basics, the Units tab.
Forced Value You can enter the value of the port, interface, or signal in this box. This value is taken into account in the next cycle. If the value of the port, interface, or signal is computed by the simulation, the force value overwrites the value computed by the simulation.
  • You can only force input signals using the Signal Monitor window.
  • You can only force input signals in the Signal Monitor window of the current active simulation. In other Signal Monitor windows the Forced Value column is hidden.
  • If you change a forced value during simulation, all forced values are reinjected when you restart the simulation.
  • You can enter a value in a compatible unit, it is converted to the current unit. For example, if you enter 10cm it is converted to 100mm if mm is the current unit. If you enter a value without a unit, the current unit is assumed.
  • For Enum types, select the values in the box. Select blank to cancel the forcing.
Watchlist [no]

Included in the watchlist

Not included in the watchlist

Type Displays the data types: Real, Integer, Boolean, String, Enumeration, and Knowledge magnitude. Knowledge magnitude is displayed for Modelica variables if they use units from the Modelica.SIUnits package, for example.
Description Displays the description of the port, interface, or signal.

Active breakpoint

Deactivated breakpoint

Reached breakpoint


Value name and value dynamically displayed on diagram in Modelica class panels

Value name and value not displayed on diagram in Modelica class panels

Context Menus

Context Menu of Nodes
Nodes have a context menu that allows for changing the name of the Signal Monitor window.
Context Menu of Variables
Variables have a context menu that allows for adding them to a new or existing watchlist, and to add them to a new or existing plot.
Context Menu of the Columns
All columns have commands in the context menus for displaying and hiding columns, and for filtering by name. See Working with the Signal Monitor. The following columns have additional commands in the context menu:
Column Additional items in context menu
Value For filtering on variables with forced values, for plotting variables, or unlocked variables.
Watchlist For filtering on variables in watchlist, for creating plot for variables in watchlist, and for removing watchlist.
Breakpoint (if breakpoints are present) For filtering on breakpoints, and for removing all breakpoints.
Context Menu of Existing Forced Values
You can use a context menu of an existing forced value to remove the forced value.
Context Menu of Empty Cells in the Breakpoint Column
You can use a context menu of an empty cell in the Breakpoint column to add a breakpoint.
Context Menu of Existing Breakpoints
You can use a context menu of an existing breakpoint to deactivate or activate it, to make it work on variable modification, and to remove the breakpoint.