Launching a Virtual Execution

From the Functional & Logical Design app, you can launch and monitor the virtual execution of a functional model or logical system.

Before you begin:
  • Create a function or logical component containing a port/interface and a behavior.
    Note: Logical nets already have a predefined behavior. They are processed like an electrical short circuit. For more information about nets, see the Electrical Systems Design user's guide: Working with Nets and Net Groups.
  • Check that every port/interface of the system is correctly mapped.
See Also
About Virtual Execution
  1. From the tree, select a function or logical component.

    Warning: For a successful virtual execution, every model and representation aggregated under the selected function or logical component must be loaded.

  2. To launch a virtual execution, use one of the following methods:
    • From the Behaviors section of the action bar, click Simulate .

      A Experience Player toolbar appears to the lower left, when the simulation has finished, to enable you to play the model.

      • To display the Experience Player, animation must be started. It may be started automatically after simulation, depending on the value of the preference Start animation after simulation. If the Experience Player is not displayed, you can start animation by replaying the simulation. To do that, from the Behavior section of the action bar, click Replay Simulation Results
      • The Speed Factor list is useless during a virtual execution.
      Note: To specify the above preference Start animation after simulation, select Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Systems Modeling and Execution > Dymola Behavior Modeling , the Results tab. For more information, see Native Apps Preferences Guide: Results.

    • Select Play from the Compass.

      The simulation is launched, and a Play panel appears, when the simulation has finished, to enable you to play the model:

      Important: On a function or logical model, the Play button executes only the behavior. It does not animate the 3D view points around the 3D shape.
    Except from the Experience Player toolbar or Play panel appearing, the following appears when launching a simulation:
    • A window containing a status bar appears. The status bar shows the progress of the simulation calculations, including the simulation time. This window closes when the simulation calculations are completed.
    • The Messages Reporting window to provide information about model compilation and simulation. It appears either as a window or minimized as an icon to the right in the tab.
    • If you are simulating a model with at least one Logical-Physical link, the Simulation Tools window.

    • The Signal Monitor, as a dialog box or minimized as an icon to the right in the tab.
    • The Simulation Options dialog box, as a dialog box or minimized as an icon to the right in the tab.
  3. In the Simulation Options dialog box, set your preferences for the animation.

    For more information, see Managing Simulation Options Using the Simulation Options Dialog Box.

  4. Use the Signal Monitor to analyze your virtual execution using, for example, watchlists, plots, and breakpoints. See Working with the Signal Monitor.

    You can also display variable names and values dynamically on the diagram. For more information see Monitoring Variables on the Diagram of Modelica Class Panels.

  5. Click the Play button to play the animation.

    Tip: You can manage 3D shapes during animation. For more information see Managing a 3D Animation.

  6. To leave the animation mode, do any of the following, depending on how you launched the virtual execution:
    • If you used the command Simulate from the action bar:
      • If you did not replay, click Simulate from the action bar.
      • If you did replay, click Replay Simulation Results from the action bar.
      • In any case, you can close the Experience Player toolbar. It must be undocked by dragging to be able to close.
    • If you used the Compass, deactivate Play from the Compass.
    The following is the result:
    • The simulation is stopped.
    • Signal Monitor windows are still open, you can:
      • Replay the simulation. For more information, see Replaying Simulation Results.
      • Start a new simulation. An additional Signal Monitor window appears for this new current simulation.
        Note: The Forced Value column is only displayed in the Signal Monitor window of the current active simulation.