Visualize a 3D Animation
You can visualize the animation of a 3D shape and display the corresponding computation results.
To display the animation in this scenario, do the
- Create a function or logical component with a Dymola behavior containing this model example. For more information, see Creating a Function or Logical Component with a Dymola Behavior Containing a Dymola Model Example.
- To be able to see the diagram of the behavior, show the behavior in an immersive dockable window. For more information, see Displaying a Dymola Behavior or a Context Behavior in an Immersive Dockable Panel.
- Play or replay this model. For more information, see Launching a Virtual Execution or Replaying Simulation Results.
The animation is displayed.
Tips: - You can manage if
you display the animation, the diagram or both. See
Managing 2D and 3D Views.
Important: Since the objects in this scenario are inside the behavior and the 2D view may prevent you from displaying the context toolbar of a shape, display only the animation. You can see the diagram in the immersive dockable window instead by double-clicking the icon of the model example in that window. - Make sure you display the 3D objects. See Managing Simulation Options Using the Simulation Options Dialog Box.
- You can display variable names and values dynamically on the diagram. For more information see Monitoring Variables on the Diagram of Modelica Class Panels.
To manage the virtual execution, use the
Experience Player toolbar.
Tip: To perform the virtual execution at real time speed, select Real time from the Simulation Options dialog box. You can also set a speed factor. See Managing Simulation Options Using the Simulation Options Dialog Box. - To see the result of the simulation, consult the Signal Monitor. For more information, see Working with the Signal Monitor.
To display information about the compilation, click the
Reporting window icon
to the right on your screen. For more information, see Messages Reporting Window.