Geolocated Point
- Creates a geolocated point.
- See Adding a Geolocated Point.
App Options
- Displays or hides the app options panel.
Object Properties
- Accesses options for various visualization modes and graphic properties.
Action Pad
- Provides a quicker access to favorite commands.
- To add commands to the Action Pad, click the Customize button (if available),
or select Me > Preferences > Customize. The Customize button is available when
the action pad does not contain any command.
B.I. Essentials
- Business Intelligence enables you to get information on the 3D objects in
Add to Favorites
- Adds to the list of favorites.
Catalog Browser
- Allows you to navigate the catalog browser and lets you use an element.
Links and Relations
- Diagnoses incidents on links and relations.
Action Bar Customization
- Starts the customization mode of the action bar.
Quick Select
- Enables a quick selection.
Material Browser
- Opens the materials browser.
Library Browser
- Creates parameters and formulas.
- Creates parameters and formulas.
- See Creating a Formula.
Language Browser
- Opens the language browser to write scripts.
Design table
- Creates a design table.
- See Creating a Design Table from an Existing File.
Equivalent Dimensions
- Creates an equivalent dimension feature.
- Creating Equivalences Between Features.
Insert New Object Parameter
- Inserts an object's parameter under the selected object.
Engineering Template Instantiation
- Instantiates an engineering template.
- See Instantiating an Engineering Template Containing Meta Inputs.
- Measure Item
- See Flyout for Measuring Item.
Measure Between
- Measures the distance or the angle between two selected objects, and saves the
measurement results under an active 3D shape representation.
- See Measuring Distance Between Geometric Entities.
Measure Inertia Data
- Measures Inertia data.
- See Measuring Inertia in the Context of a Representation.
Clipping Tool
- Lets you make dynamic sectioning and thus clip the objects outside of a
defined Region of interest (ROI).
- Displays and manipulates 2D or 3d area coordinate axes.
Geometrical Set
- See Flyout for Inserting Geometrical Sets.
BIM Attributes
- Allows you to attach attributes to BIM, and assign extensions to specify
element attributes according to classification standards.
- See Adding and Editing BIM Attributes
Semantic Geometry Tagger
- Provides a visual semantic tag on geometries to help you diagnose the BIM
model and assign missing semantic tags on geometries.
- See Tagging and Publishing Semantic Geometry Elements.
BIM Manager Editor
- Allows the BIM manager to track the progress of a civil engineering project
by analyzing the mockup (attributes and extensions) and identifying missing
- Using the BIM Manager Editor.

Capture Component Specifications
- Defines component positions with the help of axis systems, selects object
types as components, captures component specifications needed to instantiate
components, and instantiates components in part context.
- Defining Specification Features.

Define Specification
- Defines a specification from a feature so it can be later instantiated as a
- See Civil Engineering 3D Design: Defining Specifications.
Power Copy
- Creates a power copy.
- Click to create a power copy template from selected features; for example,
geometry, literals, formulas, and constraints.
- See 3D Templates Capture: Creating a power Copy.
Instantiate from Representation
- Instantiates a template stored in a representation saved in the
- See 3D Templates Capture: Manage Templates Section.

Deviation Analysis
- Colors specific zones of the terrain mesh according to a color scale
associated with a range of angle values to identify terrain singularities, when
it is projected onto a horizontal plane.
- See Performing a Deviation Analysis.

Link Spreadsheet
- Creates a link between model feature attributes and a spreadsheet.
- See Creating, Updating, and Using a Link Spreadsheet.

Open OSM Map
- Imports OSM Maps.
- See OSM Map Files.