- Favorites
- Displays or hides
favorite locations.
See Add and Reorder Favorites.

- Date and Time
- Displays or hides the date, time, time zone and time
See Changing Date and Time.

- Navigation Information
- Displays or hides
information about navigation.
You can view the following information:
- Current navigation speed
- Camera's height
- Latitude and longitude
- Altitude
See About Navigation.

- Tools
Opens the Tools panel.
For example, you can do the following:
Change the name or visual quality of an environment
Apply artistic effects
Use geocoding
Managing Visual Quality and Artistic Effects.
- Terraforming Zones
- Opens the
Terraforming Zones panel.
- You can add and
customize terraforming zones.
Managing Terraforming Zones.
- District
- Opens the District panel.
- You can add or remove buildings from a
See Managing Buildings.
- Fogs
- Opens the Fogs panel.
- You can add fog effects and adjust the fog
See Managing Fog Effects.
- Planetary Navigation
- Lets you smoothly fly around the nearest planet.
- The navigation follows the nearest planet. You can change the speed,
the altitude, and use the stationary mode.
About Navigation.
- 3DEXPERIENCE Navigation
- Lets you focus on a specific location in the
- You can zoom, pan, or rotate around the environment.
About Navigation.

- Help
- Provides navigation tips and ready-to-use