Adding and Editing Tasks under a Project Template

The template's schedule lists the tasks of a project template.

Before you begin: List the project templates. See Project Templates Page.
  1. From the Project Templates page, click the Name of the template.

    For each template task, the page lists these details:

    Task Name. The name of the task. Click to view the schedule for that task in a new window.

    Task Type. The type is Task for all tasks and subtasks. Your system may be set up with additional task types.

    Id. An integer that represents the task for the purposes of identifying dependencies. Unlike the task number, the ID does not represent the task's level in the hierarchy. As an integer, the ID is a more concise way to identify the tasks.

    Predecessor. Lists any dependencies defined for the task. The dependencies are abbreviated using this convention:

    Task ID: [Dependency Type] [Number of Slack Days, if any]

    State. The lifecycle state of the task.

    Weightage. The task weight in a project.

    Estimated Duration. The duration estimate for the task, which is expressed in days or hours. If a Duration Keyword is entered from Actions, this field is populated with an estimate based on the entered keyword.

    Constraint Type. The type of constraint for this task, which specifies when the task is expected to be completed within the project. For more details about constraints, see About Task Constraints.

    Task required. Whether the task is Optional or Mandatory. If this is set to Mandatory, it cannot be changed to Optional in a project created from this template.

    ?. A red check mark displays if this task is associated with a question. Click to view the Properties page for the question. Question Properties Page.

    Level. The task's order in the hierarchy. Integers represent top-level tasks. Second-level tasks have one decimal, third-level tasks have two decimals, etc.

    Description. The description of the task.

  2. To edit cells in the schedule, see Structured Content in Edit Mode.

    Note: In Estimated Duration, for days (the default), enter only the number of days; for hours, enter the number of hours, then a space followed by "h". For example, "34 h."

  3. Use the page Actions menu or toolbar to work with the tasks:

    Create Task. Creates a task. See Creating a Task from Scratch.

    The toolbar has icons for these additional create actions:

    Copy From Project. Copies tasks from another project,. See Creating Tasks by Copying from Another Project.

    Copy From File. Copes a project from an ASCII file you select. See Copying a Project from a File. You can also select to execute the import as a background job.

    Create Question. Creates a question that defines whether this task is added to a project. See Creating and Assigning a Question in a Project Template.

    Assign Question. Assigns a question to a task and its response. See Creating and Assigning a Question in a Project Template.

    Add/Remove Dependency. Opens the Dependencies page where you can define the dependencies (adding, removing, updating). See Adding a Dependency for a Task.

    Delete Selected. Deletes the selected tasks. Click OK to confirm.