Detailed List View

The Detailed List for a part shows the manufacturer and compliance details for a list of parts.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Author. Leader
  • App-specific:Compliance Engineer, Compliance Engineer

To access this page:

  1. View the Compliance Portfolio.
  2. Click the Parts or Manufacturer Equivalent Parts tab.
  3. Select > Detailed List.

See Also
In Other Guides
Page Toolbar Icons

Column NameDescription
NameThe name of the part. Click the name to view the part's properties. For more information, see Compliance Menu for Part Properties.
LevelThe level of the part in the substance.

Only shows when viewing the Where Used list of parts for a substance.

TypeThe part type.
ManufacturerFor MEP parts, the manufacturer (supplier) name.
Manufacturer Location For MEP parts, the location responsible for this part for this manufacturer.
RevFor enterprise parts, the revision level of the part.
Mfg RevFor MEP parts, the manufacturer (supplier) revision of the part.
PlantFor plant-specific enterprise parts, the plant (host company location) associated with the part.
DescriptionThe description of the part.
Calculated Compliance ValuesThe calculated compliance values for each compliance definition marked as a rolled-up enterprise compliance definition. Grouped by compliance type such as RoHS, ELV, and Packaging. For enterprise parts only the selected compliance value is displayed. These icons indicate the compliance value:

Compliant with this compliance definition
Compliant with exemptions
Not compliant with this compliance definition
Unreported or contains unreported parts
Has an assigned declaration level and the compliance definition is not part of the declaration level.
Has one or more children parts that are "Insufficient".
Compliance is out-of-date and a rollup needs to be performed

Selected MEP Equivalent:
NameFor MEP equivalent parts, the part name for the equivalent part.
ManufacturerFor MEP equivalent parts, the manufacturer of the equivalent part.
Customer Part Number:
CustomerFor enterprise parts only, the name of the customer.
ProgramFor enterprise parts only, the name of the customer program.
Part Number For enterprise parts only, the part number.
Ext Part StageFor enterprise parts only, the external part stage of the part.

Does not show on the Compliance Portfolio.

Battery InformationShows for enterprise and manufacturer equivalent parts if the selected part-level application is "Batteries" for RoHS:

Battery TypeThe battery type, such as Automotive or Industrial.
Battery TechnologyThe battery technology for the selected Battery Type. For example: Lead Acid or Lithium Ion.

Does not show on the Compliance Portfolio.

Annual Number of EU Units ImportedFor enterprise parts only, the annual number of units of this part imported into the European Union.

Does not show on the Compliance Portfolio.

StateThe state of the part.
Design ResponsibilityThe name of the organization with design responsibility for the part.

Does not show on the Compliance Portfolio.

IMDS ( if the ELV data management option is used):
Component Module IDThe IMDS module ID of the part as a component in IMDS.
Component VersionThe IMDS version of the part as a component in IMDS.
Component Node IDThe IMDS Node ID of the part when uploaded as a Component to IMDS.
SemiComponent Module IDThe IMDS module ID of the part as a semicomponent in IMDS.
SemiComponent VersionThe IMDS version of the part as a semicomponent in IMDS.
Semicomponent Node IDThe IMDS Node ID of the part when uploaded as a SemiComponent to IMDS.
ModifiedThe date the part was last modified.

Does not show on the Compliance Portfolio.

OwnerThe owner of the part.
PolicyThe policy of the part.