Opening a DCR

You can view the information related to a DCR.

  1. Search for the DCR. See About Searches.
  2. Select the DCR from the search results.

    The categories for DCRs are described below:

    CategoryDescriptionFor More Information
    Affected ItemsShows items affected by the DCRProposed Changes Page
    Affected Plants Shows plants that are affected by the DCR.Affected Plants
    AssigneesShows persons assigned to work on tasks related to the DCRListing Assignees for Legacy Change Data
    HistoryShows a log of all the actions that have occurred for the objectViewing History for Content
    LifecycleShows information about a object’s state in its lifecycle, routes (tasks) involving the object, and approval signatures required for its movement through the lifecycle.DCR Lifecycle
    Manufacturing Responsibility Shows a list of plants with manufacturing responsibility for parts connected to the DCR Manufacturing Responsibility
    Related Change Shows DCOs related to the DCRRelated MCOs
    RoutesShows routes involving the DCR and provides access to create a new routeRoutes Page and Routes Summary Page
    Reference DocumentsShows documents connected to the MECO with the Reference Documents relationshipReference Documents