Creating and Editing Tetrahedron Meshes

You can create a 3D mesh using linear tetrahedron elements or parabolic tetrahedron elements.

If you update the geometry of an existing part, mesh specifications are applied to the modified part. If a local feature like an edge has a mesh specification and no longer exists, the part is still considered valid if it generates a good mesh. However, when you enter a mesh editor, the feature icon in the tree displays a warning symbol to indicate that the local specification is not valid.

For a video overview, see Create a Tetrahedral Mesh.

Before you begin: A finite element model representation must exist.
See Also
Mesh Parameters
Updating Meshes
  1. From the Mesh section of the action bar, click Tetrahedron Mesh .
    The Tetrahedron Mesh dialog box appears.
  2. Optional: Enter a Name for the tetrahedron mesh.
  3. In the tree or in the work area, select the 3D geometry to mesh.
  4. Choose the Element order.
    • Select to mesh the 3D geometry with linear tetrahedron elements.
    • Select to mesh the 3D geometry with quadratic tetrahedron elements.
  5. Select Midside nodes on geometry to constrain midside nodes of quadratic elements to the support.
  6. Specify the mesh size and mesh sag attributes.

    To initialize the Size and Absolute sag values based on the overall support size, click Initialize from geometry.

    1. In the Size box, enter a value for the element size.
    2. To specify a maximum gap between the mesh and the geometry, enter a value for Absolute sag.

  7. Optional: Toggle on Add boundary layers to add stacked layers of elements along all region boundaries (global specification).

    Boundary layer elements are stacked normal to solid walls. The elements are relatively thin in the stacking direction to provide a high mesh density in the direction normal to the fluid flow. This specialized mesh configuration is useful for capturing transition effects such as the significant velocity and temperature gradients that might occur near pipe walls and other structures due to viscous and heat transfer effects. The layers generally decrease in density as they get further from the boundary.

    1. In the Type box, choose one of the following distributions:

      • Uniform to distribute elements uniformly.
      • Arithmetic to distribute elements using an arithmetic progression.
      • Geometric to distribute elements using a geometric progression.

    2. Specify the Number of layers.
    3. Specify the First layer thickness.

      The first layer is the layer closest to the boundary. Its thickness determines the density of the boundary layer.

    4. Toggle off Only tet elements to generate boundary layers using primarily prismatic elements.

      Some pyramids and tetrahedrons might be used to mesh sharp corners and narrow sections.

    The recommended approach in most cases is to use global boundary layers with excluded faces for inlets and outlets. Use Local Specifications to exclude faces from global boundary layer application or to use local boundary layers instead of global ones.

  8. Optional: Click Edit all parameters to edit advanced parameters or load parameters from a saved mesh rule.

    See Editing or Loading Tetrahedron Mesh Parameters.

  9. To capture nodes and edges of elements from the neighboring meshes to obtain a compatible mesh:
    1. Select Automatic mesh capture.
      The Apply on box is activated to let you select meshes to be captured.
    2. Select the meshes to be captured either in the 3D area or in the tree.

      Tip: To select all meshes at once, right-click the Apply on field, and choose Select all.

    3. Select the method of node capture for the captured faces.

      Option Description
      Projection Project the nodes of the source edge onto the target.
      Coincidence Superimpose the nodes of the source edges and the target. The nodes are duplicated, not shared, with the source and target nodes in the same locations.
      Condensation Merge the nodes of the source edges and the target. The nodes are shared and not duplicated.

    4. In the Tolerance box, enter a maximum distance to capture nodes and edges of elements of the selected mesh parts.
    5. To automatically project curves from nearby features, select Automatic curve capture.

      The curve projection tolerance is the same as the mesh capture tolerance specified for the automatic mesh capture.

    The edge nodes of the captured mesh and the surface rule mesh are shared; they are not duplicated. The mesh capture is performed dynamically on all constraints (free edges, internal edges,...) and after all constraint modifications.

    Note: To also capture face nodes and ensure no duplication at shared mesh faces, use Face Capture. For more information, see Mesh Compatibility with Captured Elements and Faces.

  10. Optional: Add local specifications.

    See Adding Local Mesh Specifications.

  11. Optional: To edit the surface mesh created as the source of the tetrahedron mesh, click Edit .

    To change the display parameters applied when entering the Tetrahedron Mesher, click ... and choose one or more options.

    The Tetrahedron Mesher opens. This mesher contains actions to:
  12. Specify your Editing Options:
    Reframe on Reframes the 3D view on the edited mesh part.
    Show only mesh part being edited Displays the edited mesh part and hides the remaining mesh parts contained in the same FEM representation.
    Switch to mesh quality visualization Displays the meshed domains with colors assigned from the FEM representation quality criteria.
    Do not prompt in the future Changes your Preferences so that this dialog box does not open in the future.
    Note: You can elect to show the prompt again by changing the preferences for confirmation warnings. For more information, see FE Model.
  13. Click one of the following:
    • OK to save the parameters that you defined, to create the mesh, and to close the dialog box. To generate and visualize the mesh, you must update it.
    • Mesh to save the parameters you defined and to create, update, and generate the mesh.

      The PLM Update progress bar appears. The mesh dialog box remains open to allow further edits.

    • Cancel to cancel the modifications and to close the dialog box.
    If you click OK or Mesh, the mesh specification is created and appears in the tree.