Creating Runners

You can quickly create and edit Runners, either from the action bar or from a context menu.

See Also
Creating a Polyline With the Robot
Using a Polyline, Spline or Sketch as Input for Runner
Creating a Cooling Circuit
Applying a Mirror and Managing Features in the Tree
  1. Activate the proper product.

    See About Cooling Circuits and Runners for more information about input and other information.

  2. From the Mold Design section of the action bar, click Runner .

    You can create Runners from scratch, or from a polyline or from a sketch.

  3. Do one of the following.
    • Drag the Robot on a plane or a surface.
    • Select an existing polyline or Runner.
    • Right-click a Runner or a polyline belonging to RunnerPart in the 3D area.
      Note: Only actions on the context toolbar are available.
  4. Optional: Under , specify the default values.
  5. Under Profile and Parameters, change the profile and values.
  6. Under Side and Projection.
    1. Select the side (core or cavity) on which the Runners are created.
    2. Select the type of projection (None, on Core or Cavity surface, on any surface).

      Note: Projections are available when Runner is started from the action bar.

  7. Apply actions only to selected Runners or to all.
  8. From the context toolbar click
    • Place Robot to position the Robot.
    • Create Circuit and drag the Robot to draw a segment.
    • Dimension the segment as required.
    • Move to move the selection.

      • Select the element near its middle to move it to a new position, parallel to the initial one.
      • Select the element near its extremity to move it and form an angle with the initial position.

    • Create Runner to add one.
    • Radius Edition to specify a corner radius.
    • Change Circuit Color to change the color.
    • , , , to change the extremities of the Runner. This is a loop of choices.
    • Erase to delete an element.

  • When creating a Runner from scratch using the Robot, a ToolingPolyline is created.
  • Flow Input Body aggregates the created features such as polylines, extracts from sketch except Runners
  • RunnerSFSBody, RunnerSFSBodyCore, RunnerSFSBodyCavity, RunnerSFSBodyCoreCavity aggregate the Runners. They contain a Solid Functional Set, input of an Assembly Feature, used to compute impacts.