Displays the chart title.
See Edit the Chart Title.

Chart Type or MisoData Status
Displays a command that allows you to change the chart type or see crawl logs.
See Crawling Data and Displaying Crawl Logs.

Export and Publish to 3DSwym
Displays commands that allow you to export the chart data, download a screenshot of
the chart, or publish a screenshot of the chart on 3DSwym.

Drag to Compare
Displays a command that you can click and drag to another configured Metrics Reader, MisoData, or Social Analytics widget that is pinned to the current tab.
See Dragging to Compare.

Chart or Log
Displays the chart or crawl logs.
You can:
If the chart displays time-series, you can also:

Credits Area
Displays the name to whom the data belongs. You can click the name to open its
associated source URL, if any. Note:
You may need to expand or maximize the widget to
see the credits area.
See 4 - Customize.

Details and Insights Tabs
Display the chart legend and specific information about each series. You can click
series to edit them.