Moving Components Already Placed in the Diagram View

You can move a component already placed in the diagram view, and that is connected or not connected to other elements.

You can insert it on the following elements:

  • On a route
  • At the end of a connected or unconnected route
  • On another component

Before you begin: For this scenario, open a diagram view containing:
  • A component connected to two other components by two pipes belonging to the same line ID.
  • A component connected to a pipe that ends in space.

See Also
Inserting a Component on a Route
Inserting a Symbol on Another Symbol
  1. Select the component you want to move.
  2. On the context toolbar, click Move Component .
    The component is disconnected from the pipe and follows your pointer. Since the two pipes belong to the same line ID, they are merged.
    Note: For more information about merging rules, see Merging Pipes.
  3. Move your component over the unconnected end of the third pipe.

    The piping route line is highlighted.

  4. Click the route end to insert the component.
    The component is connected at the end of the unconnected piping route line.