Opening a Project Template

You can access all the information related to a project template.

  1. View the list of project templates. See Project Templates Page.
  2. Click the name of the required project template. The project template and its structure are displayed under the Schedule tab. In the navigation pane, use the categories to access information related to the template.

    Category Name


    For More Information


    Lists the tasks in the template. Except for the ability to associate a question with a task, tasks for templates are almost the same as for projects. Baselines cannot be created in project template tasks.

    Project Template Properties Page


    Shows the budget for the project template.

    Project Template Budget Properties Page
    Attachments The Reference Documents tab displays a list of reference documents, bookmark URLs, controlled bookmarks, and bookmark folders. Reference Documents
    The Favorites tab lists the bookmark URLs created for the template. Favorites Page


    Lists the bookmarks for the project template. Bookmarks contain documents and other items relevant to the project template. The steps for working with bookmarks in a project template are the same as for working with project bookmarks.

    Bookmarks Page


    Shows the history for a template.3DEXPERIENCE Basics: Viewing History for Content


    Lets people with the appropriate access change the state for the program.

    3DEXPERIENCE Basics:

    Project Template Lifecycle


    Shows the details page for the project template.

    Project Template Properties Page


    Lists the questions in the template. When associated with a task, the question appears when a Project Lead creates a project based on the template. The task is either included or not included in the project based on the response to the question.

    Questions Page

    Resource Plan Template

    Shows the resource plan template.

    Resource Plan Templates
    VersionsShows versions of the project template.Project Template Versions Page
    ProjectsLists projects created from the template.Projects Created from a Template Version