What's New

This section describes recent changes in CAPA and Audit Management.

R2022x GA

Configuring to Create Audit Status
You can now configure when an audit finding or its subtype is created for the context audit, the first finding status or any of its subtype which is defined in the configuration setting, by default created and connected to the context finding. The default value for the Status attribute is set as Open and the description for finding status is copied from the finding. For more inforamtion, see Configuring Audit Finding Status.
Configuring Views for Audit Dashboard
You can now configure whether to display Projects column in the Audit view and enable the Project view using the configuration setting. For more information, see Configuring Views for Audit Dashboard.
Configuring Expansion Level of a Bookmark or the Sub folder of a Bookmark

You can now define the expansion level of a bookmark or the sub folder of a bookmark which is considered to show the connected parent project in the Audit dashboard. For more information, see Configuring Views for Audit Dashboard.

Configuring an Audit Closure
You can now configure the audit closure to define whether to check for all connected findings are closed before an audit is promoted to the Final Approval state. For more information see Configuring Audit Closure.
Configuring Notification Events
You can now configure the notifications for an audit, finding status, and audit reply. For more information, see Configuring Notification Events for Audit and Configuring Notification Events for Audit Status and Reply.
Configuring an Audit Finding Status
You can now configure an audit status to enable the status of an audit. For more information, see Configuring Audit Finding Status.
Configuring a Blocking State for Tasks
You can now configure action tasks properties required to change the blocking state of an object for the tasks created for finding. For more information, see Configuring a Blocking State for Tasks.
Managing Document Revisions in Bookmark
You can now configure the document revisions in the bookmark folder through the setting present in properties page. For more information, see Configuring CAPA
Configuration Support
The configuration related to ProjectMgmtExtensions.Bookmark.DisableAutoContentReplicationFor key in ProjectMgmtExtensions.properties is not supported.