Test Case Properties Page

The Properties page lists details about the test case.

To access this page, open the test case. See Opening a Test Case.

This page discusses:

See Also
Creating a Test Case


Field Name Description
Active Engineering Change Exists Specifies whether the test case is associated with an active Engineering Change: Yes or No.
Name The name of the test case.
Type The object's business type: Test Case.
Title A short descriptive title for the test case.
Content The details about the test case. Click in the text area to edit the rich content when the page is in Edit mode. See Editing Rich Content.
State The current lifecycle state of the test case.
Owner The person responsible for the test case.
Originator The person who originally created the test case.
Originated The date the test case was created.
Modified The most recent date that the test case was edited.
Policy The policy that governs the test case lifecycle.
Vault The vault where the test case is stored.
Synopsis A concise summary of the test case.
Notes Any notes that may help others using this test case.
Estimated Completion Date The estimated date of completion of this test case.
Actual Completion Date The actual date of completion of this test case.
Validation Comments Any comments about the validation of the test case.
Results The results of running the test case: Not Validated, Validation Passed, or Validation Failed. If a test execution has not been run, the following message is displayed: No Test Execution replayed yet.
Lock State Indicates whether the test case is locked and cannot be edited:

Icon Description
<empty> The test case is not locked by any user and can be edited.
The test case is locked by you and cannot be edited by another user. Only you can edit it.
The test case is locked by another user and cannot be edited by you. Hover over the icon to see the name of the other user that has the test case locked.

Classification Path(s)

Only shows if IP Classification is installed.

The library hierarchy of the test case.

Actions/Toolbar Commands

Action Description For More Information
Edit Details Enables editing of the properties shown on this page. Editing a Test Case
Lock Locks the test case so that it cannot be edited by another user. Only you can edit it.
Unlock Unlocks the test case so that it can be edited by any user.