Opening a Test Case

You can access the information related to a test case.

  1. Open a feature, requirement, or use case associated with the test case.
  2. For a feature or use case, in the navigation pane, select Test Cases. For a requirement, in the navigation pane, select Related Objects, then select the Test Cases tab.
  3. Click the name of the test case.
  4. Use the categories in the navigation pane to access information related to that test case.

    Category NamePage TabsDescriptionFor More Information
    Test case namePropertiesLists the properties of the test case.Test Case Properties Page
    Customer ExtensionsLists all customer extensions associated with the test case.Traceable Requirements Management User's Guide: Customer Extension List
    Assignees-Allows you to view/add/ remove a list of assignees for the test case. Assignees Page
    History-Displays a log of events that have occurred. 3DEXPERIENCE Basics: Viewing History for Content
    Issues-Lists the issues reported against this test case. Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide: Issues Summary/Issues Category
    LifecycleLifecycleShows the Lifecycle of the test case.

    3DEXPERIENCE Basics: Lifecycle Page

    Tasks/SignaturesShows the Tasks/Signatures associated with the test case.3DEXPERIENCE Basics: Tasks/Signatures Page Tab
    ApprovalsShows the Approvals associated with the test case.3DEXPERIENCE Basics: Approvals Page Tab
    Reference Documents-Lists the reference documents of the test case. Reference Documents Page
    Routes-Lists the routes defined for the test case. Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide: Routes Page and Routes Summary Page
    Sub Test Cases-Lists the sub test cases for the test case. Test Cases and Sub Test Cases Pages
    Test Executions-Lists the test executions for this test case.Test Executions Page
    Parameters-Lists all parameters associated with the test case.Traceable Requirements Management User's Guide: Object Parameters Page
    Where Used-Lists objects where the test case is used. Where Used Page
    Revisions-Lists the revisions of the test case.Revisions Page