Creating New Reference Documents

You create new reference documents when you need to provide supplemental information for a requirement. When you create new reference documents, you take existing external documents and link them to the requirement.

Required responsibilities:

  • Baseline: Leader (when the object is in the Frozen state) or Author

Before you begin:

Know the names and file location of the documents you want to use as reference documents. Open the requirement. See Opening a Requirement. From the navigation pane, select Properties > Reference Documents.

See Also
Reference Documents
Adding Existing Reference Documents
Downloading Reference Documents
Checking Out Reference Documents
Removing or Deleting Reference Documents
  1. From the Actions menu or toolbar, select Create New > Document .
    The Step 1 of 2: Specify Details page opens.
  2. Enter these details for the new reference document:

    NameType an identifier for the reference document, or check Autoname.
    TypeUse the default, or click to search for and select another available type.
    PolicyUse the default "Document Release" policy, or select another policy name from drop-down menu.
    TitleType the short title for the document.
    DescriptionType the detailed description of the document.
    CAD TypeFrom the drop-down menu, select the CAD type of the reference document.

  3. Click Next.

    The Step 2 of 2: Upload Files page opens.

  4. Click Choose File to locate and select reference document to upload.

    Repeat this procedure for each file you want to upload.

  5. Type any Comments about the reference document.
  6. Click Done.