Setting up the SmarTeam Connector

This section details the setup for the OnePart Connector for SmarTeam.

This task shows you how to:

Installing the Enterprise SmarTeam WebService

To be performed directly on the machine with SmarTeam client.

Before you begin: You need a supported version of ENOVIA SmarTeam:


Level of support

V5-V6R2012 (R22)

* Qualified

V5 (R20)

* Validated

  • * Qualified - extensively tested for each new release

  • * Validated - has been tested and is supported

To install a Web Service

  1. Unzip the OnePart Connector zip file to access the Web Service package,

  2. Unzip the file to a new folder on your server called SmarteamServicePackage.

    Note: This folder must not be deleted; after installation it is used at runtime.

  3. Launch a new cmd.exe with administrator rights.
  4. Change to the SmarTeamServicePackage directory on your SmarTeamserver.
  5. Run Install.bat to create a Windows Service named SmarTeamServiceHost.
  6. This service runs a Web Service that listens by default on the 15000 port. If you need to change this port, see below.

To change the webservice port (optional)

  1. Edit the file SmarTeamServicePackage\configuration\HostSettings.xml.
  2. At line 2 change the value:

    HostBaseUri=" http://localhost:15000/ " to

    HostBaseUri="http://localhost:<YOUR NEW PORT>"

  3. Restart the SmarTeamServiceHost service after changing the port.

To change the log level

Support may ask you to change the log level of this service. You can change the log level as follows.

  1. Edit the file SmarTeamServicePackage \configuration\log4net-prod.config.
  2. At line 8, change the value:

    <levelMin value="INFO" /> to

    <levelMin value="DEBUG" /> to switch to debug mode.

  3. Don't forget to switch back to INFO because DEBUG level may cause performance issues.
  4. Restart the SmarTeamServiceHost service after changing the log level value.

To uninstall the webservice

  1. Launch a new cmd.exe with administrator rights.
  2. Go to your SmarTeamServicePackage folder on your SmarTeam server.
  3. Run Install.bat -u

Creating the SmarTeam Connector

To configure the connector

In the connector's configuration page, you need to fill in the fields with the values that correspond to your SmarTeam server configuration.

  1. Create your SmarTeam connector in the OnePart Console as detailed in To add a new source.
    • This sets up the new connector including the consolidation server configuration requirements.
  2. Set the required Connectivity fields.
  3. Click Connect to validate the connectivity between the Connector and your source.
  4. Set the More option fields.
  5. Click OK.

This will save and deploy your new connector.

To configure the Import Scope and Advanced options

  1. Login in to the Administration Console with the Login / Password: app-admin / exalead
  2. In the Home page, select the SmarTeam connector from the Connectors list.
  3. Optional, configure the Import scope or Advanced options,
  4. Click Apply at the top of your Administration Console screen.

This will save and deploy your new connector configuration.

To add a connector targeting the consolidation server

If you did NOT use the OnePart Console to add your sources, then you must manually configure the connector to target the consolidation server as follows.

  1. Login in to the Administration Console with the Login / Password: app-admin / exalead
  2. Choose your connector from the Connectors list.
  3. In Deployment > Push to PAPI server, select consolidation server cs_onepart
  4. In Configuration > PushAPI filters, click Add item to configure:
    1. PushAPI filter type: Push API Filters Runner
    2. Push API filters config key: PushApiFilters (default)
    3. Use Push API filter from connector: OnePartPAPIFilters
    4. Enable this PushAPI filter: yes
  5. Click Apply.

    Note: The OnePartPAPIFilters connector contains PAPI Filters that are required for any connector deployed in OnePart. Any connector deployed without these PAPI Filters will not be supported.

This will save and deploy your new connector configuration.

Connectivity fields




The name of the new source. This name can not be modified once you’ve saved.

Webservice Host

The host name where the SmarTeam webservice is deployed.

See To install a Web Service.

Webservice Port

The webservice port. See To install a Web Service.

Configuration Name

SmarTeam instance configuration Name

Database Name

SmarTeam database which will be crawled.


User Name for SmarTeam. This user account must have super user privileges


Password for SmarTeam account.


SmarTeam webserver name or IP address. This field is required for the “Open in source” in the OnePart UI.

More option fields



Enable document security

When this option is enabled, the connector also retrieves individual document security information ("ACL") from the source, and OnePart only shows each document to authorized users. Please note that due to the way ACLs are retrieved from SmarTeam, the indexing speed is greatly impacted, even more so when ACLs are retrieved for large number of users (see Security implementation). With this option disabled, indexing is faster, and all documents are public or subject to App Security.

Detect Deletion

By default, this setting detects deleted objects from SmarTeam.

Max File Size

Maximum file size to be crawled. Files greater than this size will be ignored while importing.

Advanced options

Advanced options only available in the Administration Console’s connector configuration More options.



Enable document security

When this option is enabled, the connector also retrieves individual document security information ("ACL") from the source, and OnePart only shows each document to authorized users. Please note that due to the way ACLs are retrieved from SmarTeam, the indexing speed is greatly impacted, even more so when ACLs are retrieved for large number of users (see Security implementation). With this option disabled, indexing is faster, and all documents are public or subject to App Security.

Max File Size

Maximum file size to be crawled. Files greater than this size will be ignored while importing.

Maximum number of retries

Maximum number of times document retrieval is retried in case of failure

Maximum stored faults

Maximum number of document failures to be stored and retried in subsequent scans

Number of indexing threads

Maximum threads in running state for importing. Typical value is 5.

Latest Revision Only

This setting will get only the latest version of objects from the PDM/PLM system. By default, the option is activated.

SmarTeam example configuration

This is a SmarTeam sample configuration in Administration Console.

Import scope

The details for configuring the import scope are below.

Latest revisions

By default, only the latest revisions of objects are retrieved from SmarTeam. In the connector index scope you can disable this option to import all versions of an object.

SmarTeam datamodel

The connector’s importing scope is set up through the configuration. The SmarTeam connector for OnePart supports the default SmarTeam datamodels:


  • SmDemo


If you have modified the SmarTeam datamodel, then you must specify the SmarTeam classes and SmarTeam Link classes in the connector’s configuration in the Administration Console.

SmarTeam Classes

SmarTeam database contains 2 types of entities: object classes and link classes. The first type normally consists of document classes (CAD files, Office documents, etc.) and structure classes (projects, folders, etc.) All this information must be reflected in the connector import scope configuration based on the table below.







SDC Type

Internal field used to specify the SDC type for the SmarTeam class





Configure here your document classes (CAD files, Office documents, etc.). Objects of these classes will be shown in search results.

Class names:



CAD Files



Configure structure classes (projects, folders, etc.). Objects of these classes will not be shown in search results but will be used for navigation.

Class names:




Index New and Checked-Out Objects

Check this box if you want to import objects in the "New" or "Checked-Out" state. Please note that such objects will contain only meta data. No thumbnail or 3D features will be displayed in search results.

It is recommended to check this option for structure classes only.


Class Name

The name of the SmarTeam class to be imported. All subclasses of this class will be imported as well. Please use SmarTeam Data Model Designer to discover and locate required class names.

Depends on SDC type


SmarTeam Link Classes

Configure here your link classes (relations). Objects of these classes will not be shown in search results but will be used for establishing parent-child relations between objects.

Documents Tree

Document Projects Relation

Projects tree

Configuring the SmarTeam security source

A key thing to remember with OnePart is that you must ALWAYS have a Multi-security source named app_login. This name maintains the link for the security enabled on both Exalead CloudView and the OnePart UI’s.

Context: If you must use the Exalead CloudView Administration Console then you must:

  1. Use the security source type called ENOVIA SmarTeam.
  2. Create the security source manually in the Administration Console.
  3. Add it as a source to the app_login configuration.

To add the security source

We highly recommend that you use the OnePart Console to create your sources. OnePart automatically configures the security and Consolidation Server requirements. As of R2016x R1, OnePart no longer requires the SDC Connector for consolidation needs. If necessary, you can configure the advanced options in the Administration Console.

  1. In the Administration Console, go to the Security Sources page.
  2. Click on Add security source and create the new security source as follows:
    • in Name: Enter a name for the security source
    • in Type: Select the security source you require. It generally has the same name as the connector.
  3. Click on Accept.

You are now ready to configure the new security source.

To configure the security source

You need to configure the security source to view your SmarTeam items in OnePart.

  1. In the Security source's configuration page, you need to fill the following fields with your SmarTeam server information. See Connectivity fields below:
  2. Click Apply at the top of the Administration Console screen.

Next step is to add your security source to the app_login multi-security source configuration. See Configure the multi-security source.

Security implementation

Default security ACLs fetching in the connector is very slow when considering a large number of users and may lead to unacceptable situations.


To work around this SmarTeam limitation, the following options are available:

Note: Do not forget to turn of ACL retrieval in the connector by unchecking "Enable document security”.

Connectivity fields



Webservice Host

The host name where the SmarTeam webservice is deployed. See the webservice installation procedure.

Webservice Port

The webservice port. See the webservice installation procedure.

Configuration Name

SmarTeam instance configuration Name


SmarTeam DataBase which will be crawled.


User Name for SmarTeam. This user account must have super user privileges


Password for SmarTeam account.