Adjoint Design Sensitivity Analysis

Adjoint design sensitivity analysis is used to compute derivatives of design responses with respect to one or more design variables. Adjoint design sensitivity analysis:

  • is useful for nonparametric structural design and optimization workflows to produce components that are lightweight, rigid, and durable;
  • is supported for the following approaches to structural sensitivity analysis: elemental topology sensitivity, elemental sizing sensitivity with shells, elemental sizing sensitivity with circular beams, nodal shape sensitivities for continuum elements, and nodal bead sensitivities for shell elements;
  • provides the sensitivities of selective design responses with respect to the appropriate design variables for each of the above analysis types;
  • is available for static stress, transient dynamic, and frequency analysis using models that have only stress/displacement elements;
  • accounts for contact, geometric, and some material nonlinearities; and
  • is often carried out within a combined Abaqus-Tosca design optimization workflow but can also be used in a stand-alone Abaqus/Standard analysis to output design sensitivities.

Adjoint design sensitivity analysis is typically used in sensitivity analysis having many design parameters. Alternatively, you can use Direct Design Sensitivity Analysis in Abaqus/Standard for parametric design optimization having only a few design parameters and many design responses.

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Adjoint design sensitivity analysis is used to compute the derivatives of design responses with respect to one or more design variables. These derivatives are commonly referred to as sensitivities, because they provide a first-order measure of how sensitive the design response is to a change in the design variables. The adjoint design sensitivity analysis capability is useful when the design optimization methodology requires a relatively small set of design responses, but a large number of design variables, typically one or more variables associated with each element or node of the design domain. This is the case for topology, sizing, shape, and bead sensitivities, where the adjoint method for computing design sensitivities is significantly more cost effective computationally compared to the direct method. More details on the different kinds of structural optimization methods can be found in . However, adjoint sensitivity analysis can also be used in a stand-alone Abaqus/Standard analysis (that is, outside of an iterative design optimization workflow using Abaqus/Standard and Tosca) to obtain design sensitivities at any stage during the design process.