Linear Elastic Fatigue Crack Growth Analysis

A fatigue crack growth analysis for linear elastic response:

  • is a quasi-static analysis on a structure subjected to subcritical cyclic loading;

  • is characterized by the fracture energy release rate;

  • uses a classical incremental method for each loading cycle;

  • does not make use of the Fourier representation of the displacement solutions as is the case for the direct cyclic framework;

  • can be associated with thermal as well as mechanical loading;

  • models propagation of a discrete crack along an arbitrary, solution-dependent path without remeshing in the bulk brittle material based on the principles of linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) with the extended finite element method;

  • models progressive delamination growth along a predefined path at the brittle material interfaces in laminated composites;

  • uses the damage extrapolation technique to accelerate the fatigue crack growth analysis;

  • accounts for the change of contact conditions and geometric nonlinearity; and

  • can be simplified to accelerate the crack growth analysis in some special cases.

To simulate low-cycle fatigue of a ductile material, you should instead use progressive damage and failure modeling techniques (Damage and Failure for Ductile Materials in Low-Cycle Fatigue Analysis) with the direct cyclic procedure (Low-Cycle Fatigue Analysis Using the Direct Cyclic Approach).

This page discusses:

See Also
Defining an Analysis
About Static Stress Analysis Procedures
Crack Propagation Analysis
Low-Cycle Fatigue Analysis Using the Direct Cyclic Approach
Modeling Discontinuities as an Enriched Feature Using the Extended Finite Element Method
In Other Guides
Damage and Failure for Ductile Materials in Low-Cycle Fatigue Analysis
