Predefined Fields

This section describes how to specify the values of the following types of predefined fields during an analysis:

  • temperature,

  • field variables, including predefined pore fluid pressure,

  • equivalent pressure stress, and

  • mass flow rate.

The procedures in which these fields can be used are outlined in About Prescribed Conditions.

Temperature, field variables, equivalent pressure stress, and mass flow rate are time-dependent, predefined (not solution-dependent) fields that exist over the spatial domain of the model. They can be defined:

  • by entering the data directly,

  • by reading an Abaqus results file generated during a previous analysis (usually an Abaqus/Standard heat transfer analysis), or

  • in a user subroutine.

Temperature and field variables can also be defined by reading an Abaqus output database file generated during a previous analysis.

Field variables can also be made solution dependent, which allows you to introduce additional nonlinearities in the Abaqus material models.

This page discusses:

See Also
About Prescribed Conditions
In Other Guides
File Output Format
