To define a shell made of a single material, use a material definition
(Material Data Definition)
to define the material properties of the section and associate these properties
with the section definition. Optionally, you can refer to an orientation (Orientations)
to be associated with this material definition. A spatially varying local
coordinate system defined with a distribution (Distribution Definition)
can be assigned to the shell section definition. Linear or nonlinear material
behavior can be associated with the section definition. However, if the
material response is linear, the more economic approach is to use a general
shell section (see
Using a General Shell Section to Define the Section Behavior).
You specify the shell thickness and the number of integration points to be
used through the shell section (see below). For continuum shell elements the
specified shell thickness is used to estimate certain section properties, such
as hourglass stiffness, which are later computed using the actual thickness
computed from the element geometry.
You must associate the section properties with a region of your model.
If the orientation definition assigned to a shell section definition is
defined with distributions, spatially varying local coordinate systems are
applied to all shell elements associated with the shell section. A default
local coordinate system (as defined by the distributions) is applied to any
shell element that is not specifically included in the associated distribution.
where the ELSET parameter refers to a set of shell elements.
Defining a Composite Shell Section
You can define a laminated (layered) shell made of one or more materials.
You specify the thickness, the number of integration points (see below), the
material, and the orientation (either as a reference to an orientation
definition or as an angle measured relative to the overall orientation
definition) for each layer of the shell. The order of the laminated shell
layers with respect to the positive direction of the shell normal is defined by
the order in which the layers are specified.
Optionally, you can specify an overall orientation definition for the layers
of a composite shell. A spatially varying local coordinate system defined with
a distribution (Distribution Definition)
can be used to specify the overall orientation definition for the layers of a
composite shell.
For continuum shell elements the thickness is determined from the element
geometry and may vary through the model for a given section definition. Hence,
the specified thicknesses are only relative thicknesses for each layer. The
actual thickness of a layer is the element thickness times the fraction of the
total thickness that is accounted for by each layer. The thickness ratios for
the layers need not be given in physical units, nor do the sum of the layer
relative thicknesses need to add to one. The specified shell thickness is used
to estimate certain section properties, such as hourglass stiffness, which are
later computed using the actual thickness computed from the element geometry.
Spatially varying thicknesses can be specified on the layers of conventional
shell elements using distributions (Distribution Definition).
A distribution that is used to define layer thickness must have a default
value. The default layer thickness is used by any shell element assigned to the
shell section that is not specifically assigned a value in the distribution.
An example of a section with three layers and three section points per layer
is shown in
Figure 1.
Figure 1. Example of composite shell section definition.
The material name specified for each layer refers to a material definition
(Material Data Definition).
The material behavior can be linear or nonlinear.
The orientation for each layer is specified by either the name of the
orientation (Orientations)
associated with the layer or the orientation angle in degrees for the layer.
Spatially varying orientation angles can be specified on a layer using
distributions (Distribution Definition).
Orientation angles, ,
are measured positive counterclockwise around the normal and relative to the
overall section orientation. If either of the two local directions from the
overall section orientation is not in the surface of the shell,
is applied after the section orientation has been projected onto the shell
surface. If you do not specify an overall section orientation,
is measured relative to the default local shell directions (see
You must associate the section properties with a region of your model.
If the orientation definition assigned to a shell section definition is
defined with distributions, spatially varying local coordinate systems are
applied to all shell elements associated with the shell section. A default
local coordinate system (as defined by the distributions) is applied to any
shell element that is not specifically included in the associated distribution.
where the ELSET parameter refers to a set of shell elements.
Defining the Shell Section Integration
Simpson's rule and Gauss quadrature are provided to calculate the
cross-sectional behavior of a shell. You can specify the number of section
points through the thickness of each layer and the integration method as
described below. The default integration method is Simpson's rule with five
points for a homogeneous section and Simpson's rule with three points in each
layer for a composite section.
The three-point Simpson's rule and the two-point Gauss quadrature are exact
for linear problems. The default number of section points should be sufficient
for routine thermal-stress calculations and nonlinear applications (such as
predicting the response of an elastic-plastic shell up to limit load). For more
severe thermal shock cases or for more complex nonlinear calculations involving
strain reversals, more section points may be required; normally no more than
nine section points (using Simpson's rule) are required. Gaussian integration
normally requires no more than five section points.
Gauss quadrature provides greater accuracy than Simpson's rule when the same
number of section points are used. Therefore, to obtain comparable levels of
accuracy, Gauss quadrature requires fewer section points than Simpson's rule
does and, thus, requires less computational time and storage space.
Using Simpson's Rule
By default, Simpson's rule will be used for the shell section integration.
The default number of section points is five for a homogeneous section and
three in each layer for a composite section.
Simpson's integration rule should be used if results output on the shell
surfaces or transverse shear stress at the interface between two layers of a
composite shell is required and must be used for heat transfer and coupled
temperature-displacement shell elements.
If you use Gauss quadrature for the shell section integration, the default
number of section points is three for a homogeneous section and two in each
layer for a composite section.
In Gauss quadrature there are no section points on the shell surfaces;
therefore, Gauss quadrature should be used only in cases where results on the
shell surfaces are not required.
Gauss quadrature cannot be used for heat transfer and coupled
temperature-displacement shell elements.
Defining a Shell Offset Value for Conventional Shells
You can define the distance (measured as a fraction of the shell's
thickness) from the shell's midsurface to the reference surface containing the
element's nodes (see
Defining the Initial Geometry of Conventional Shell Elements).
Positive values of the offset are in the positive normal direction (see
About Shell Elements).
When the offset is set equal to 0.5, the top surface of the shell is the
reference surface. When the offset is set equal to −0.5, the bottom surface is
the reference surface. The default offset is 0, which indicates that the middle
surface of the shell is the reference surface.
You can specify an offset value that is greater in magnitude than 0.5.
However, this technique should be used with caution in regions of high
curvature. The element's area and all kinematic quantities are calculated
relative to the reference surface, which may lead to a surface area integration
error, affecting the stiffness and mass of the shell.
A spatially varying offset can be defined for conventional shells using a
distribution (Distribution Definition).
The distribution used to define the shell offset must have a default value. The
default offset is used by any shell element assigned to the shell section that
is not specifically assigned a value in the distribution.
An offset to the shell's top surface is illustrated in
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Schematic of shell offset for an offset value of 0.5.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify a value for the shell
The OFFSET parameter accepts a value, a label
(SPOS or
SNEG), or the name of a distribution that is
used to define a spatially varying offset. Specifying
SPOS is equivalent to specifying a value of
0.5; specifying SNEG is equivalent to
specifying a value of −0.5.
Defining a Variable Thickness for Conventional Shells Using Distributions
You can define a spatially varying thickness for conventional shells using a
distribution (Distribution Definition).
The thickness of continuum shell elements is defined by the element geometry.
For composite shells the total thickness is defined by the distribution, and
the layer thicknesses you specify are scaled proportionally such that the sum
of the layer thicknesses is equal to the total thickness (including spatially
varying layer thicknesses defined with a distribution).
The distribution used to define shell thickness must have a default value.
The default thickness is used by any shell element assigned to the shell
section that is not specifically assigned a value in the distribution.
If the shell thickness is defined for a shell section with a distribution,
nodal thicknesses cannot be used for that section definition.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to define a spatially varying
Defining a Variable Nodal Thickness for Conventional Shells
You can define a conventional shell with continuously varying thickness by
specifying the thickness of the shell at the nodes. The thickness of continuum
shell elements is defined by the element geometry.
If you indicate that the nodal thicknesses will be specified, for
homogeneous shells any constant shell thickness you specify will be ignored,
and the shell thickness will be interpolated from the nodes. The thickness must
be defined at all nodes connected to the element.
For composite shells the total thickness is interpolated from the nodes, and
the layer thicknesses you specify are scaled proportionally such that the sum
of the layer thicknesses is equal to the total thickness (including spatially
varying layer thicknesses defined with a distribution).
If the shell thickness is defined for a shell section with a distribution,
nodal thicknesses cannot be used for that section definition. However, if nodal
thicknesses are used, you can still use distributions to define spatially
varying thicknesses on the layers of conventional shell elements.
Defining the Poisson Strain in Shell Elements in the Thickness Direction
allows for a possible uniform change in the shell thickness in a geometrically
nonlinear analysis (see
Change of Shell Thickness).
The Poisson’s strain can be based on a fixed section Poisson’s ratio, either
user specified or computed by
based on the elastic portion of the material definition. Alternatively, in
the Poisson strain can be integrated through
the section based on the material response at the individual material points in
the section.
By default,
computes the Poisson’s strain using a fixed section Poisson’s
ratio of 0.5;
uses the material response to compute the Poisson's strain. See
Finite-strain shell element formulation
for details regarding the underlying formulation.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify a value for the effective
Poisson's ratio:
Use the following option (available only in
to cause the thickness direction strain under plane stress conditions to be a
function of the membrane strains and the in-plane material properties:
Defining the Thickness Modulus in Continuum Shell Elements
The thickness modulus is used in computing the stress in the thickness
direction (see
Thickness Direction Stress in Continuum Shell Elements).
computes a thickness modulus value by default based on the elastic portion of
the material definitions in the initial configuration. Alternatively, you can
provide a value.
If the material properties are unavailable during the preprocessing stage of
input; for example, when the material behavior is defined by the fabric
material model or user subroutine
VUMAT, you must specify the effective thickness modulus
Input File Usage
Use the following option to define an effective thickness
modulus directly:
You can provide nondefault values of the transverse shear stiffness. You
must specify the transverse shear stiffness in
Abaqus if
the section is used with shear flexible shells and the material definitions
used in the shell section do not include linear elasticity, hypoelasticity, or
hyperelasticity. See
Shell Section Behavior
for more information about transverse shear stiffness.
If you do not specify the transverse shear stiffness values,
integrates through the section to determine them. The transverse shear
stiffness is precalculated based on the initial elastic material properties, as
defined by the initial temperature and predefined field variables evaluated at
the midpoint of each material layer. This stiffness is not recalculated during
the analysis.
For most shell sections, including layered composite or sandwich shell
calculates the transverse shear stiffness values required in the element
formulation. You can override these default values. The default shear stiffness
values are not calculated in some cases if estimates of the shear moduli are
unavailable during the preprocessing stage of input; for example, when the
material behavior is defined by the fabric material model or by user
VUMAT. In such cases (except for STRI3 elements), you must specify the material transverse shear modulus
Defining the Elastic Transverse Shear Modulus)
based on which
calculates the transverse shear stiffness values or define the transverse shear
stiffness for the shell section directly as described below.
You can define additional mass per unit area for conventional shell elements
directly in the section definition. This functionality is similar to the more
general functionality of defining a nonstructural mass contribution (see
Nonstructural Mass Definition.)
The only difference between the two definitions is that the nonstructural mass
contributes to the rotary inertia terms about the midsurface while the
additional mass defined in the section definition does not.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to define the density
Specifying Nondefault Hourglass Control Parameters for Reduced-Integration Shell Elements
You can specify a nondefault hourglass control formulation or scale factors
for elements that use reduced integration. See
Section Controls
for more information.
the nondefault enhanced hourglass control formulation is available only for S4R and SC8R elements. When the enhanced hourglass control formulation is used
with composite shells, the average value of the bulk material properties and
the minimum value of the shear material properties over all the layers are used
for computing the hourglass forces and moments.
you can modify the default values for hourglass control stiffness based on the
default total stiffness approach for elements that use reduced integration and
define a scaling factor for the stiffness associated with the drill degree of
freedom (rotation about the surface normal) for elements that use six degrees
of freedom at a node.
The stiffness associated with the drill degree of freedom is the average of
the direct components of the transverse shear stiffness multiplied by a scaling
factor. In most cases the default scaling factor is appropriate for
constraining the drill rotation to follow the in-plane rotation of the element.
If an additional scaling factor is defined, the additional scaling factor
should not increase or decrease the drill stiffness by more than a factor of
100.0 for most typical applications. Usually, a scaling factor between 0.1 and
10.0 is appropriate. Continuum shell elements do not use a drill stiffness;
hence, the scale factor is ignored.
There are no hourglass stiffness factors or scale factors for hourglass
stiffness for the nondefault enhanced hourglass control formulation. You can
define the scale factor for the drill stiffness for the nondefault enhanced
hourglass control formulation.
Input File Usage
Use both of the following options to specify a nondefault
hourglass control formulation or scale factors for reduced-integration
Use both of the following options in
to modify the default values for hourglass control stiffness based on the
default total stiffness approach for reduced-integration elements and to define
a scaling factor for the stiffness associated with the drill degree of freedom
(rotation about the surface normal) for six degree of freedom elements:
You can specify temperatures and field variables for conventional shell
elements by defining the value at the reference surface of the shell and the
gradient through the shell thickness or by defining the values at equally
spaced points through each layer of the shell's thickness. You can specify a
temperature gradient only for elements without temperature degrees of freedom.
The temperatures and field variables for continuum shell elements are defined
at the nodes and then interpolated to the section points.
The actual values of the temperatures and field variables are specified as
either predefined fields or initial conditions (see
Predefined Fields
Initial Conditions).
If temperature is to be read as a predefined field from the results file or
the output database file of a previous analysis, the temperature must be
defined at equally spaced points through each layer of the thickness. In
addition, the results file must be modified so that the field variable data are
stored in record 201. See
Predefined Fields
for additional details.
Defining the Value at the Reference Surface and the Gradient through the Thickness
You can define the temperature or predefined field by its magnitude on the
reference surface of the shell and the gradient through the thickness. If only
one value is given, the magnitude will be constant through the thickness.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify that the temperatures or
predefined fields are defined by a gradient:
Defining the Values at Equally Spaced Points through the Thickness
Alternatively, you can define the temperature and field variable values at
equally spaced points through the thickness of a shell or of each layer of a
composite shell.
For a sequentially coupled thermal-stress analysis in
the number (n) of equally spaced points through the
thickness of a layer is an odd number when temperature values are obtained from
the results file or the output database file generated by a previous
heat transfer analysis (since only Simpson's rule can be used for integration
through the section in heat transfer analysis). n
may be even or odd if the values are supplied from some other source. In either
interpolates linearly between the two closest defined temperature points to
find the temperature values at the section points.
The number of predefined field points through each layer,
n, must be the same as the number of integration
points used through the same layer in the analysis from which the temperatures
are obtained. This requirement implies that in the previous analysis each of
the layers must have the same number of integration points.
You specify
temperature or field variable values, where
is the number of layers in the shell section and
> 1) is the value of n. For
you specify
temperature or field variable value for a given node or node set.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify that the temperatures or
predefined fields are defined at equally spaced points:
An example of this scheme is illustrated in
Figure 3
Figure 4.
Figure 3. Defining temperature values at n equally
spaced points using Simpson's rule. Figure 4. Defining temperature values at n equally
spaced points using Gauss integration.
The following
heat transfer shell section definition corresponds to this example:
This creates degrees of freedom 11–17 in the heat transfer analysis.
Temperatures corresponding to these degrees of freedom are then read into the
stress analysis at the temperature points shown and interpolated to the section
points shown.
Defining a Continuous Temperature Field
if an element with temperature degrees of freedom other than a shell abuts the
bottom surface of a shell element with temperature degrees of freedom, the
temperature field is made continuous when the elements share nodes. If another
element with temperature degrees of freedom abuts the top surface, separate
nodes must be used and a linear constraint equation (Linear Constraint Equations)
must be used to constrain the temperatures to be the same (that is, to give the
same value to the top surface degree of freedom on the shell and degree of
freedom 11 on the other element).
For the same reason you must be careful if a different number of temperature
points is used in adjacent shell elements. For compatibility
MPCs (General Multi-Point Constraints)
or equation constraints are also needed in this case.
since no thermal MPCs and no thermal equation
constraints are available for degrees of freedom greater than 11, care must be
taken when using a different number of temperature points in adjacent shell
elements. This should usually have a localized effect on the temperature
distribution, but it may affect the overall solution for the cases in which the
temperature gradient through the thickness is significant.
In both
be careful in the models in which the shell's normals are reversed. In this
case the temperature at the bottom of the shell becomes the temperature at the
top of the adjacent shell. This may have a small impact on the overall solution
for the cases in which the thermal gradient through the thickness is negligible
and the temperature variation is mainly in plane. However, if the temperature
gradient through the thickness is significant, it may lead to incorrect
In an
stress analysis temperature output at the section points can be obtained using
the element variable TEMP.
If the temperature values were specified at equally spaced points through
the thickness, output at the temperature points can be obtained in an
Abaqus/Standard stress
analysis, as in a heat transfer analysis, by using the nodal variable NTxx. This nodal output variable is also available in
for coupled temperature-displacement analyses. The nodal variable NTxx should not be used for output at the temperature points with
the default gradient method. In this case output variable NT should be requested; NT11 (the reference temperature value) and NT12 (the temperature gradient) will be output automatically. For
continuum shell elements, there is only NT11; all other NTxx are irrelevant.
Other output variables that are relevant for shells are listed in each of
the library sections describing the specific shell elements. For example,
stresses, strains, section forces and moments, average section stresses,
section strains, etc. can be output. The section moments are calculated
relative to the reference surface.