can be prescribed on element faces, element bodies, or element edges;
can be prescribed over geometric surfaces or geometric edges;
require that an appropriate distributed load type be specified—see
About the Element Library
for definitions of the distributed load types available for particular
elements; and
can be of follower type, which can rotate during a geometrically nonlinear analysis and result
in an additional (often unsymmetric) contribution to the stiffness matrix that is
generally referred to as the load stiffness.
The procedures in which these loads can be used are outlined in
About Prescribed Conditions.
About Loads
for general information that applies to all types of loading.
Incident wave loading is used to apply distributed loads for the special
case of loads associated with a wave traveling through an acoustic medium.
Inertia relief is used to apply inertia-based loading in
These load types are discussed in
Acoustic and Shock Loads
Inertia Relief,
load types are discussed in
Abaqus/Aqua Analysis.
The prescribed magnitude of a distributed load can vary with time during a step according to an
amplitude definition, as described in About Prescribed Conditions. If
different variations are required for different loads, each load can refer to its own
amplitude definition.
Modifying Distributed Loads
Distributed loads can be added, modified, or removed as described in
About Loads.
Improving the Rate of Convergence in Large-Displacement Implicit Analysis
In large-displacement analyses in Abaqus/Standard some distributed load types introduce unsymmetric load stiffness matrix terms. Examples
are hydrostatic pressure, pressure applied to surfaces with free edges, Coriolis force,
rotary acceleration force, and distributed edge loads and surface tractions modeled as
follower loads. In such cases using the unsymmetric matrix storage and solution scheme for
the analysis step might improve the convergence rate of the equilibrium iterations. See
Defining an Analysis for more
information on the unsymmetric matrix storage and solution scheme.
Defining Distributed Loads in a User Subroutine
Nonuniform distributed loads such as a nonuniform body force in the
X-direction can be defined by means of user subroutine
When an amplitude reference is used with a nonuniform load defined in user
VDLOAD, the current value of the amplitude function is passed to
the user subroutine at each time increment in the analysis.
VDLOAD are not available for surface tractions, edge tractions,
or edge moments.
nonuniform distributed surface tractions, edge tractions, and edge moments can
be defined by means of user subroutine
UTRACLOAD. User subroutine
UTRACLOAD allows you to define a nonuniform magnitude for surface
tractions, edge tractions, and edge moments, as well as nonuniform loading
directions for general surface tractions, shear tractions, and general edge
Nonuniform distributed surface tractions, edge tractions, and edge moments
are not currently supported in
When the user subroutine is used, the external work is calculated based only
on the current magnitude of the distributed load since the incremental value
for the distributed load is not defined.
Specifying the Region to Which a Distributed Load Is Applied
As discussed in
About Loads,
distributed loads can be defined as element-based or surface-based.
Element-based distributed loads can be prescribed on element bodies, element
surfaces, or element edges. Surface-based distributed loads can be prescribed
directly on geometric surfaces or geometric edges.
Three types of distributed loads can be defined: body loads, surface loads,
and edge loads. Distributed body loads are always element-based. Distributed
surface loads and distributed edge loads can be element-based or surface-based.
The regions on which each load type can be prescribed are summarized in
Table 1.
In the
input file different options are used depending on the type of region to which
the load is applied, as illustrated in the following sections.
Table 1. Regions on which the different load types can be prescribed.
Load type
Load definition
Input file region
Body loads
Element bodies
Surface loads
Element surfaces
Geometric element-based surfaces
Edge loads (including beam line loads)
Element edges
Geometric edge-based surfaces
Body Forces
Body loads, such as gravity, centrifugal, Coriolis, and rotary acceleration
loads, are applied as element-based loads. The units of a body force are force
per unit volume.
The distributed body load types that are available in
along with the corresponding load type labels, are listed in
Table 2.
Table 2. Distributed body load types.
Load description
Load type label for element-based loads
Body force in global X-,
Y-, and Z-directions
Nonuniform body force in global X-,
Y-, and Z-directions
Body force in radial and axial directions (only for axisymmetric
Nonuniform body force in radial and axial directions (only for
axisymmetric elements)
Viscous body force in global X-,
Y-, and Z-directions (available only
Stagnation body force in global X-,
Y-, and Z-directions (available only
Gravity loading
Centrifugal load (magnitude is input as ,
is the mass density per unit volume and
is the angular velocity)
Centrifugal load (magnitude is input as ,
is the angular velocity)
Coriolis force
Rotary acceleration load
Rotordynamic load
Porous drag load (input is porosity of the medium)
Specifying General Body Forces
You can specify body forces on any elements in the global
X-, Y-, or
Z-direction. You can specify body forces on axisymmetric
elements in the radial or axial direction.
Input File Usage
Use the following
option to define a body force in the global X-,
Y-, or Z-direction:
DLOADelement number or element set, load type label, magnitude
where load type label is BX, BY, BZ, BXNU, BYNU, or BZNU.
Use the following option to define a body force in the
radial or axial direction on axisymmetric elements:
DLOADelement number or element set, load type label, magnitude
where load type label is BR, BZ, BRNU, or BZNU.
Specifying Viscous Body Force Loads in Abaqus/Explicit
Viscous body force loads are defined by
where is the
viscous force applied to the body;
is the viscosity, given as the magnitude of the load; is the velocity of
the point on the body where the force is being applied;
is the velocity of the reference node; and
is the element volume.
Viscous body force loading can be thought of as mass-proportional damping in
the sense that it gives a damping contribution proportional to the mass for an
element if the coefficient
is chosen to be a small value multiplied by the material density
Material Damping).
Viscous body force loading provides an alternative way to define
mass-proportional damping as a function of relative velocities and a
step-dependent damping coefficient.
Input File Usage
Use the following
option to define a viscous body force load:
DLOAD, REF NODE=reference_nodeelement number or element set, VBF, magnitude
Specifying Stagnation Body Force Loads in Abaqus/Explicit
Stagnation body force loads are defined by
where is the
stagnation body force applied to the body;
is the factor, given as the magnitude of the load; is the velocity of
the point on the body where the body force is being applied;
is the velocity of the reference node; and
is the element volume. The coefficient
should be very small to avoid excessive damping and a dramatic drop in the
stable time increment.
Input File Usage
Use the following
option to define a stagnation body force load:
DLOAD, REF NODE=reference_nodeelement number or element set, SBF, magnitude
Specifying Gravity Loading
Gravity loading (uniform acceleration in a fixed direction) is specified by
using the gravity distributed load type and giving the actual magnitude of the
load. The direction of the gravity field is specified by giving the components
of the gravity vector in the distributed load definition.
uses the user-specified material density (see
together with the magnitude and direction, to calculate the loading. The
magnitude of the gravity load can vary with time during a step according to an
amplitude definition, as described in
About Prescribed Conditions.
However, the direction of the gravity field is always applied at the beginning
of the step and remains fixed during the step.
The gravity load can be applied automatically to the entire model. Omit the
element number or element set to automatically collect all elements in the
model that have mass contributions (including point mass elements but excluding
rigid elements) in an element set called
_Whole_Model_GRAV_Elset, and apply the gravity
loads to the elements in this element set.
When gravity loading is used with substructures, the density must be defined
and unit gravity load vectors must be calculated when the substructure is
created (see
Generating Substructures).
For beam elements the resultant force for gravity loading is always applied such that it
passes through the origin of the beam section's local coordinate system, independent of
the location of this origin relative to the centroid of the section.
Input File Usage
Use the following
option to define a gravity load:
DLOADelement number or element set (or blank), GRAV, actual magnitude of gravity load, comp1, comp2, comp3
Specifying Loads due to Rotation of the Model in Abaqus/Standard
Centrifugal loads, Coriolis forces, rotary acceleration, and rotordynamic loads can be applied in
Abaqus/Standard by specifying the appropriate distributed load type in an element-based distributed
load definition. These loading options are primarily intended for replicating dynamic
loads while performing analyses other than implicit dynamics using direct integration (Dynamic Stress/Displacement Analysis). In an
implicit dynamic procedure inertia loads due to rotations come about naturally due to the
equations of motion. Applying distributed centrifugal, Coriolis, rotary acceleration, and
rotordynamic loads in an implicit dynamic analysis may lead to non-physical loads and
should be used carefully.
These loads can be applied automatically to the entire model. Omit the
element number or element set to automatically collect all applicable elements
in the model into an element set called
where xxx is the load type, and apply the load to
the elements in this element set.
Centrifugal Loads
Centrifugal load magnitudes can be specified as ,
is the angular velocity in radians per time.
uses the specified material density (see
together with the load magnitude and the axis of rotation, to calculate the
loading. Alternatively, a centrifugal load magnitude can be given as
is the material density (mass per unit volume) for solid or shell elements or
the mass per unit length for beam elements and
is the angular velocity in radians per time. This type of centrifugal load
formulation does not account for large volume changes. The two centrifugal load
types will produce slightly different local results for first-order elements;
uses a consistent mass matrix, and
uses a lumped mass matrix in calculating the load forces and load stiffnesses.
The output variables for these two centrifugal load types are CENTMAG and CENTRIFMAG, respectively.
The magnitude of the centrifugal load can vary with time during a step
according to an amplitude definition, as described in
About Prescribed Conditions.
However, the position and orientation of the axis around which the structure
rotates, which is defined by giving a point on the axis and the axis direction,
are always applied at the beginning of the step and remain fixed during the
Input File Usage
Use either of the
following options to define a centrifugal load:
DLOADelement number or element set (or blank), CENTRIF, , coord1, coord2, coord3, comp1,comp2, comp3DLOADelement number or element set (or blank), CENT, , coord1, coord2, coord3, comp1, comp2, comp3
Coriolis Forces
Coriolis force is defined by specifying the Coriolis distributed load type
and giving the load magnitude as ,
is the material density (mass per unit volume) for solid and shell elements or
the mass per unit length for beam elements and
is the angular velocity in radians per time. The magnitude of the Coriolis load
can vary with time during a step according to an amplitude definition, as
described in
About Prescribed Conditions.
However, the position and orientation of the axis around which the structure
rotates, which is defined by giving a point on the axis and the axis direction,
are always applied at the beginning of the step and remain fixed during the
In a static analysis
computes the translational velocity term in the Coriolis loading by dividing
the incremental displacement by the current time increment.
The Coriolis load formulation does not account for large volume changes.
Input File Usage
Use the following
option to define a Coriolis load:
DLOADelement number or element set (or blank), CORIO, , coord1, coord2, coord3, comp1, comp2, comp3
Rotary Acceleration Loads
Rotary acceleration loads are defined by specifying the rotary
acceleration distributed load type and giving the rotary acceleration
magnitude, ,
in radians/time2, which includes any precessional motion effects.
The axis of rotary acceleration must be defined by giving a point on the axis
and the axis direction.
uses the specified material density (see
together with the rotary acceleration magnitude and axis of rotary
acceleration, to calculate the loading. The magnitude of the load can vary with
time during a step according to an amplitude definition, as described in
About Prescribed Conditions.
However, the position and orientation of the axis around which the structure
rotates are always applied at the beginning of the step and remain fixed during
the step.
Rotary acceleration loads are not applicable to axisymmetric elements.
Input File Usage
Use the following
option to define a rotary acceleration load:
DLOADelement number or element set (or blank), ROTA, , coord1, coord2, coord3, comp1, comp2, comp3
Specifying General Rigid-Body Acceleration Loading in Abaqus/Standard
General rigid-body acceleration loading can be specified in
Abaqus/Standard by
using a combination of the gravity, centrifugal (),
and rotary acceleration load types.
Rotordynamic Loads in a Fixed Reference Frame
Rotordynamic loads can be used to study the vibrational response of
three-dimensional models of axisymmetric structures, such as a flywheel in a
hybrid energy storage system, that are spinning about their axes of symmetry in
a fixed reference frame (see
2005). This is in contrast to the centrifugal loads, Coriolis forces,
and rotary acceleration loads discussed above, which are formulated in a
rotating frame. Rotordynamic loads are, therefore, not intended to be used in
conjunction with these other dynamic load types.
The intended workflow for rotordynamic loads is to define the load in a
nonlinear static step to establish the centrifugal load effects and load
stiffness terms associated with a spinning body. The nonlinear static step can
then be followed by a sequence of linear dynamic analyses such as complex
eigenvalue extraction and/or a subspace or direct-solution steady-state dynamic
analysis to study complex dynamic behaviors (induced by gyroscopic moments)
such as critical speeds, unbalanced responses, and whirling phenomena in
rotating structures. You do not need to redefine the rotordynamic load in the
linear dynamic analyses—the load definition is carried over from the nonlinear
static step. The contribution of the gyroscopic matrices in the linear dynamic
steps is unsymmetric; therefore, you must use unsymmetric matrix storage as
described in
Defining an Analysis
during these steps.
Rotordynamic loads are intended only for three-dimensional models of
axisymmetric bodies; you must ensure that this modeling assumption is met.
Rotordynamic loads are supported for all three-dimensional continuum and
cylindrical elements, shell elements, membrane elements, cylindrical membrane
elements, beam elements, and rotary inertia elements. The spinning axis defined
as part of the load must be the axis of symmetry for the structure. Therefore,
beam elements must be aligned with the symmetry axis. In addition, one of the
principal directions of each loaded rotary inertia element must be aligned with
the symmetry axis, and the inertia components of the rotary inertia elements
must be symmetric about this axis. Multiple spinning structures spinning about
different axes can be modeled in the same step. The spinning structures can
also be connected to non-axisymmetric, non-rotating structures (such as
bearings or support structures).
Rotordynamic loads are defined by specifying the angular velocity,
in radians per time. The magnitude of the rotordynamic load can vary with time
during a step according to an amplitude definition, as described in
About Prescribed Conditions.
However, the position and orientation of the axis around which the structure
rotates, which is defined by giving a point on the axis and the axis direction,
are always applied at the beginning of the step and remain fixed during the
Input File Usage
Use the following
option to define a rotordynamic load:
DLOADelement number or element set (or blank), ROTDYNF, , coord1, coord2, coord3, comp1, comp2, comp3
Surface Tractions and Pressure Loads
General or shear
surface tractions and pressure loads can be applied in
Abaqus as
element-based or surface-based distributed loads. The units of these loads are
force per unit area.
The distributed surface load types that are available in
along with the corresponding load type labels, are listed in
Table 3.
About the Element Library
lists the distributed surface load types that are available for particular
elements. For some element-based loads you must
identify the face of the element upon which the load is prescribed in the load
type label (for example, Pn or PnNU for continuum elements).
Table 3. Distributed surface load types.
Load description
Load type label for element-based loads
Load type label for surface-based loads
General surface traction
Shear surface traction
Nonuniform general surface traction
Nonuniform shear surface traction
Pn, P
Nonuniform pressure
Fluid pressure penetration
Not applicable
Hydrostatic pressure (available only in
Viscous pressure (available only in
Stagnation pressure (available only in
Pore mechanical pressure (available only in
Hydrostatic internal and external pressure (only for
PIPE and
ELBOW elements)
Not applicable
Uniform internal and external pressure (only for
PIPE and
ELBOW elements)
Not applicable
Nonuniform internal and external pressure (only for
Not applicable
Nodal pressure (available only in Abaqus/Standard)
Not applicable
Follower Surface Loads
By definition, the line of action of a follower
surface load rotates with the surface in a geometrically nonlinear analysis.
This is in contrast to a non-follower load, which
always acts in a fixed global direction.
With the exception of general surface tractions, all the distributed surface loads listed in
Table 3 are modeled as follower loads. The hydrostatic and viscous pressures
listed in Table 3 always act normal to the surface in the current configuration, the
shear tractions always act tangent to the surface in the current configuration, and the
internal and external pipe pressures follow the motion of the pipe elements.
General surface tractions can be specified to be follower or non-follower
loads. There is no difference between a follower and a non-follower load in a
geometrically linear analysis since the configuration of the body remains
fixed. The difference between a follower and non-follower general surface
traction is illustrated in the next section through an example.
Input File Usage
Use one of the
following options to define general surface tractions as follower loads (the
General surface tractions allow you to specify a surface traction,
, acting on
a surface S. The resultant load, , is
computed by integrating
over S:
is the magnitude and
is the direction of the load. To define a general surface traction, you must
specify both a load magnitude, ,
and the direction of the load with respect to the reference configuration,
The magnitude and direction can also be specified in user subroutine
UTRACLOAD. The specified traction directions are normalized by
and, thus, do not contribute to the magnitude of the load:
Input File Usage
Use one of the following
options to define a general surface traction:
DLOADelement number or element set, load type label, magnitude,
direction components
where load type label is TRVECn, TRVEC, TRVECnNU, or TRVECNU.
DSLOADsurface name, TRVEC or TRVECNU, magnitude, direction components
Defining the Direction Vector with Respect to a Local Coordinate System
By default, the components of the traction vector are specified with respect to the global
directions. You can also refer to a local coordinate system (see Orientations) for the
direction components of these tractions. See Examples: Using a Local Coordinate System to Define Shear Directions below for an example of a traction load defined with respect to a local coordinate
system. When using local coordinate systems for tractions applied to two-dimensional
solid elements, you must ensure that the nonzero components of the loads are applied
only in the X- and Y-directions. Traction
loads in the third direction are not supported (Z-direction for
plane strain and plane stress elements, -direction for axisymmetric elements).
Input File Usage
Use one of the
following options to specify a local coordinate system:
The traction load acts in the fixed direction
in a geometrically linear analysis or if a non-follower load is specified in a
geometrically nonlinear analysis (which includes a perturbation step about a
geometrically nonlinear base state).
If a follower load is specified in a geometrically nonlinear analysis, the
traction load rotates rigidly with the surface using the following algorithm.
The reference configuration traction vector, ,
is decomposed by
into two components: a normal component,
and a tangential component,
where is the unit reference
surface normal and is the unit
projection of
onto the reference surface. The applied traction in the current configuration
is then computed as
where is the normal to the
surface in the current configuration and is the image of
rotated onto the
current surface; i.e., , where
is the standard
rotation tensor obtained from the polar decomposition of the local
two-dimensional surface deformation gradient .
Examples: Follower and Non-Follower Tractions
The following two examples illustrate the difference between applying
follower and non-follower tractions in a geometrically nonlinear analysis. Both
examples refer to a single 4-node plane strain element (element 1). In Step 1
of the first example a follower traction load is applied to face 1 of element
1, and a non-follower traction load is applied to face 2 of element 1. The
element is rotated rigidly 90° counterclockwise in Step 1 and then another 90°
in Step 2. As illustrated in
Figure 1,
the follower traction rotates with face 1, while the non-follower traction on
face 2 always acts in the global x-direction.
Figure 1. Follower and non-follower traction loads in a geometrically
nonlinear analysis, load applied in Step 1: (a) beginning of Step 1; (b) end of
Step 1, beginning of Step 2; (c) end of Step 2.
In the second example the element is rotated 90° counterclockwise with no
load applied in Step 1. In Step 2 a follower traction load is applied to face
1, and a non-follower traction load is applied to face 2. The element is then
rotated rigidly by another 90°. The direction of the follower load is specified
with respect to the original configuration. As illustrated in
Figure 2,
the follower traction rotates with face 1, while the non-follower traction on
face 2 always acts in the global x-direction.
Figure 2. Follower and non-follower traction loads in a geometrically
nonlinear analysis, load applied in Step 2: (a) beginning of Step 1; (b) end of
Step 1, beginning of Step 2; (c) end of Step 2.
Shear surface tractions allow you to specify a surface force per unit area,
that acts tangent to a surface S. The resultant load,
, is computed by
over S:
is the magnitude and is a unit vector
along the direction of the load. To define a shear surface traction, you must
provide both the magnitude, ,
and a direction, ,
for the load. The magnitude and direction vector can also be specified in user
modifies the traction direction by first projecting the user-specified vector,
onto the surface in the reference configuration,
where is the reference
surface normal. The specified traction is applied along the computed traction
direction tangential to the
Consequently, a shear traction load is not applied at any point where
is normal to the reference surface.
The shear traction load acts in the fixed direction
in a
geometrically linear analysis. In a geometrically nonlinear analysis (which
includes a perturbation step about a geometrically nonlinear base state), the
shear traction vector will rotate rigidly; i.e., , where
is the standard
rotation tensor obtained from the polar decomposition of the local
two-dimensional surface deformation gradient .
Input File Usage
Use one of the
following options to define a shear surface traction:
DLOADelement number or element set, load type label, magnitude,
direction components
where load type label is TRSHRn, TRSHR, TRSHRnNU, or TRSHRNU.
DSLOADsurface name, TRSHR or TRSHRNU, magnitude, direction components
Defining the Direction Vector with Respect to a Local Coordinate System
By default, the components of the shear traction vector are specified with
respect to the global directions. You can also refer to a local coordinate
system (see
for the direction components of these tractions.
Input File Usage
Use one of the
following options to specify a local coordinate system:
Examples: Using a Local Coordinate System to Define Shear Directions
It is sometimes convenient to give shear and general traction directions
with respect to a local coordinate system. The following two examples
illustrate the specification of the direction of a shear traction on a cylinder
using global coordinates in one case and a local cylindrical coordinate system
in the other case. The axis of symmetry of the cylinder coincides with the
global z-axis. A surface named
SURFA has been defined on the outside of the
In the first example the direction of the shear traction,
is given in global coordinates. The sense of the resulting shear tractions
using global coordinates is shown in
Figure 3(a).
Figure 3. Shear tractions specified using global coordinates (a) and a local
cylindrical coordinate system (b).
Step 1 - Specify shear directions in global coordinates
SURFA, TRSHR, 1., 0., 1., 0.
In the second example the direction of the shear traction,
is given with respect to a local cylindrical coordinate system whose axis
coincides with the axis of the cylinder. The sense of the resulting shear
tractions using the local cylindrical coordinate system is shown in
Figure 3(b).
You can choose to integrate surface tractions over the current or the
reference configuration by specifying whether or not a constant resultant
should be maintained.
In general, the constant resultant method is best suited for cases where the
magnitude of the resultant load should not vary with changes in the surface
area. However, it is up to you to decide which approach is best for your
analysis. An example of an analysis using a constant resultant can be found in
Distributed traction and edge loads.
Choosing Not to Have a Constant Resultant
If you choose not to have a constant resultant, the traction vector is
integrated over the surface in the current configuration, a surface that in
general deforms in a geometrically nonlinear analysis. By default, all surface
tractions are integrated over the surface in the current configuration.
The constant resultant method has certain advantages when a traction is
used to model a distributed load with a known constant resultant. Consider the
case of modeling a uniform dead load, magnitude p, acting
on a flat plate whose normal is in the -direction
in a geometrically nonlinear analysis (Figure 4).
Figure 4. Dead load on a flat plate.
Such a model might be used to simulate a snow load on a flat roof. The
snow load could be modeled as a distributed dead traction load
and S denote the total surface area of the plate in the
reference and current configurations, respectively. With no constant resultant,
the total integrated load on the plate, , is
In this case a uniform traction leads to a resultant load that increases
as the surface area of the plate increases, which is not consistent with a
fixed snow load. With the constant resultant method, the total integrated load
on the plate is
In this case a uniform traction leads to a resultant that is equal to the
pressure times the surface area in the reference configuration, which is more
consistent with the problem at hand.
Specifying Pressure Loads
Distributed pressure loads can be specified on any two-dimensional, three-dimensional, or
axisymmetric elements. Fluid pressure penetration loads can be specified on any
two-dimensional, three-dimensional, or axisymmetric elements. Hydrostatic pressure loads
can be specified in Abaqus/Standard on two-dimensional, three-dimensional, and axisymmetric elements. Viscous and
stagnation pressure loads can be specified in Abaqus/Explicit on any elements.
Distributed Pressure Loads
Distributed pressure loads can be specified on any elements. For beam
elements, a positive applied pressure results in a force vector acting along
the particular local direction of the section or a global direction, whichever
is specified. For conventional shell elements, the force vector points along
the element SPOS normal. For continuum solid
or a continuum shell elements with the distributed load on an explicitly
identified facet, the force vector acts against the outward normal of that
facet. Distributed pressure loads are not supported for pipe and elbow
Distributed pressure loads can be specified on a surface formed over
elements; a positive applied pressure results in a force vector acting against
the local surface normal.
Input File Usage
Use one of the
following options to define a pressure load:
DLOADelement number or element set, load type label, magnitude
You can simulate fluid pressure penetration loads as distributed surface loads or
pairwise surface loads. For more information, see Fluid Pressure Penetration Loads.
Hydrostatic Pressure Loads on Two-Dimensional, Three-Dimensional, and Axisymmetric Elements in Abaqus/Standard
To define hydrostatic pressure in
give the Z-coordinates of the zero pressure level (point
a in
Figure 5)
and the level at which the hydrostatic pressure is defined (point
b in
Figure 5)
in an element-based or surface-based distributed load definition. For levels
above the zero pressure level, the hydrostatic pressure is zero.
Figure 5. Hydrostatic pressure distribution.
In planar elements the hydrostatic head is in the
Y-direction; for axisymmetric elements the
Z-direction is the second coordinate.
Input File Usage
Use one of the
following options to define a hydrostatic pressure load:
DLOADelement number or element set, HPn or HP, magnitude, Z-coordinate of point a,
Z-coordinate of point bDSLOADsurface name, HP, magnitude, Z-coordinate of point a,
Z-coordinate of point b
Mechanical Pore Pressure Loads on Two-Dimensional, Three-Dimensional, and Axisymmetric Coupled Pore Pressure Elements in Abaqus/Standard
In a coupled pore fluid diffusion and stress analysis (see
Coupled Pore Fluid Diffusion and Stress Analysis)
the pore pressure degrees of freedom, ,
can be applied automatically as mechanical surface pressures for
two-dimensional, three-dimensional, and axisymmetric coupled pore pressure
applies a mechanical pressure, ,
onto the surfaces you prescribe. Since the mechanical pressure loads are
determined by the solution pore pressures,
ignores any amplitude definition on the distributed load definition. You can
include a nonzero scaling factor, ,
which will be applied to the pore pressures to give .
By default, the scaling factor is set to unity. This loading is supported only
for continuum elements that have pore pressure degrees of freedom during a
geostatic (Geostatic Stress State)
or coupled pore fluid diffusion and stress analysis (Coupled Pore Fluid Diffusion and Stress Analysis).
Input File Usage
Use one of the
following options to define a mechanical pore pressure load:
DLOADelement number or element set, PORMECHn, scaling factorDSLOADsurface name, PORMECH, scaling factor
Nodal Pressure Loads on Surface Elements for a Multiple Load Case Analysis Involving Substructures
This functionality is limited to distributed loading on surface elements (see Surface Elements) in the context of a multiple load case analysis (see Multiple Load Case Analysis) involving substructures (see Generating Substructures) in Abaqus/Standard. Nodal values of distributed pressure load magnitude are provided via substructure
load vectors and can be scaled by a scaling factor associated with this distributed load
option. The resulting effect is a continuous pressure field interpolated from nodal
values. Abaqus/Standard integrates this pressure field to compute magnitudes of external forces acting at
surface nodes in the normal direction.
The surface specified for this type of distributed loading must be based on surface
elements and should be connected to the original surface of the structure with
surface-based tie constraints (see Mesh Tie Constraints). These two surfaces should act as secondary and main surfaces,
respectively, in the surface-based tie constraints. These constraints transform the
distribution of forces acting on nodes of the surface-element-based surface to a
distribution of forces acting on nodes of the original structure.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to define a nodal pressure load:
where p is the pressure applied to the body;
is the viscosity, given as the magnitude of the load; is the velocity of
the point on the surface where the pressure is being applied;
is the velocity of the reference node; and is the unit outward
normal to the element at the same point.
Viscous pressure loading is most commonly applied in structural problems
when you want to damp out dynamic effects and, thus, reach static equilibrium
in a minimal number of increments. A common example is the determination of
springback in a sheet metal product after forming, in which case a viscous
pressure would be applied to the faces of shell elements defining the sheet
metal. An appropriate choice for the value of
is important for using this technique effectively.
To compute ,
consider the infinite continuum elements described in
Infinite Elements.
In explicit dynamics those elements achieve an infinite boundary condition by
applying a viscous normal pressure where the coefficient
is given by ;
is the density of the material at the surface, and
is the value of the dilatational wave speed in the material (the infinite
continuum elements also apply a viscous shear traction). For an isotropic,
linear elastic material
are Lamé's constants, E is Young's modulus, and
is Poisson's ratio. This choice of the viscous pressure coefficient represents
a level of damping in which pressure waves crossing the free surface are
absorbed with no reflection of energy back into the interior of the finite
element mesh.
For typical structural problems it is not desirable to absorb all of the
energy (as is the case in the infinite elements). Typically
is set equal to a small percentage (perhaps 1 or 2 percent) of
as an effective way of minimizing ongoing dynamic effects. The
coefficient should have a positive value.
Input File Usage
Use one of the
following options to define a viscous pressure load:
DLOAD, REF NODE=reference_nodeelement number or element set, VPn or VP, magnitudeDSLOAD, REF NODE=reference_nodesurface name, VP, magnitude
Stagnation Pressure Loads in Abaqus/Explicit
Stagnation pressure loads are defined by
is the stagnation pressure applied to the body;
is the factor, given as the magnitude of the load; is the velocity of
the point on the surface where the pressure is being applied;
is the unit outward
normal to the element at the same point; and
is the velocity of the reference node. The coefficient
should be very small to avoid excessive damping and a dramatic drop in the
stable time increment.
Input File Usage
Use one of the
following options to define a stagnation pressure load:
DLOAD, REF NODE=reference_nodeelement number or element set, SPn or SP, magnitudeDSLOAD, REF NODE=reference_nodeelement number or element set, SP, magnitude
Pressure on Pipe and Elbow Elements
You can specify external pressure, internal pressure, external hydrostatic
pressure, or internal hydrostatic pressure on pipe or elbow elements. When
pressure loads are applied, the effective outer or inner diameter must be
specified in the element-based distributed load definition.
The loads resulting from the pressure on the ends of the element are
assumes a closed-end condition. Closed-end conditions correctly model the
loading at pipe intersections, tight bends, corners, and cross-section changes;
in straight sections and smooth bends the end loads of adjacent elements cancel
each other precisely. If an open-end condition is to be modeled, a compensating
point load should be added at the open end. A case where such an end load must
be applied occurs if a pressurized pipe is modeled with a mixture of pipe and
beam elements. In that case closed-end conditions generate a physically
non-existing force at the transition between pipe and beam elements. Such mixed
modeling of a pipe is not recommended.
For pipe elements subjected to pressure loading, the effective axial force
due to the pressure loads can be obtained by requesting output variable ESF1 (see
Beam Element Library).
Input File Usage
Use the following
option to define an external pressure load on pipe or elbow elements:
DLOADelement number or element set, PE or PENU, magnitude, effective outer diameter
Use the following option to define an internal pressure load
on pipe or elbow elements:
DLOADelement number or element set, PI or PINU, magnitude, effective inner diameter
Use the following option to define an external hydrostatic
pressure load on pipe or elbow elements:
DLOADelement number or element set, HPE, magnitude, effective outer diameter
Use the following option to define an internal hydrostatic
pressure load on pipe or elbow elements:
DLOADelement number or element set, HPI, magnitude, effective inner diameter
Defining Distributed Surface Loads on Plane Stress Elements
Plane stress theory assumes that the volume of a plane stress element
remains constant in a large-strain analysis. When a distributed surface load is
applied to an edge of plane stress elements, the current length and orientation
of the edge are considered in the load distribution, but the current thickness
is not; the original thickness is used.
This limitation can be circumvented only by using three-dimensional elements
at the edge so that a change in thickness upon loading is recognized; suitable
equation constraints (Linear Constraint Equations)
would be required to make the in-plane displacements on the two faces of these
elements equal. Three-dimensional elements along an edge can be connected to
interior shell elements by using a shell-to-solid coupling constraint (see
Shell-to-Solid Coupling
for details).
Edge Tractions and Moments on Shell Elements and Line Loads on Beam Elements
Distributed edge tractions (general, shear, normal, or transverse) and edge
moments can be applied to shell elements in
Abaqus as
element-based or surface-based distributed loads. The units of an edge traction
are force per unit length. The units of an edge moment are torque per unit
length. References to local coordinate systems are ignored for all edge
tractions and moments except general edge tractions.
Distributed line loads can be applied to beam elements in
Abaqus as
element-based distributed loads. The units of a line load are force per unit
The distributed edge and line load types that are available in
along with the corresponding load type labels, are listed in
Table 4.
About the Element Library
lists the distributed edge and line load types that are available for
particular elements. For element-based loads applied to shell
elements, you must identify the edge of the element upon which the load is
prescribed in the load type label (for example, EDLDn or EDLDnNU).
Follower Edge and Line Loads
By definition, the line of action of a follower
edge or line load rotates with the edge or line in a geometrically nonlinear
analysis. This is in contrast to a non-follower
load, which always acts in a fixed global direction.
With the exception of general edge tractions on shell elements and the
forces per unit length in the global directions on beam elements, all the edge
and line loads listed in
Table 4
are modeled as follower loads. The normal, shear, and transverse edge loads
listed in
Table 4
act in the normal, shear, and transverse directions, respectively, in the
current configuration (see
Figure 6).
The edge moment always acts about the shell edge in the current configuration.
The forces per unit length in the local beam directions rotate with the beam
Table 4. Distributed edge load types.
Load description
Load type label for element-based loads
Load type label for surface-based loads
General edge traction
Normal edge traction
Shear edge traction
Transverse edge traction
Edge moment
Nonuniform general edge traction
Nonuniform normal edge traction
Nonuniform shear edge traction
Nonuniform transverse edge traction
Nonuniform edge moment
Force per unit length in global X-,
Y-, and Z-directions (only for beam
Not applicable
Nonuniform force per unit length in global
X-, Y-, and
Z-directions (only for beam elements)
Not applicable
Force per unit length in beam local 1- and 2-directions (only for
beam elements)
P1, P2
Not applicable
Nonuniform force per unit length in beam local 1- and 2-directions
(only for beam elements)
Not applicable
Figure 6. Positive edge loads.
The forces per unit length in the global directions on beam elements are
always non-follower loads.
General edge tractions can be specified to be follower or non-follower
loads. There is no difference between a follower and a non-follower load in a
geometrically linear analysis since the configuration of the body remains
Input File Usage
Use one of the
following options to define general edge tractions as follower loads (the
General edge tractions allow you to specify an edge load,
, acting on a shell
edge, L. The resultant load, , is computed by
integrating over
To define a general edge traction, you must provide both a magnitude,
and direction, ,
for the load. The specified load directions are normalized by
thus, they do not contribute to the magnitude of the load.
If a nonuniform general edge traction is specified, the magnitude,
and direction, ,
must be specified in user subroutine
Input File Usage
Use one of the
following options to define a general edge traction:
DLOADelement number or element set, EDLDn or EDLDnNU, magnitude,
direction componentsDSLOADsurface name, EDLD or EDLDNU, magnitude, direction components
Rotation of the Load Vector
In a geometrically linear analysis the edge load,
, acts in the fixed
direction defined by
If a non-follower load is specified in a geometrically nonlinear analysis
(which includes a perturbation step about a geometrically nonlinear base
state), the edge load, , acts in the fixed
direction defined by
If a follower load is specified in a geometrically nonlinear analysis
(which includes a perturbation step about a geometrically nonlinear base
state), the components must be defined with respect to the reference
configuration. The reference edge traction is defined as
The applied edge traction, , is computed by
rigidly rotating
onto the current edge.
Defining the Direction Vector with Respect to a Local Coordinate System
By default, the components of the edge traction vector are specified with
respect to the global directions. You can also refer to a local coordinate
system (see
for the direction components of these tractions.
Input File Usage
Use one of the
following options to specify a local coordinate system:
Specifying Shear, Normal, and Transverse Edge Tractions
The loading directions of shear, normal, and transverse edge tractions are
determined by the underlying elements. A positive shear edge traction acts in
the positive direction of the shell edge as determined by the element
connectivity. A positive normal edge traction acts in the plane of the shell in
the inward direction. A positive transverse edge traction acts in a sense
opposite to the facet normal. The directions of positive shear, normal, and
transverse edge tractions are shown in
Figure 6.
To define a shear, normal, or transverse edge traction, you must provide a
for the load.
If a nonuniform shear, normal, or transverse edge traction is specified, the
magnitude, ,
must be specified in user subroutine
In a geometrically linear step, the shear, normal, and transverse edge
tractions act in the tangential, normal, and transverse directions of the
shell, as shown in
Figure 6.
In a geometrically nonlinear analysis the shear, normal, and transverse edge
tractions rotate with the shell edge so they always act in the tangential,
normal, and transverse directions of the shell, as shown in
Figure 6.
Input File Usage
Use one of the
following options to define a directed edge traction:
DLOADelement number or element set, directed edge traction label, magnitudeDSLOADsurface name, directed edge traction label, magnitude
For element-based loads the directed edge
traction label can be EDSHRn or EDSHRnNU for shear edge tractions, EDNORn or EDNORnNU for normal edge tractions, or EDTRAn or EDTRAnNU for transverse edge tractions.
For surface-based loads
the directed edge traction label can be EDSHR or EDSHRNU for shear edge tractions, EDNOR or EDNORNU for normal edge tractions, or EDTRA or EDTRANU for transverse edge tractions.
Specifying Edge Moments
An edge moment acts about the shell edge with the positive direction
determined by the element connectivity. The directions of positive edge moments
are shown in
Figure 7.
Figure 7. Positive edge moments.
To define a distributed edge moment, you must provide a magnitude,
for the load.
If a nonuniform edge moment is specified, the magnitude,
must be specified in user subroutine
An edge moment always acts about the current shell edge in both
geometrically linear and nonlinear analyses.
In a geometrically linear step an edge moment acts about the shell edge as
shown in
Figure 7.
In a geometrically nonlinear analysis an edge moment always acts about the
shell edge as shown in
Figure 7.
Input File Usage
Use one of the
following options to define an edge moment:
DLOADelement number or element set, EDMOMn or EDMOMnNU, magnitudeDSLOADsurface name, EDMOM or EDMOMNU, magnitude
Resultant Loads due to Edge Tractions and Moments
You can choose to integrate edge tractions and moments over the current or
the reference configuration by specifying whether or not a constant resultant
should be maintained. In general, the constant resultant method is best suited
for cases where the magnitude of the resultant load should not vary with
changes in the edge length. However, it is up to you to decide which approach
is best for your analysis.
Choosing Not to Have a Constant Resultant
If you choose not to have a constant resultant, an edge traction or moment
is integrated over the edge in the current configuration, an edge whose length
changes during a geometrically nonlinear analysis.
If you choose to have a constant resultant, an edge traction or moment is
integrated over the edge in the reference configuration, whose length is
You can specify line loads on beam elements in the global
X-, Y-, or
Z-direction. In addition, you can specify line loads on
beam elements in the beam local 1- or 2-direction.
Input File Usage
Use the following
option to define a force per unit length in the global X-,
Y-, or Z-direction on beam
DLOADelement number or element set, load type label, magnitude
where load type label is PX, PY, PZ, PXNU, PYNU, or PZNU.
Use the following option to define a force per unit
length in the beam local 1- or 2-direction:
DLOADelement number or element set, load type label, magnitude
where load type label is P1, P2, P1NU, or P2NU.
Genta, G., Dynamics
of Rotating
Systems, Springer, 2005.