Surface-based shell-to-solid coupling connects a shell edge to a solid
Surface-based shell-to-solid coupling:
is most useful when local modeling should use a full three-dimensional
analysis but other parts of the structure can be modeled as shells;
uses a set of internally defined distributing coupling constraints to
couple the motion of a “line” of nodes along the edge of a shell model to the
motion of a set of nodes on a solid surface;
automatically selects the coupling nodes located on a solid surface
lying within a region of influence;
can be used with three-dimensional stress/displacement shell and solid
(continuum) elements;
does not require any alignment between the solid and shell element
meshes; and
can be used in geometrically linear and nonlinear analysis.
Shell-to-solid coupling in Abaqus is a surface-based technique for coupling shell elements to solid elements. Figure 1 illustrates two examples taken from Shell-to-solid submodeling and shell-to-solid coupling of a pipe joint and The pinched cylinder problem. Shell-to-solid
coupling is intended to be used for mesh refinement studies where local modeling requires a
relatively fine through-the-thickness solid mesh coupled to the edge of a shell mesh, as
shown in Figure 2. In such a case Abaqus assembles constraints that couple the displacement and rotation of each shell node to the
average displacement and rotation of the solid surface in the vicinity of the shell node.
As shown in
Figure 2,
the coupling occurs along a shell-to-solid interface defined by two
user-specified surfaces: an edge-based shell surface and an element- or
node-based solid surface (see
About Surfaces).
The shell surface (Figure 3)
is referred to as the “shell edge.”
Figure 3. Shell and solid surfaces.
The shell element edges that define the edge-based shell surface are
referred to as “edge facets.” The edge facets are either linear or parabolic
segments depending if the underlying shell elements are linear or quadratic.
The shell-to-solid coupling is enforced by the automatic creation of an
internal set of distributing coupling constraints (see
Coupling Constraints)
between nodes on the shell edge and nodes on the solid surface.
uses default or user-defined distance and tolerance parameters (discussed
below) to determine which nodes on the shell edge will be coupled to which
nodes on the solid surface. For each shell node involved in the coupling, a
distinct internal distributing coupling constraint is created with the shell
node acting as the reference node and the associated solid nodes acting as the
coupling nodes. Each internal constraint distributes the forces and moments
acting at its shell node as forces acting on the related set of coupling
surface nodes in a self-equilibrating manner. The resulting line of constraints
enforces the shell-to-solid coupling.
Defining Shell-to-Solid Coupling
Defining a shell-to-solid coupling constraint requires the specification of
a constraint name, an edge-based shell surface, and an element- or node-based
solid surface.
Abaqus automatically determines which nodes on the two surfaces participate in the coupling and
creates appropriate internal distributed coupling constraints. You can also control which
nodes on the two surfaces participate in the coupling by specifying a position tolerance and
influence distance as described below.
The resulting coupling constraint definitions are printed to the data file when model definition
data are requested (see Controlling the Amount of analysis input file processor Information Written to the Data File). Abaqus also creates an internal node set that contains all the solid nodes included in the
coupling. The name of the internal node set is the name assigned to the coupling
Controlling the Shell Nodes Included in the Coupling
A position tolerance determines the absolute
distance from the solid surface within which all shell nodes to be included in
the coupling must lie. Shell nodes that lie outside this tolerance are not
coupled to the solid surface.
When using an element-based solid surface, the defined distance between a shell node and the
solid surface is the projected distance measured along a line extending from the shell
node to the closest point on the solid surface (which might be on the edge of the solid
surface). The default position tolerance when using an element-based solid surface is 5%
of the length of a typical facet on the shell edge.
For a node-based solid surface the defined distance of a shell node to the
surface is the distance to the closest node on the solid surface. The default
position tolerance when using a node-based solid surface is based on the
average distance between nodes on the solid surface.
You can specify a nondefault position tolerance for element- or node-based
solid surfaces.
Controlling the Solid Nodes Included in the Coupling
A geometric tolerance, which is referred to as the influence
distance, is defined for each edge facet. For a given node or
element facet on the solid surface to be included in the coupling constraint,
its perpendicular distance from at least one edge facet must be less than or
equal to the influence distance defined for that edge facet. The default
influence distance for an edge facet is half the thickness of the underlying
shell element. The default automatically accounts for any offset or nodal
thickness included with the shell element's cross-section definition. You can
specify a nondefault influence distance.
A user-defined influence distance is optional in all cases except when an
edge facet involved in the coupling is associated with a general arbitrary
elastic shell section definition in which you specified the general stiffness.
In this case since the shell thickness is not defined directly, you must supply
an influence distance.
This section outlines the basic procedure used by
to compute the internal shell-to-solid coupling constraints.
A single distinct internal distributing coupling constraint is created for
each shell node that lies within the position tolerance from the solid surface.
Internal coupling constraints are not created for shell nodes that lie outside
this tolerance. The shell node acts as the reference node, and a set of nodes
on the solid surface act as the coupling nodes.
finds the coupling nodes on the solid surface and computes the weight factors
for the internal constraints by considering each shell edge facet separately.
The following procedure is carried out for each edge facet:
finds all nodes on the solid element surface that lie within the region of
influence (discussed below) of the current edge facet. These nodes are included
in the coupling constraint.
then computes a set of weight factors for the solid nodes. A weight factor is a
measure of both the tributary area of the solid node contained within the
region of influence and the relative position of the solid node with respect to
each shell node. The tributary areas for node-based surfaces are the
cross-sectional areas that you specified when you defined the surface. For
element-based surfaces the tributary areas are calculated by
The sum of all the weight factors in each coupling constraint is a measure of
the total tributary area of the solid surface that is contained within the
region of influence.
The above procedure is carried out for all the shell edge facets
contained within the shell surface. If a shell node belongs to more than one
edge facet, all the coupling nodes and weight factors are combined into a
single distributing constraint definition. The resulting line of constraints
along the shell edge enforces the shell-to-solid coupling.
There are two situations in which a shell node might satisfy the position tolerance but no
coupling constraint is defined. If a shell node lies within the position tolerance but is
not connected by an edge facet to at least one other shell node that also satisfies the
tolerance, a coupling constraint is not created for this shell node. In this case it might
be necessary to increase the position tolerance. Alternatively, if nonzero weight factors
are not computed for at least two solid nodes associated with the shell node, a coupling
constraint is not created for this shell node. The most likely cause for zero weight factors
is that the influence distance is too small. In the case of a node-based surface, zero
weights might also arise if the default cross-sectional area is used. For shell-to-solid
coupling the default area is zero.
The Region of Influence for an Edge Facet
The region of influence of an edge facet is defined by a cylindrical volume
whose centerline is the edge facet and whose radius is the edge facet's
influence distance. The ends of the cylindrical volume are defined by two
bounding planes whose normals are the shell tangents at the two ends of the
edge facet (see
Figure 4).
Figure 4. Regions of influence for an edge facet.
In this example a region of influence is constructed for shell edge 2–3. For a node-based solid
surface, only the nodes that lie within or on the boundary of the region of influence are
assigned to the current edge facet and included in the coupling definition. For an
element-based solid surface, each solid facet node is associated with part of the facet
surface. If the part of the facet assigned to a given solid node falls within the region
of influence, that node is included in the coupling definition.
Using the Normal on an Element-Based Solid Surface to Restrict Solid Nodes That Are Used in the Coupling
In the case of an element-based solid surface, Abaqus compares the normal of each solid facet within the region of influence to the normal of
the solid surface closest to the centerline of the cylindrical volume (see Figure 4). In general, if the normal of a surface facet is not within 20° of the normal at the
centerline, the nodes on the solid surface facet are not included in the coupling
definition. For the case illustrated in Figure 4 this check would prevent nodes on the top and bottom surface of the solid mesh from
being coupled to the shell nodes even if the influence distance was arbitrarily large and
the solid surface definition included all sides of the solid geometry. This check is not
used if the centerline is on or near a feature edge of the solid mesh where the normal is
not well defined (see the discussion about shell offsets below).
Comments, Restrictions, and Modeling Recommendations for Shell-to-Solid Coupling
The shell-to-solid coupling formulation assumes that the interface
surface between the shell and solid elements is normal to the shell. Therefore,
while the solid surface can be curved in a direction tangent to the shell edge,
it should be straight in the direction along the shell normals. This is an
assumption on the geometry of the surfaces, not on the mesh. It is not
necessary for the nodes on the solid surface to line up with each other or to
line up with the shell nodes.
The shell-to-solid coupling capability is designed for analyses where
the solid mesh is fine with respect to the shell thickness. It is recommended
that at least two solid elements be included through the thickness at a
shell-to-solid interface. Along the shell-to-solid interface the length of a
shell edge facet should in general be of the same order as the characteristic
surface dimension of a solid element facet.
An assumption used in the design of the shell-to-solid coupling algorithms is that the weight
factors are based on accurate nodal tributary areas, such as those automatically
computed by Abaqus when an element-based surface is used. Therefore, it is generally recommended that an
element-based solid surface be used instead of a node-based solid surface. However, in
cases where the shell and solid meshes align with each other, it is sometimes
advantageous to use a node-based solid surface especially when a homogenous solution is
Figure 5
illustrates some recommended modeling practices for shell-to-solid coupling. If
the shell reference surface is not offset, the shell edge should be centrally
located with respect to the thickness direction of the solid (Figure 5(a)).
The solid surface should include only the portion needed for the coupling (the
shaded region shown in
Figure 5(a)).
Figure 5. Modeling recommendations for the shell-to-solid interface.
The shell-to-solid interface can be defined around geometric feature
angles (corners),
(Figure 5(b)).
However, it is recommended that the feature angles satisfy 60° <
< 300°. In addition, as illustrated in
Figure 5(b),
at least two shell element edges should be included between each feature angle.
If an offset is defined for the shell section and the reference shell
edge is placed at or near a feature edge on the solid surface (Figure 6),
the solid surface should include only the side of the solid that you want to be
included in the coupling definition.
Figure 6. Modeling recommendations for the shell-to-solid interface with a
shell offset.
For example, if the top of the solid in
Figure 6
is included in the surface definition,
includes nodes on the top of the surface in the coupling constraint, which is
not what you intended. You intended only that the shell be coupled to the
shaded region of the solid in
Figure 6.
Therefore, the solid surface definition should include only this region.
Care must be taken in interpreting the local stress and strain fields in
the immediate vicinity of the shell-to-solid interface. This is especially true
if the shell-to-solid interface includes corners or edges. The interface should
be placed at least a distance more than the shell thickness away from the
region in the solid mesh where the stress and strain fields are of interest.
The shell-to-solid interface should be located in a region of the model
where shell theory is a valid modeling approximation.
Corners or kinks might exist in models made of shell elements. At such corners or kinks the shell
elements only approximate the distribution of the material away from the midsurface of
the shell. While the global moments and forces between the shell and solid models are
transferred correctly, the local stress and displacement fields in the region of the
shell-to-solid interface might be inaccurate.
Only displacement degrees of freedom in the solid elements and displacement and rotation degrees
of freedom in the shell elements are coupled in shell-to-solid coupling. Shell-to-solid
coupling does not couple other degrees of freedom such as temperature and pressure.
Shell-to-solid coupling can be used to couple three-dimensional shells
to all three-dimensional continuum elements except cylindrical elements (Cylindrical Solid Element Library).