Abaqus Constraints Guide

What's New

R2022x FD01 (FP.2205)

Kinematic Constraints

About Kinematic Constraints

Constraint Enforcement and Overlapping Constraints

Constraint Enforcement

Multiple Kinematic Constraints at a Node

Computational Cost for Constraint Solution in Abaqus/Explicit

Initial Conditions at Constrained Nodes

Multi-Point Constraints

Linear Constraint Equations

Defining a Linear Constraint Equation

Use with Transformed Coordinate Systems

Use within a Part

Prescribing a Nonhomogeneous Constraint

Constraint Forces and Global Equilibrium

Obtaining the Constraint Force

Defining a Constraint in a Deformed State

Reading the Data from an Alternate Input File

General Multi-Point Constraints

Identifying the Nodes Involved in the MPC

Use with Transformed Coordinate Systems

Defining Multiple Multi-Point Constraints at a Point

Using MPCS in Implicit Dynamic Analysis

Using Nonlinear MPCS in Geometrically Linear Abaqus/Standard Analysis

Defining MPCS in a User Subroutine

Reading the Data from an Alternate Input File

MPCS for Mesh Refinement

MPCS for Connections and Joints

MPCS for Transitions

Kinematic Coupling Constraints

Typical Applications

Defining the Constraint

Constraint Directions and Finite Rotations

Thermal Expansion of a Kinematic Coupling

Surface-Based Constraints

Mesh Tie Constraints

Defining a Tie Constraint for a Pair of Surfaces

Defining the Surfaces to Be Constrained

Specifying the Subset of Secondary Nodes to Be Constrained

Constraining the Rotational Degrees of Freedom

Constraining the Faces of a Cyclic Symmetric Structure in Abaqus/Standard

The Surface-Based Tie Constraint Formulation

Adjusting the Surfaces and Considering Offsets

Constraining a Surface to a Three-Dimensional Beam

Use of Tie Constraints in Nonmechanical Simulations

Tie Constraints Versus Tied Contact in Abaqus/Standard

Overlapping Constraints


Coupling Constraints

Surface-Based Coupling Definitions

Typical Applications

Defining the Coupling Constraint

Specifying a Region of Influence

Kinematic Coupling Constraints

Distributing Coupling Constraints


Shell-to-Solid Coupling

Shell-to-Solid Coupling

Defining Shell-to-Solid Coupling

Computation of the Internal Coupling Constraints

Comments, Restrictions, and Modeling Recommendations for Shell-to-Solid Coupling

Mesh-Independent Fasteners


Fastener Interactions

Specifying the Positioning Points, Projection Method, and Fastening Points

Specifying the Surfaces to Be Fastened

Defining the Radius of Influence

Defining the Weighting Method

Defining the Fastener Orientation

Coupling Fasteners to Surfaces

Defining Fastener Properties

Overconstraints in Fasteners Modeled with BEAMMPCS


Embedded Elements


Available Embedded Element Types

Specifying the Host Elements

Specifying the Embedded Elements

Specifying the Embedded Nodes

Defining Geometric Tolerances

Adjusting the Positions of Embedded Nodes

Use with Other Multiple Kinematic Constraints

Defining Surfaces on Embedded Elements




Element End Release


Identifying the Element End Involved in the Release

Identifying the Local Rotational Degrees of Freedom Involved in the Release

Use with Transformed Coordinate Systems

Reading the Data from an Alternate Input File

Overconstraint Checks

Overconstraints: General Remarks

Overconstraints Detected in the Model Preprocessor

Overconstraints Detected and Resolved during Analysis

Overconstraints Detected in the Equation Solver

Controlling the Overconstraint Checks