Fixing Available Components of Relative Motion
A common practice is to fix available components of motion. Such fixed motion conditions can be used to customize connection types for specific applications. As an example, the REVOLUTE connection type uses the local 1-direction as the shared revolute axis and, hence, the available component of relative motion. If, for convenience, a revolute connection about the local 3-direction were needed, you could fix the relative rotations about the local 1- and 2-directions in a CARDAN connection type. In doing so, a connection type identical to the REVOLUTE connection type would be created; however, the shared axis would be the local 3-direction instead of the local 1-direction.
An example is provided later in this section in which the pin part of a pin-in-slot connection is modeled with a CARDAN connection type with fixed rotations.
Input File Usage
Use the following option in the model portion of the input file to fix available connector components of relative motion: