are used to model frictional materials, which are typically
granular-like soils and rock, and exhibit pressure-dependent yield (the
material becomes stronger as the pressure increases);
are used to model materials in which the compressive yield strength is
greater than the tensile yield strength, such as those commonly found in
composite and polymeric materials;
allow a material to harden and/or soften isotropically;
generally allow for volume change with inelastic behavior: the flow
rule, defining the inelastic straining, allows simultaneous inelastic dilation
(volume increase) and inelastic shearing;
can include creep in
if the material exhibits long-term inelastic deformations;
can be defined to be sensitive to the rate of straining, as is often
the case in polymeric materials;
can be used in conjunction with an equation of state model (Equation of State)
to describe the hydrodynamic response of the material in
can be used in conjunction with the models of progressive damage and
failure (About Damage and Failure for Ductile Metals)
to specify different damage initiation criteria and damage evolution laws that
allow for the progressive degradation of the material stiffness and the removal
of elements from the mesh; and
are intended to simulate material response under essentially monotonic
The yield criteria for this class of models are based on the shape of the
yield surface in the meridional plane. The yield surface can have a linear
form, a hyperbolic form, or a general exponent form. These surfaces are
illustrated in
Figure 1.
The stress invariants and other terms in each of the three related yield
criteria are defined later in this section.
Figure 1. Yield surfaces in the meridional plane.
The linear model (Figure 1a)
provides for a possibly noncircular yield surface in the deviatoric plane
(-plane) to match
different yield values in triaxial tension and compression, associated
inelastic flow in the deviatoric plane, and separate dilation and friction
angles. Input data parameters define the shape of the yield and flow surfaces
in the meridional and deviatoric planes as well as other characteristics of
inelastic behavior such that a range of simple theories is provided—the
original Drucker-Prager model is available within this model. However, this
model cannot provide a close match to Mohr-Coulomb behavior, as described later
in this section.
The hyperbolic and general exponent models use a von Mises (circular)
section in the deviatoric stress plane. In the meridional plane a hyperbolic
flow potential is used for both models, which, in general, means nonassociated
The choice of model to be used depends largely on the analysis type, the
kind of material, the experimental data available for calibration of the model
parameters, and the range of pressure stress values that the material is likely
to experience. It is common to have either triaxial test data at different
levels of confining pressure or test data that are already calibrated in terms
of a cohesion and a friction angle and, sometimes, a triaxial tensile strength
value. If triaxial test data are available, the material parameters must be
calibrated first. The accuracy with which the linear model can match these test
data is limited by the fact that it assumes linear dependence of deviatoric
stress on pressure stress. Although the hyperbolic model makes a similar
assumption at high confining pressures, it provides a nonlinear relationship
between deviatoric and pressure stress at low confining pressures, which may
provide a better match of the triaxial experimental data. The hyperbolic model
is useful for brittle materials for which both triaxial compression and
triaxial tension data are available, which is a common situation for materials
such as rocks. The most general of the three yield criteria is the exponent
form. This criterion provides the most flexibility in matching triaxial test
determines the material parameters required for this model directly from the
triaxial test data. A least-squares fit that minimizes the relative error in
stress is used for this purpose.
For cases where the experimental data are already calibrated in terms of a cohesion and a
friction angle, the linear model can be used. If these parameters are provided for a
Mohr-Coulomb model, it is necessary to convert them to Drucker-Prager parameters. The linear
model is intended primarily for applications where the stresses are mostly compressive. If
tensile stresses are significant, hydrostatic tension data should be available (along with
the cohesion and friction angle) and the hyperbolic model should be used.
Calibration of these models is discussed later in this section.
Hardening and Rate Dependence
For granular materials these models are often used as a failure surface, in
the sense that the material can exhibit unlimited flow when the stress reaches
yield. This behavior is called perfect plasticity. The models are also provided
with isotropic hardening. In this case plastic flow causes the yield surface to
change size uniformly with respect to all stress directions. This hardening
model is useful for cases involving gross plastic straining or in which the
straining at each point is essentially in the same direction in strain space
throughout the analysis. Although the model is referred to as an isotropic
“hardening” model, strain softening, or hardening followed by softening, can be
As strain rates increase, many materials show an increase in their yield
strength. This effect becomes important in many polymers when the strain rates
range between 0.1 and 1 per second; it can be very important for strain rates
ranging between 10 and 100 per second, which are characteristic of high-energy
dynamic events or manufacturing processes. The effect is generally not as
important in granular materials. The evolution of the yield surface with
plastic deformation is described in terms of the equivalent stress
which can be chosen as either the uniaxial compression yield stress, the
uniaxial tension yield stress, or the shear (cohesion) yield stress:
is the equivalent plastic strain rate, defined for the linear Drucker-Prager
model as
= if hardening is
defined in uniaxial compression;
if hardening is defined in uniaxial tension;
if hardening is defined in pure shear,
and defined for the hyperbolic and exponential Drucker-Prager models as
is the equivalent plastic strain;
is temperature; and
are other predefined field variables.
The functional dependence
includes hardening as well as rate-dependent effects. The material data can be
input either directly in a tabular format or by correlating it to static
relations based on yield stress ratios.
Rate dependence as described here is most suitable for moderate- to
high-speed events in
Time-dependent inelastic deformation at low deformation rates can be better
represented by creep models. Such inelastic deformation, which can coexist with
rate-independent plastic deformation, is described later in this section.
However, the existence of creep in an
material definition precludes the use of rate dependence as described here.
When using the Drucker-Prager material model,
allows you to prescribe initial hardening by defining initial equivalent
plastic strain values, as discussed below along with other details regarding
the use of initial conditions.
Direct Tabular Data
Test data are entered as tables of yield stress values versus equivalent
plastic strain at different equivalent plastic strain rates; one table per
strain rate. Compression data are more commonly available for geological
materials, whereas tension data are usually available for polymeric materials.
The guidelines on how to enter these data are provided in
Rate-Dependent Yield.
When R is entered directly, it is entered as a
tabular function of the equivalent plastic strain rate,
temperature, ;
and predefined field variables, .
The yield stress surface makes use of two invariants, defined as the
equivalent pressure stress,
and the Mises equivalent stress,
where is the stress
deviator, defined as
In addition, the linear model also uses the third invariant of deviatoric
Linear Drucker-Prager Model
The linear model is written in terms of all three stress invariants. It
provides for a possibly noncircular yield surface in the deviatoric plane to
match different yield values in triaxial tension and compression, associated
inelastic flow in the deviatoric plane, and separate dilation and friction
Yield Criterion
The linear Drucker-Prager criterion (see
Figure 1a)
is written as
is the slope of the linear yield surface in the
p–t stress plane and is commonly
referred to as the friction angle of the material;
is the cohesion of the material; and
is the ratio of the yield stress in triaxial tension to the yield stress in
triaxial compression and, thus, controls the dependence of the yield surface on
the value of the intermediate principal stress (see
Figure 2).
Figure 2. Typical yield/flow surfaces of the linear model in the deviatoric
In the case of hardening defined in uniaxial compression, the linear yield
criterion precludes friction angles
71.5° (
3), which is unlikely to be a limitation for real materials.
When ,
which implies that the yield surface is the von Mises circle in the deviatoric
principal stress plane (the -plane), in which
case the yield stresses in triaxial tension and compression are the same. To
ensure that the yield surface remains convex requires .
The cohesion, d, of the material is related to the
input data as
Plastic Flow
G is the flow potential, chosen in this model as
is the dilation angle in the p–t
plane. A geometric interpretation of
is shown in the p–t diagram of
Figure 3.
In the case of hardening defined in uniaxial compression, this flow rule
definition precludes dilation angles
71.5° (
3). This restriction is not seen as a limitation since it is unlikely this will
be the case for real materials.
Figure 3. Linear Drucker-Prager model: yield surface and flow direction in the
p–t plane.
For granular materials the linear model is normally used with nonassociated
flow in the p–t plane, in the sense
that the flow is assumed to be normal to the yield surface in the
-plane but at an
to the t-axis in the
p–t plane, where usually
as illustrated in
Figure 3.
Associated flow results from setting .
The original Drucker-Prager model is available by setting
and .
Nonassociated flow is also generally assumed when the model is used for
polymeric materials. If ,
the inelastic deformation is incompressible; if ,
the material dilates. Hence,
is referred to as the dilation angle.
The relationship between the flow potential and the incremental plastic
strain for the linear model is discussed in detail in
Models for granular or polymer behavior.
Nonassociated flow implies that the material stiffness matrix is not
symmetric; therefore, the unsymmetric matrix storage and solution scheme should
be used in
Defining an Analysis).
If the difference between
is not large and the region of the model in which inelastic deformation is
occurring is confined, it is possible that a symmetric approximation to the
material stiffness matrix will give an acceptable rate of convergence and the
unsymmetric matrix scheme may not be needed.
Hyperbolic and General Exponent Models
The hyperbolic and general exponent models available are written in terms of
the first two stress invariants only.
Hyperbolic Yield Criterion
The hyperbolic yield criterion is a continuous combination of the maximum
tensile stress condition of Rankine (tensile cutoff) and the linear
Drucker-Prager condition at high confining stress. It is written as
is the initial hydrostatic tension strength of the material;
is the hardening parameter;
is the initial value of ; and
is the friction angle measured at high confining pressure, as shown in
Figure 1(b).
The hardening parameter, ,
can be obtained from test data as follows:
The isotropic hardening assumed in this model treats
as constant with respect to stress as depicted in
Figure 4.
Figure 4. Hyperbolic model: yield surface and hardening in the
p–q plane.
The general exponent form provides the most general yield criterion
available in this class of models. The yield function is written as
are material parameters that are independent of plastic deformation; and
is the hardening parameter that represents the hydrostatic tension strength
of the material as shown in
Figure 1(c).
is related to the input test data as
The isotropic hardening assumed in this model treats a
and b as constant with respect to stress, as depicted in
Figure 5.
Figure 5. General exponent model: yield surface and hardening in the
p–q plane.
The material parameters a and b
can be given directly. Alternatively, if triaxial test data at different levels
of confining pressure are available,
will determine the material parameters from the triaxial test data, as
discussed below.
G is the flow potential, chosen in these models as a
hyperbolic function:
is the dilation angle measured in the
p–q plane at high confining pressure;
is the initial yield stress, taken from the user-specified Drucker-Prager
hardening data; and
is a parameter, referred to as the eccentricity, that defines the rate at
which the function approaches the asymptote (the flow potential tends to a
straight line as the eccentricity tends to zero).
Suitable default values are provided for ,
as described below. The value of
will depend on the yield stress used.
This flow potential, which is continuous and smooth, ensures that the flow
direction is always uniquely defined. The function approaches the linear
Drucker-Prager flow potential asymptotically at high confining pressure stress
and intersects the hydrostatic pressure axis at 90°. A family of hyperbolic
potentials in the meridional stress plane is shown in
Figure 6.
The flow potential is the von Mises circle in the deviatoric stress plane (the
Figure 6. Family of hyperbolic flow potentials in the
p–q plane.
For the hyperbolic model flow is nonassociated in the
p–q plane if the dilation angle,
and the material friction angle, ,
are different. The hyperbolic model provides associated flow in the
p–q plane only when
and .
A default value of )
is assumed if the flow potential is used with the hyperbolic model, so that
associated flow is recovered when .
For the general exponent model flow is always nonassociated in the
p–q plane. The default flow potential
eccentricity is ,
which implies that the material has almost the same dilation angle over a wide
range of confining pressure stress values. Increasing the value of
provides more curvature to the flow potential, implying that the dilation angle
increases more rapidly as the confining pressure decreases. Values of
that are significantly less than the default value may lead to convergence
problems if the material is subjected to low confining pressures because of the
very tight curvature of the flow potential locally where it intersects the
The relationship between the flow potential and the incremental plastic
strain for the hyperbolic and general exponent models is discussed in detail in
Models for granular or polymer behavior.
Nonassociated Flow
Nonassociated flow implies that the material stiffness matrix is not
symmetric; therefore, the unsymmetric matrix storage and solution scheme should
be used in
Defining an Analysis).
If the difference between
in the hyperbolic model is not large and if the region of the model in which
inelastic deformation is occurring is confined, it is possible that a symmetric
approximation to the material stiffness matrix will give an acceptable rate of
convergence. In such cases the unsymmetric matrix scheme may not be needed.
Progressive Damage and Failure
the extended Drucker-Prager models can be used in conjunction with the models
of progressive damage and failure discussed in
About Damage and Failure for Ductile Metals.
The capability allows for the specification of one or more damage initiation
criteria, including ductile, shear, forming limit diagram
(FLD), forming limit stress diagram
(FLSD), and Müschenborn-Sonne forming limit
diagram (MSFLD) criteria. After damage
initiation, the material stiffness is degraded progressively according to the
specified damage evolution response. The model offers two failure choices,
including the removal of elements from the mesh as a result of tearing or
ripping of the structure. The progressive damage models allow for a smooth
degradation of the material stiffness, making them suitable for both
quasi-static and dynamic situations.
Data for geological materials are most commonly available from triaxial
testing. In such a test the specimen is confined by a pressure stress that is
held constant during the test. The loading is an additional tension or
compression stress applied in one direction. Typical results include
stress-strain curves at different levels of confinement, as shown in
Figure 7.
Figure 7. Triaxial tests with stress-strain curves for typical geological
materials at different levels of confinement.
To calibrate the yield parameters for this class of models, you need to
decide which point on each stress-strain curve will be used for calibration.
For example, if you wish to calibrate the initial yield surface, the point in
each stress-strain curve corresponding to initial deviation from elastic
behavior should be used. Alternatively, if you wish to calibrate the ultimate
yield surface, the point in each stress-strain curve corresponding to the peak
stress should be used.
One stress data point from each stress-strain curve at a different level of
confinement is plotted in the meridional stress plane
(p–t plane if the linear model is to
be used, or p–q plane if the
hyperbolic or general exponent model will be used). This technique calibrates
the shape and position of the yield surface, as shown in
Figure 8,
and is adequate to define a model if it is to be used as a failure surface
(perfect plasticity).
Figure 8. Yield surface in meridional plane.
The models are also available with isotropic hardening, in which case
hardening data are required to complete the calibration. In an isotropic
hardening model plastic flow causes the yield surface to change size uniformly;
in other words, only one of the stress-strain curves depicted in
Figure 7
can be used to represent hardening. The curve that represents hardening most
accurately over the range of loading conditions anticipated should be selected
(usually the curve for the average anticipated value of pressure stress).
As stated earlier, two types of triaxial test data are commonly available
for geological materials. In a triaxial compression test the specimen is
confined by pressure and an additional compression stress is superposed in one
direction. Thus, the principal stresses are all negative, with
(Figure 9a).
In the preceding inequality ,
are the maximum, intermediate, and minimum principal stresses, respectively.
Figure 9. a) Triaxial compression and b) tension.
The values of the stress invariants are
so that
The triaxial compression results can, thus, be plotted in the meridional
plane shown in
Figure 8.
Linear Drucker-Prager Model
Fitting the best straight line through the triaxial compression results
and d for the linear Drucker-Prager model.
Triaxial tension data are also needed to define K in
the linear Drucker-Prager model. Under triaxial tension the specimen is again
confined by pressure, after which the pressure in one direction is reduced. In
this case the principal stresses are
(Figure 9b).
The stress invariants are now
so that
Thus, K can be found by plotting these test results as
q versus p and again fitting the best
straight line. The triaxial compression and tension lines must intercept the
p-axis at the same point, and the ratio of values of
q for triaxial tension and compression at the same value
of p then gives K (Figure 10).
Figure 10. Linear model: fitting triaxial compression and tension data.
Hyperbolic Model
Fitting the best straight line through the triaxial compression results at
high confining pressures provides
and for the
hyperbolic model. This fit is performed in the same manner as that used to
and d for the linear Drucker-Prager model. In addition,
hydrostatic tension data are required to complete the calibration of the
hyperbolic model so that the initial hydrostatic tension strength,
can be defined.
General Exponent Model
Given triaxial data in the meridional plane,
provides a capability to determine the material parameters
a, b, and
required for the exponent model. The parameters are determined on the basis of
a “best fit” of the triaxial test data at different levels of confining stress.
A least-squares fit which minimizes the relative error in stress is used to
obtain the “best fit” values for a,
b, and .
The capability allows all three parameters to be calibrated or, if some of the
parameters are known, only the remaining parameters to be calibrated. This
ability is useful if only a few data points are available, in which case you
may wish to fit the best straight line ()
through the data points (effectively reducing the model to a linear
Drucker-Prager model). Partial calibration can also be useful in a case when
triaxial test data at low confinement are unreliable or unavailable, as is
often the case for cohesionless materials. In this case a better fit may be
obtained if the value of
is specified and only a and b are
The data must be provided in terms of the principal stresses
and ,
is the confining stress and
is the stress in the loading direction. The
sign convention must be followed such that tensile stresses are positive and
compressive stresses are negative. One pair of stresses must be entered from
each triaxial test. As many data points as desired can be entered from triaxial
tests at different levels of confining stress.
If the exponent model is used as a failure surface (perfect plasticity), the
Drucker-Prager hardening behavior does not have to be specified. The
hydrostatic tension strength, ,
obtained from the calibration will then be used as the failure stress. However,
if the Drucker-Prager hardening behavior is specified together with the
triaxial test data, the value of
obtained from the calibration will be ignored. In this case
will interpolate
directly from the hardening data.
Matching Mohr-Coulomb Parameters to the Drucker-Prager Model
Sometimes experimental data are not directly available. Instead, you are
provided with the friction angle and cohesion values for the Mohr-Coulomb
model. In that case the simplest way to proceed is to use the Mohr-Coulomb
model (see
Mohr-Coulomb Plasticity).
In some situations it may be necessary to use the Drucker-Prager model instead
of the Mohr-Coulomb model (such as when rate effects need to be considered), in
which case we need to calculate values for the parameters of a Drucker-Prager
model to provide a reasonable match to the Mohr-Coulomb parameters.
The Mohr-Coulomb failure model is based on plotting Mohr's circle for states
of stress at failure in the plane of the maximum and minimum principal
stresses. The failure line is the best straight line that touches these Mohr's
circles (Figure 11).
Figure 11. Mohr-Coulomb failure model.
Therefore, the Mohr-Coulomb model is defined by
is negative in compression. From Mohr's circle,
Substituting for
and ,
multiplying both sides by ,
and reducing, the Mohr-Coulomb model can be written as
is half of the difference between the maximum principal stress,
and the minimum principal stress,
(and is, therefore, the maximum shear stress),
is the average of the maximum and minimum principal stresses, and
is the friction angle. Thus, the model assumes a linear relationship between
deviatoric and pressure stress and, so, can be matched by the linear or
hyperbolic Drucker-Prager models provided in
The Mohr-Coulomb model assumes that failure is independent of the value of
the intermediate principal stress, but the Drucker-Prager model does not. The
failure of typical geotechnical materials generally includes some small
dependence on the intermediate principal stress, but the Mohr-Coulomb model is
generally considered to be sufficiently accurate for most applications. This
model has vertices in the deviatoric plane (see
Figure 12).
Figure 12. Mohr-Coulomb model in the deviatoric plane.
The implication is that, whenever the stress state has two equal principal
stress values, the flow direction can change significantly with little or no
change in stress. None of the models currently available in
can provide such behavior; even in the Mohr-Coulomb model the flow potential is
smooth. This limitation is generally not a key concern in many design
calculations involving Coulomb-like materials, but it can limit the accuracy of
the calculations, especially in cases where flow localization is important.
Matching Plane Strain Response
Plane strain problems are often encountered in geotechnical analysis; for
example, long tunnels, footings, and embankments. Therefore, the constitutive
model parameters are often matched to provide the same flow and failure
response in plane strain.
The matching procedure described below is carried out in terms of the
linear Drucker-Prager model but is also applicable to the hyperbolic model at
high levels of confining stress.
The linear Drucker-Prager flow potential defines the plastic strain
increment as
is the equivalent plastic strain increment. Since we wish to match the behavior
in only one plane, we can take ,
which implies that .
Writing this expression in terms of principal stresses provides
with similar expressions for
and .
Assume plane strain in the 1-direction. At limit load we must have
which provides the constraint
Using this constraint we can rewrite q and
p in terms of the principal stresses in the plane of
and ,
With these expressions the Drucker-Prager yield surface can be written in
terms of
The Mohr-Coulomb yield surface in the
plane is
By comparison,
These relationships provide a match between the Mohr-Coulomb material
parameters and linear Drucker-Prager material parameters in plane strain.
Consider the two extreme cases of flow definition: associated flow,
and nondilatant flow, when .
For associated flow
and for nondilatant flow
In either case
is immediately available as
The difference between these two approaches increases with the friction
angle; however, the results are not very different for typical friction angles,
as illustrated in
Table 1.
Table 1. Plane strain matching of Drucker-Prager and Mohr-Coulomb models.
Another approach to matching Mohr-Coulomb and Drucker-Prager model
parameters for materials with low friction angles is to make the two models
provide the same failure definition in triaxial compression and tension. The
following matching procedure is applicable only to the linear Drucker-Prager
model since this is the only model in this class that allows for different
yield values in triaxial compression and tension.
We can rewrite the Mohr-Coulomb model in terms of principal stresses:
Using the results above for the stress invariants p,
q, and r in triaxial compression and
tension allows the linear Drucker-Prager model to be written for triaxial
compression as
and for triaxial tension as
We wish to make these expressions identical to the Mohr-Coulomb model for
all values of .
This is possible by setting
By comparing the Mohr-Coulomb model with the linear Drucker-Prager model,
and, hence, from the previous result
These results for
provide linear Drucker-Prager parameters that match the Mohr-Coulomb model in
triaxial compression and tension.
The value of K in the linear Drucker-Prager model is
restricted to
for the yield surface to remain convex. The result for K
shows that this implies .
Many real materials have a larger Mohr-Coulomb friction angle than this value.
One approach in such circumstances is to choose
and then to use the remaining equations to define
and .
This approach matches the models for triaxial compression only, while providing
the closest approximation that the model can provide to failure being
independent of the intermediate principal stress. If
is significantly larger than 22°, this approach may provide a poor
Drucker-Prager match of the Mohr-Coulomb parameters. Therefore, this matching
procedure is not generally recommended; use the Mohr-Coulomb model instead.
While using one-element tests to verify the calibration of the model, it
should be noted that the
output variables SP1, SP2, and SP3 correspond to the principal stresses ,
and ,
Creep Models for the Linear Drucker-Prager Model
Classical “creep” behavior of materials that exhibit plasticity according to
the extended Drucker-Prager models can be defined in
The creep behavior in such materials is intimately tied to the plasticity
behavior (through the definitions of creep flow potentials and definitions of
test data), so Drucker-Prager plasticity and Drucker-Prager hardening must be
included in the material definition.
Creep and plasticity can be active simultaneously, in which case the
resulting equations are solved in a coupled manner. To model creep only
(without rate-independent plastic deformation), large values for the yield
stress should be provided in the Drucker-Prager hardening definition: the
result is that the material follows the Drucker-Prager model while it creeps,
without ever yielding. When using this technique, a value must also be defined
for the eccentricity, since, as described below, both the initial yield stress
and eccentricity affect the creep potentials. This capability is limited to the
linear model with a von Mises (circular) section in the deviatoric stress plane
i.e., no third stress invariant effects are taken into account) and can be
combined only with linear elasticity.
Creep behavior defined by the extended Drucker-Prager model is active only
during soils consolidation, coupled temperature-displacement, and transient
quasi-static procedures.
Creep Formulation
The creep potential is hyperbolic, similar to the plastic flow potentials
used in the hyperbolic and general exponent plasticity models. If creep
properties are defined in
the linear Drucker-Prager plasticity model also uses a hyperbolic plastic flow
potential. As a consequence, if two analyses are run, one in which creep is not
activated and another in which creep properties are specified but produce
virtually no creep flow, the plasticity solutions will not be exactly the same:
the solution with creep not activated uses a linear plastic potential, whereas
the solution with creep activated uses a hyperbolic plastic potential.
Equivalent Creep Surface and Equivalent Creep Stress
We adopt the notion of the existence of creep isosurfaces of stress points
that share the same creep “intensity,” as measured by an equivalent creep
stress. When the material plastifies, it is desirable to have the equivalent
creep surface coincide with the yield surface; therefore, we define the
equivalent creep surfaces by homogeneously scaling down the yield surface. In
the p–q plane that translates into
parallels to the yield surface, as depicted in
Figure 13.
Figure 13. Equivalent creep stress defined as the shear stress.
requires that creep properties be described in terms of the same type of data
used to define work hardening properties. The equivalent creep stress,
is then determined as follows:
Figure 13
shows how the equivalent point is determined when the material properties are
in shear, with stress d. A consequence of these concepts
is that there is a cone in p–q space
inside which creep is not active since any point inside this cone would have a
negative equivalent creep stress.
Creep Flow
The creep strain rate in
is assumed to follow from the same hyperbolic potential as the plastic strain
rate (see
Figure 6):
is the dilation angle measured in the
p–q plane at high confining pressure;
is the initial yield stress taken from the user-specified Drucker-Prager
hardening data; and
is a parameter, referred to as the eccentricity, that defines the rate at
which the function approaches the asymptote (the creep potential tends to a
straight line as the eccentricity tends to zero).
Suitable default values are provided for ,
as described below. This creep potential, which is continuous and smooth,
ensures that the creep flow direction is always uniquely defined. The function
approaches the linear Drucker-Prager flow potential asymptotically at high
confining pressure stress and intersects the hydrostatic pressure axis at 90°.
A family of hyperbolic potentials in the meridional stress plane was shown in
Figure 6.
The creep potential is the von Mises circle in the deviatoric stress plane (the
The default creep potential eccentricity is ,
which implies that the material has almost the same dilation angle over a wide
range of confining pressure stress values. Increasing the value of
provides more curvature to the creep potential, implying that the dilation
angle increases as the confining pressure decreases. Values of
that are significantly less than the default value may lead to convergence
problems if the material is subjected to low confining pressures, because of
the very tight curvature of the creep potential locally where it intersects the
p-axis. For details on the behavior of these models refer
Verification of creep integration.
If the creep material properties are defined by a compression test,
numerical problems may arise for very low stress values.
protects for such a case, as described in
Models for granular or polymer behavior.
Nonassociated Flow
The use of a creep potential different from the equivalent creep surface
implies that the material stiffness matrix is not symmetric; therefore, the
unsymmetric matrix storage and solution scheme should be used (see
Defining an Analysis).
If the difference between
is not large and the region of the model in which inelastic deformation is
occurring is confined, it is possible that a symmetric approximation to the
material stiffness matrix will give an acceptable rate of convergence and the
unsymmetric matrix scheme may not be needed.
Specifying a Creep Law
The definition of creep behavior in
is completed by specifying the equivalent “uniaxial behavior”—the creep “law.”
In many practical cases the creep “law” is defined through user subroutine
CREEP because creep laws are usually of very complex form to fit
experimental data. Data input methods are provided for some simple cases. To
avoid drawbacks of the time hardening and strain hardening forms, it is
recommended that you use the time power law model rather than the time
hardening form and the power law model rather than the strain hardening form,
as discussed below.
User Subroutine CREEP
User subroutine
CREEP provides a very general capability for implementing
viscoplastic models in
Abaqus/Standard in
which the strain rate potential can be written as a function of the equivalent
stress and any number of “solution-dependent state variables.” When used in
conjunction with these material models, the equivalent creep stress,
is made available in the routine. Solution-dependent state variables are any
variables that are used in conjunction with the constitutive definition and
whose values evolve with the solution. Examples are hardening variables
associated with the model. When a more general form is required for the stress
potential, user subroutine
UMAT can be used.
are defined above; and ,
are material parameters.
The model is equivalent to the time hardening form. It is
recommended that you use the time power law model when the value of the
is very small ().
In this case the equivalent time power law model is obtained by setting
keeping the parameters
unchanged, and setting
to an arbitrary value greater than zero (typically,
is set to one).
where ,
are defined above; and ,
are material parameters.
This model is equivalent to the strain hardening form. It
is recommended that you use the power law model when the value of the parameter
is very small ().
In this case the equivalent power law model is obtained by setting
keeping the parameters
unchanged, and setting
to an arbitrary value greater than zero (typically,
is set to one).
is the equivalent creep strain rate, defined so that
the equivalent creep stress is defined in uniaxial compression,
if defined in uniaxial tension, and
if defined in pure shear, where
is the engineering shear creep strain;
is the equivalent creep stress;
is the total or the creep time; and
A, n, and
are user-defined creep material parameters specified as functions of
temperature and field variables.
In the time hardening form and the time power law model,
the total time or the creep time can be used. The total time is the accumulated
time over all general analysis steps. The creep time is the sum of the times of
the procedures with time-dependent material behavior. If the total time is
used, it is recommended that small step times compared to the creep time be
used for any steps for which creep is not active in an analysis; this is
necessary to avoid changes in hardening behavior in subsequent steps.
A second creep law available as data input is a variation of the
Singh-Mitchell law:
where ,
t, and
are defined above and A, ,
and m are user-defined creep material parameters specified
as functions of temperature and field variables. For physically reasonable
behavior A and
must be positive, ,
should be small compared to the total time.
Depending on the choice of units for the creep laws described above, the
value of A may be very small for typical creep strain
rates. If A is less than ,
numerical difficulties can cause errors in the material calculations.
Therefore, use another system of units or use the time power law or power law
model to avoid such difficulties in the calculation of creep strain increments.
Creep Integration
provides both explicit and implicit time integration of creep and swelling
behavior. The choice of the time integration scheme depends on the procedure
type, the parameters specified for the procedure, the presence of plasticity,
and whether or not a geometric linear or nonlinear analysis is requested, as
discussed in
Rate-Dependent Plasticity: Creep and Swelling.
Initial Conditions
When we need to study the behavior of a material that has already been
subjected to some work hardening,
allows you to prescribe initial conditions for the equivalent plastic strain,
by specifying the conditions directly (see
Initial Conditions).
For more complicated cases initial conditions can be defined in
through user subroutine
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify the initial equivalent
plastic strain directly:
The Drucker-Prager models can be used with the following element types:
plane strain, generalized plane strain, axisymmetric, and three-dimensional
solid (continuum) elements. All Drucker-Prager models are also available in
plane stress (plane stress, shell, and membrane elements), except for the
linear Drucker-Prager model with creep.
For the linear Drucker-Prager plasticity model PEEQ is defined as ;
is the initial equivalent plastic strain (zero or user-specified; see
Initial Conditions)
is the equivalent plastic strain rate.
For the hyperbolic and exponential Drucker-Prager plasticity models PEEQ is defined as ,
is the initial equivalent plastic strain and
is the yield stress.