is a phenomenological model that captures the mechanical response of a
woven fabric made of yarns in the fill and the warp directions;
is valid for materials that exhibit two “structural” directions that
may not be orthogonal to each other with deformation;
defines the local fabric stresses as a function of change in angle
between the fibers (shear strain) and the nominal strains along the yarn
allows for the computation of local fabric stresses based on test data
or through user subroutine
VFABRIC, which can be used to define a complex constitutive model;
requires that geometric nonlinearity be accounted for during the
analysis step (General and Perturbation Procedures),
since it is intended for finite-strain applications.
The fabric material model defined based on test data:
assumes that the responses along the fill and the warp directions are
independent of each other and that the shear response is independent of the
direct response along the yarns;
can include separate loading and unloading responses;
can exhibit nonlinear elastic behavior, damaged elastic behavior, or
elastic-plastic type behavior with permanent deformation upon complete
can deform elastically to large tensile and shear strains; and
can have properties that depend on temperature and/or other field
Woven fabrics are used in a number of engineering applications across
various industries, including such products as automobile airbags; flexible
structures like boat sails and parachutes; reinforcement in composites;
architectural expressions in building roof structures; protective vests for
military, police, and other security circles; and protective layers around the
fuselage in planes.
Woven fabrics consist of yarns woven in the fill and the warp directions.
The yarn is crimped, or curved, as it is woven up and down over the cross
yarns. The nonlinear mechanical behavior of the fabric arises from different
sources: the nonlinear response of the individual yarns, the exchange of crimp
between the fill and the warp yarns as they are stretched, and the contact and
friction between the yarns in cross directions and between the yarns in the
same direction. In general, the fabric exhibits a significant stiffness only
along the yarn directions under tension. The tensile response in the fill and
warp directions may be coupled due to the crimp exchange mentioned above. Under
in-plane shear deformation, the fill and warp direction yarns rotate with
respect to each other. The resistance increases with shear deformation as
lateral contact is formed between the yarns in each direction. The fabrics
typically have negligible stiffness in bending and in-plane compression.
The behavior of woven fabrics is modeled phenomenologically in
to capture the nonlinear anisotropic behavior of the fabric. The planar
kinematic state of a given fabric is described in terms of the nominal direct
strains in the fabric plane along the fill and the warp directions and the
angle between the two yarn directions. The material orthogonal basis and the
yarn local directions are illustrated in
Figure 1
showing the reference and the deformed configurations.
Figure 1. Fabric kinematics
The engineering nominal shear strain, ,
is defined as the change in angle,
between the two yarn directions going from the reference to the deformed
configuration. The nominal strains along the yarn directions
in the deformed configuration are computed from the respective yarn stretch
and .
The corresponding nominal stress components ,
are defined as the work conjugate of the above nominal strains. The fabric
nominal stress, , is converted by
to the Cauchy stress, ;
and the subsequent internal forces arising from the fabric deformation are
computed. You can obtain output of the fabric nominal strains, the fabric
nominal stresses, and the regular Cauchy stresses. The relationship between the
Cauchy stress, ,
and the nominal stress, , is
is the volumetric Jacobian.
Either experimental data or a user subroutine,
VFABRIC, can be used to characterize the
fabric material model, providing the nominal fabric stress as a function of the
nominal fabric strains. The user subroutine allows for building a complex
material model taking into account both the fabric structural parameters such
as yarn spacing, yarn cross-section shape, etc. and the yarn material
properties. The test data–based fabric model makes some simplifying assumptions
but allows for nonlinear response including energy loss. The two models are
presented below in detail. Both models capture the wrinkling of fabric under
compression only in a smeared fashion.
The fabric material model based on test data assumes that the responses
along the fill and the warp directions are independent of each other and that
the shear response is independent of the direct response along the yarn. Hence,
each component-wise fabric stress response depends only on the fabric strain in
that component. Thus, the overall behavior of the fabric consists of three
independent component-wise responses: namely, the direct response along the
fill yarn to the nominal strain in the fill yarn, the direct response along the
warp yarn to the nominal strain in the warp yarn, and the shear response to the
change in angle between the two yarns.
Within each component you must provide test data defining the response of
the fabric. To fully define the fabric response, the test data must cover all
of the following attributes:
Within a component, separate test data can be defined for the fabric
response in the tensile direction and in the compressive direction.
Within a deformation direction (tension or compression), both loading
and unloading test data can be provided.
The loading and unloading test data can be classified according to three
available behavior types: nonlinear elastic behavior, damaged elastic behavior,
or elastic-plastic type behavior with permanent deformation. The behavior type
determines how the fabric transitions from its loading response to its
unloading response.
When elastic, the test data in a particular component can also be rate
dependent. When separate loading and unloading paths are required, the test
data for the two deformation directions (tension and compression) must be given
separately. Otherwise, the data for both tension and compression may be given
in a single table.
Input File Usage
Use the following options to define a fabric material using
test data:
TYPE=behavior typedata lines to define loading dataUNLOADING DATAdata lines to define unloading data
Repeat all of the options underneath
FABRIC as often as necessary to account for each component and
deformation direction.
Specifying Uniaxial Behavior in a Component Direction
Independent loading and unloading test data can be provided in each of the
three component directions. The components correspond to the response along the
fill yarn, the response along the warp yarn, and the shear response.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to define the response along the fill
yarn direction:
The test data can be defined separately for tension and compression by
specifying the deformation direction. If the deformation direction is defined
(tension or compression), the tabular values defining tensile or compressive
behavior should be specified with positive values of the stress and strain in
the specified component and the loading data must start at the origin. If the
behavior is not defined in a loading direction, the stress response will be
zero in that direction (the fabric has no resistance in that direction).
If the deformation direction is not defined, the data apply to both tension
and compression. However, the behavior is then considered to be nonlinear
elastic and no unloading response can be specified. The test data will be
considered to be symmetric about the origin if either tensile or compressive
data are omitted.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to define tensile behavior:
In general, a fabric material does not have significant stiffness under
compression. To prevent the collapse of wrinkled elements under compressive
loading, the specified stress-strain curve should have nonzero compressive
stiffness, particularly at larger compressive strains.
Defining Loading/Unloading Component-Wise Response for a Fabric Material
To define the loading response, you specify the fabric stress as nonlinear
functions of the fabric strain. This function can also depend on temperature
and field variables. See
Input Syntax Rules
for further information about defining data as functions of temperature and
field variables.
The unloading response can be defined in the following different ways:
You can specify several unloading curves that express the fabric stress
as nonlinear functions of the fabric strain;
interpolates these curves to create an unloading curve that passes through the
point of unloading in an analysis.
You can specify an energy dissipation factor (and a permanent
deformation factor for models with permanent deformation), from which
calculates a quadratic unloading function.
You can specify an energy dissipation factor (and a permanent
deformation factor for models with permanent deformation), from which
calculates an exponential unloading function.
You can specify the fabric stress as a nonlinear function of the fabric
strain, as well as a transition slope; the fabric unloads along the specified
transition slope until it intersects the specified unloading function, at which
point it unloads according to the function. (This unloading definition is
referred to as combined unloading.)
You can specify the fabric stress as a nonlinear function of the fabric
shifts the specified unloading function along the strain axis so that it passes
through the point of unloading in an analysis.
The behavior type that is specified for the fabric dictates the type of
unloading you can define, as summarized in
Table 1.
The different behavior types, as well as the associated loading and unloading
curves, are discussed in more detail in the sections that follow.
Table 1. Available unloading definitions for the fabric behavior types.
Material behavior type
Unloading definition
Nonlinear elastic(rate-dependent only)
Damaged elastic
Permanent deformation
Defining Nonlinear Elastic Behavior
The elastic behavior can be nonlinear and, optionally, rate dependent. When
the loading response is rate dependent, a separate unloading curve can also be
specified. However, the unloading response need not be rate dependent.
Defining Rate-Independent Elasticity
When the loading response is rate independent, the unloading response is
also rate independent and occurs along the same user-specified loading curve as
illustrated in
Figure 2.
An unloading curve does not need to be specified.
When the elastic response is rate dependent, both the loading and the
unloading curves can be specified. The unloading data can be rate independent
or rate dependent and must be specified in a single table; that is, only a
single unloading data definition is allowed. If the unloading data are not
specified, the unloading occurs along the loading curve specified with the
smallest rate of deformation.
Unphysical jumps in the stress due to sudden changes in the rate of
deformation are prevented using a technique based on viscoplastic
regularization. This technique also helps model relaxation effects in a very
simplistic manner, with the relaxation time given as
where ,
are material parameters and
is the stretch.
is a linear viscosity parameter that controls the relaxation time when
Small values of this parameter should be used; a suggested value is 0.0001s.
is a nonlinear viscosity parameter that controls the relaxation time at higher
values of .
The smaller this value, the shorter the relaxation time. The suggested value
for this parameter is 0.005s.
controls the sensitivity of the relaxation speed to the fabric strain
Figure 3
illustrates the loading/unloading behavior as the component is loaded at a rate
and then unloaded at a rate .
Figure 3. Rate-dependent loading/unloading.
The unloading path is determined by interpolating the specified unloading
curves. The unloading need not be rate dependent, even though the loading
response is rate dependent. When the unloading is rate dependent, the unloading
path at any given component strain and strain rate is determined by
interpolating the specified unloading curves.
Input File Usage
Use the following options when the unloading is also rate
The damage models dissipate energy upon unloading, and there is no permanent
deformation upon complete unloading. You can specify the onset of damage by
defining the strain above which the material response in unloading does not
retrace the loading curve.
The unloading behavior controls the amount of energy dissipated by damage
mechanisms and can be specified in one of the following ways:
an analytical unloading curve (exponential/quadratic);
an unloading curve interpolated from multiple user-specified unloading
curves; or
unloading along a transition unloading curve (constant slope specified
by user) to the user-specified unloading curve (combined unloading).
Input File Usage
Use the following options to define damage with quadratic
unloading behavior:
The damage model in
Figure 4
is based on an analytical unloading curve that is derived from an energy
dissipation factor,
(fraction of energy that is dissipated at any strain level). As the fabric
component is loaded, the stress follows the path given by the loading curve. If
the fabric component is unloaded (for example, at point
B), the stress follows the unloading curve
Reloading after unloading follows the unloading curve
until the loading is such that the strain becomes greater than
, after which the loading path follows the loading curve. The arrows shown in
Figure 4
illustrate the loading/unloading paths of this model.
Figure 4. Exponential/quadratic unloading.
The unloading response follows the loading curve when the calculated
unloading curve lies above the loading curve to prevent energy generation and
follows a zero stress response when the unloading curve yields a negative
response. In such cases the dissipated energy will be less than the value
specified by the energy dissipation factor.
Specifying Interpolated Curve Unloading
The damage model in
Figure 5
illustrates an interpolated unloading response based on multiple unloading
curves that intersect the primary loading curve at increasing values of
stress/strains. You can specify as many unloading curves as are necessary to
define the unloading response. Each unloading curve always starts at point
O, the point of zero stress and zero strains, since the
damage models do not allow any permanent deformation. The unloading curves are
stored in normalized form so that they intersect the loading curve at a unit
stress for a unit strain, and the interpolation occurs between these normalized
curves. If unloading occurs from a maximum strain for which an unloading curve
is not specified, the unloading is interpolated from neighboring unloading
curves. As the fabric component is loaded, the stress follows the path given by
the loading curve. If the fabric is unloaded (for example, at point
B), the stress follows the unloading curve
Reloading after unloading follows the unloading path
until the loading is such that the strain becomes greater than
after which the loading path follows the loading curve.
Figure 5. Interpolated curve unloading.
The unloading curve also has the same temperature and field variable
dependencies as the loading curve.
Specifying Combined Unloading
As illustrated in
Figure 6,
you can specify an unloading curve
in addition to the loading curve
as well as a constant transition slope that connects the loading curve to the
unloading curve. As the fabric is loaded, the stress follows the path given by
the loading curve. If the fabric is unloaded (for example at point
B) the stress follows the unloading curve
The path
is defined by the constant transition slope, and
lies on the specified unloading curve. Reloading after unloading follows the
unloading path
until the loading is such that the strain becomes greater than
after which the loading path follows the loading curve.
Figure 6. Combined unloading.
The unloading curve also has the same temperature and field variable
dependencies as the loading curve.
Defining Models with Permanent Deformation
These models dissipate energy upon unloading and exhibit permanent
deformation upon complete unloading. You can specify the onset of permanent
deformation by defining the strain below which unloading occurs along the
loading curve.
The unloading behavior controls the amount of energy dissipated as well as
the amount of permanent deformation. The unloading behavior can be specified in
one of the following ways:
an analytical unloading curve (exponential/quadratic);
an unloading curve interpolated from multiple user-specified unloading
curves; or
an unloading curve obtained by shifting the user-specified unloading
curve to the point of unloading.
Input File Usage
Use the following options to define permanent deformation
with quadratic unloading behavior:
By default, the onset of yield will be obtained as soon as the slope of
the loading curve decreases by 10% from the maximum slope recorded up to that
point while traversing along the loading curve. To override the default method
of determining the onset of yield, you can specify either a value for the
decrease in slope of the loading curve other than the default value of 10%
(slope drop = 0.1) or by defining the strain below which unloading occurs along
the loading curve. If a slope drop is specified, the onset of yield will be
obtained as soon as the slope of the loading curve decreases by the specified
factor from the maximum slope recorded up to that point.
Input File Usage
Use the following options to specify the onset of yield by
defining the strain below which unloading occurs along the loading
The model in
Figure 7
illustrates an analytical unloading curve that is derived from an energy
dissipation factor,
(fraction of energy that is dissipated at any strain level), and a permanent
deformation factor, .
As the fabric component is loaded, the fabric stress follows the path given by
the loading curve. If the component is unloaded (for example, at point
B), the stress follows the unloading curve
The point D corresponds to the permanent deformation,
Reloading after unloading follows the unloading curve
until the loading is such that the strain becomes greater than
after which the loading path follows the loading curve. The arrows shown in
Figure 7
illustrate the loading/unloading paths of this model.
Figure 7. Exponential/quadratic unloading.
The unloading response follows the loading curve when the calculated
unloading curve lies above the loading curve to prevent energy generation and
follows a zero stress response when the unloading curve yields a negative
response. In such cases the dissipated energy will be less than the value
specified by the energy dissipation factor.
Specifying Interpolated Curve Unloading
The model in
Figure 8
illustrates an interpolated unloading response based on multiple unloading
curves that intersect the primary loading curve at increasing values of
Figure 8. Interpolated curve unloading.
You can specify as many unloading curves as are necessary to define the
unloading response. The first point of each unloading curve defines the
permanent deformation if the fabric component is completely unloaded. The
unloading curves are stored in normalized form so that they intersect the
loading curve at a unit stress for a unit strain, and the interpolation occurs
between these normalized curves. If unloading occurs from a maximum strain for
which an unloading curve is not specified, the unloading is interpolated from
neighboring unloading curves. As the fabric is loaded, the stress follows the
path given by the loading curve. If the fabric is unloaded (for example, at
point B), the stress follows the unloading curve
Reloading after unloading follows the unloading path
until the loading is such that the strain becomes greater than
after which the loading path follows the loading curve.
The unloading curve also has the same temperature and field variable
dependencies as the loading curve.
Specifying Shifted Curve Unloading
You can specify an unloading curve passing through the origin in addition
to the loading curve. The actual unloading curve is obtained by horizontally
shifting the user-specified unloading curve to pass through the point of
unloading as shown in
Figure 9.
The permanent deformation upon complete unloading is the horizontal shift
applied to the unloading curve.
Figure 9. Shifted curve unloading.
The unloading curve also has the same temperature and field variable
dependencies as the loading curve.
Using Different Uniaxial Models in Tension and Compression
When appropriate, different uniaxial behavior models can be used in tension
and compression. For example, response under tension can be plastic with
exponential unloading, while the response in compression can be nonlinear
elastic (see
Figure 10).
Figure 10. Different uniaxial models in tension and compression.
User-Defined Fabric Materials
The mechanical response of a fabric material depends on a number of micro
and meso-scale parameters covering the fabric construction and that of the
individual yarns as a bundle of fibers. Often a multiscale model becomes
necessary to track the state of the fabric and its response to loading.
provides a specialized user subroutine,
VFABRIC, to capture the complex fabric response given the deformed
yarn directions and the strains along these directions.
The density (Density)
is required when using a fabric material.
Input File Usage
Use the following options to define a fabric material through
user subroutine
Any material constants that are needed in user subroutine
VFABRIC must be specified as part of a user-defined fabric
material definition.
can be used to compute the isotropic thermal expansion response under thermal
loading, even as the remaining mechanical response is defined by the user
subroutine. Alternatively, you can include the thermal expansion within the
definition of the mechanical response in user subroutine
Input File Usage
Use the following option to define properties for a
user-defined fabric material behavior:
Many mechanical constitutive models require the storage of
solution-dependent state variables (plastic strains, “back stress,” saturation
values, etc. in rate constitutive forms or historical data for theories written
in integral form). You should allocate storage for these variables in the
associated material definition (see
Allocating Space for Solution-Dependent State Variables).
There is no restriction on the number of state variables associated with a
user-defined fabric material.
State variables associated with
VFABRIC can be output to the output database
(.odb) file and results (.fil) file
using output identifiers SDV and SDVn (see
Abaqus/Explicit Output Variable Identifiers).
User subroutine
VFABRIC is called for blocks of material points at each increment.
When the subroutine is called, it is provided with the state at the start of
the increment (fabric stress in the local system, solution-dependent state
variables). It is also provided with the nominal fabric strains at the end of
the increment and the incremental nominal fabric strains over the increment,
both in the local system. The
VFABRIC user material interface passes a block of material points
to the subroutine on each call, which allows vectorization of the material
The temperature is provided to user subroutine
VFABRIC at the start and the end of the increment. The temperature
is passed in as information only and cannot be modified, even in a fully
coupled thermal-stress analysis. However, if the inelastic heat fraction is
defined in conjunction with the specific heat and conductivity in a fully
coupled thermal-stress analysis, the heat flux due to inelastic energy
dissipation is calculated automatically. If user subroutine
VFABRIC is used to define an adiabatic material behavior
(conversion of plastic work to heat) in an explicit dynamic procedure, the
temperatures must be stored and integrated as user-defined state variables.
Most often the temperatures are provided by specifying initial conditions
(Initial Conditions)
and are constant throughout the analysis.
Deleting Elements from an Abaqus/Explicit Mesh Using State Variables
Element deletion in a mesh can be controlled during the course of an
Abaqus/Explicit analysis
through user subroutine
VFABRIC. Deleted elements have no ability to carry stresses and,
therefore, have no contribution to the stiffness of the model. You specify the
state variable number controlling the element deletion flag. For example,
specifying a state variable number of 4 indicates that the fourth state
variable is the deletion flag in
VFABRIC. The deletion state variable should be set to a value of
one or zero in
VFABRIC. A value of one indicates that the material point is
active, while a value of zero indicates that
should delete the material point from the model by setting the stresses to
zero. The structure of the block of material points passed to user subroutine
VFABRIC remains unchanged during the analysis; deleted material
points are not removed from the block.
passes zero stresses and strain increments for all deleted material points.
Once a material point is flagged as deleted, it cannot be reactivated. An
element is deleted from a mesh based on the material point status (active or
deleted). Details for element deletion driven by material failure are described
Material Failure and Element Deletion.
The status of a material point and an element can be determined by requesting
output variables STATUSMP and STATUS, respectively.
You can define isotropic thermal expansion to specify the same coefficient
of thermal expansion for the membrane and thickness-direction behaviors.
The membrane thermal strains, ,
are obtained as explained in
Thermal Expansion.
The elastic stretch in a given direction, ,
relates the total stretch, ,
and the thermal stretch, :
is given by
is the linear thermal expansion strain in that direction.
Fabric Thickness
The thickness of a fabric is difficult to measure experimentally.
Fortunately, an accurate value for thickness is not always required due to the
fact that a nominal stress measure, defined as force per unit area in the
reference configuration, is used to characterize the in-plane response. An
initial thickness can be specified on the section definition. Accurate tracking
of the thickness with deformation is necessary only if the material is used
with shell elements and the bending response needs to be captured accurately.
You can compute the thickness direction strain increment when the fabric is
defined through user subroutine
VFABRIC. For test data–based fabric materials the thickness is
assumed to remain constant with deformation. For a test data–based fabric
definition, you must use the thickness value specified on the section
definition for converting the experimental load data (which are typically
available as force applied per unit width of the fabric) to stress quantities.
Defining a Reference Mesh (Initial Metric)
allows the specification of a reference mesh (initial metric) for fabrics
modeled with membrane elements. For example, this is useful in airbag
simulations to model wrinkles and changes in yarn orientations that arise from
the airbag folding process. A flat mesh may be suitable for the unstressed
reference configuration, but the initial state may require a corresponding
folded mesh defining the folded state. The angular orientation of the yarn in
the reference configuration is updated to obtain the new orientation in the
initial configuration.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to define the reference configuration
giving the element number and its nodal coordinates in the reference
Defining a reference configuration that is different from the initial
configuration generally results in nonzero stresses and strains in the initial
configuration based on the material definition. By default, compressive initial
strains in the yarn directions generate zero stresses. The stress remains zero
as the strain is continuously recovered from the initial compressive values
toward the strain-free state. Once the initial slack is recovered, any
subsequent compressive/tensile strains generate stresses as per the material
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify that initial compressive
strains are recovered stress free (default):
Defining Yarn Directions in the Reference Configuration
In general, the yarn directions may not be orthogonal to each other in the
reference configuration. You can specify these local directions with respect to
the in-plane axes of an orthogonal orientation system at a material point. Both
the local directions and the orthogonal system are defined together as a single
orientation definition. See
for more information.
If the local directions are not specified, these directions are assumed to
match the in-plane axes of the orthogonal system defined. The local direction
may not remain orthogonal with deformation.
updates the local directions with deformation and computes the nominal strains
along these directions and the angle between them (fabric shear strain). The
constitutive behavior for the fabric defines the nominal stresses in the local
system in terms of the fabric strain.
Local yarn directions can be output to the output database as described in
Picture-Frame Shear Fabric Test
The shear response of the fabric is typically studied using a picture-frame
shear test. The reference and the deformed configuration for a picture-frame
shear test under force
is illustrated in
Figure 11,
is the size of the picture-frame, and
is the initial angle between the yarn directions. The four sides of the
specimen are constrained not to change in their length even as the frame
elongates and the angle between the yarn directions
decreases with deformation.
Figure 11. Picture-frame shear test on a fabric.
The relationship between the nominal shear stress, ,
and the applied force, ,
is the initial volume of the specimen. The fabric engineering shear strain,
is related to the change in the angle between the yarn directions as
Material Options
The fabric material model can be used by itself, or it can be combined with
isotropic thermal expansion to introduce thermal volume changes (Thermal Expansion).
Combining Material Behaviors
for more details. Thermal expansion can alternatively be an integral part of
the constitutive model implemented in
VFABRIC for user-defined fabric materials.
For a test-data based fabric material, both the mass proportional and the
stiffness proportional damping can be specified (see
Material Damping).
If stiffness proportional damping is specified,
calculates the damping stress based on the current elastic stiffness of the
material and the resulting damping stress is included in the reported stress
output at the integration points.
For a fabric material defined by user subroutine
VFABRIC, mass proportional damping can be specified, but stiffness
proportional damping must be defined within the user subroutine.
The fabric material model can be used with plane stress elements (plane
stress solid elements, finite-strain shells, and membranes). It is recommended
that the fabric material model be used with fully integrated or triangular
membrane elements. When the fabric material model is used with shell elements,
does not compute a transverse shear stiffness by default. You must either
specify the material transverse shear modulus (see
Defining the Elastic Transverse Shear Modulus)
based on which
can calculate the transverse shear stiffness or define the transverse shear
stiffness for the section directly (see
Transverse Shear Stiffness
Defining the Transverse Shear Stiffness).
In addition to the standard output identifiers available in
(Abaqus/Explicit Output Variable Identifiers),
the following variables have special meaning for the fabric material models:
Nominal fabric strain with components similar to that of LE, but with the direct components measuring the nominal strain
along the yarn directions and the engineering shear component measuring the
change in angle between the two yarn directions.
Nominal fabric stress with components similar to that of the regular Cauchy
stress, S, but with the direct components measuring the nominal stress
along the yarn directions and the shear component measuring response to the
change in angle between the two yarn directions.
By default,
outputs local material directions whenever element field output is requested to
the output database for fabric models. The local directions are output as field
variables (LOCALDIR1 and LOCALDIR2) representing the yarn direction cosines.
Output of local material directions is suppressed if no element field output
is requested or if you specify not to have element material directions written
to the output database (see
Specifying the Directions for Element Output).