Utility Routine Interface
Utility Routine InterfaceDIMENSION ARRAY(15), JARRAY(15) CHARACTER*3 FLGRAY(15) ... CALL GETVRM('VAR',ARRAY,JARRAY,FLGRAY,JRCD,JMAC,JMATYP,MATLAYO, LACCFLA) Variables to Be Provided to the Utility Routine
Variables Returned from the Utility Routine
Available Output Variable KeysOnly output variable keys that are valid for results file output are available for use with GETVRM. In a static perturbation procedure, only those output variables for which perturbation values are available can be accessed. In general, if a key corresponds to a collective output variable, rather than an individual component, it can be used with GETVRM. For example, S for the stress tensor can be used, whereas any individual component of stress, say S11, cannot be used. The collective output variable keys are distinguished from their individual components by the fact that they have the word "yes" after the category .fil in the tables in . Output variable keys that cannot be used with GETVRM are listed later in this section. You will be returned ARRAY, JARRAY, and FLGRAY, which correspond to the real-valued components, integer-valued components, and the flags associated with the request VAR, respectively. If any array component is not applicable for a given request, its value will be returned as the initialized value: 0.0 in ARRAY, 0 in JARRAY, and N/A in FLGRAY. The error flag JRCD=1 is returned from GETVRM any time a request key is not recognized, the request is not valid (such as requesting transverse shear stress for a shell element that uses thin shell theory), or all of the output components requested are zero; otherwise, JRCD=0. Ordering of Returned ComponentsThe components for a request are written as follows. Single index components (and requests without components) are returned in positions 1, 2, 3, etc. Double index components are returned in the order 11, 22, 33, 12, 13, 23 for symmetric tensors, followed by 21, 31, 32 for unsymmetric tensors (deformation gradient). Thus, the stresses for a plane stress element are returned as ARRAY(1)=S11, ARRAY(2)=S22, ARRAY(3)=0.0, and ARRAY(4)=S12. Three values are always returned for principal value requests, the minimum value first and maximum value third, regardless of the dimensionality of the analysis. The description of the output variable (see Abaqus/Standard Output Variable Identifiers) determines which components are retrieved with GETVRM. Analysis Time for Which Values Are ReturnedWhen a material point quantity is requested with utility routine GETVRM, the time in the increment at which the values are returned will depend on which user subroutine calls it. GETVRM returns values at the end of the current increment to user subroutine UVARM, whereas it returns values at the beginning of the current increment to user subroutine USDFLD. Equilibrium State for Values ReturnedUser subroutine UVARM might call GETVRM multiple times for each increment, as Abaqus/Standard iterates to a converged solution. Values returned from GETVRM calls preceding the final iteration for the increment will not represent the converged solution. ExampleIf you specify the identifier PEQC for use with a jointed material, ARRAY is returned with the individual equivalent plastic strain components PEQC1, PEQC2, PEQC3, and PEQC4. Since there are no integer output variables associated with this identifier, JARRAY is returned with default values of 0. The FLGRAY array contains either YES or NO flags indicating whether each component is actively yielding. If you specify the identifier PE for a material with plasticity, ARRAY is returned with plastic strain components PE11, PE22, PE33, PE12, PE13, PE23, the equivalent plastic strain PEEQ, and the plastic strain magnitude PEMAG. Since there are no integer values associated with this request, JARRAY is 0. The FLGRAY array contains N/A for the first six components, either YES or NO in the seventh component (corresponding to PEEQ) indicating whether the material is currently yielding, and N/A in the eighth component. If you specify the identifier CE, ARRAY is returned with its seventh, eighth, and ninth components equal to CEEQ, CESW, and CEMAG, respectively. If you specify the identifier VE, ARRAY is returned with its seventh component equal to VEEQ. If you specify the identifier HFL, ARRAY is returned with the magnitude HFLM and the components HFL1, HFL2, and HFL3 as described in Abaqus/Standard Output Variable Identifiers. Accessing State-Dependent VariablesIf GETVRM is used to access state-dependent variables (output variable key SDV) and more than 15 state-dependent variables have been defined in the analysis, the dimension statement for ARRAY and JARRAY must be changed so that these arrays are dimensioned to the maximum number of state-dependent variables. Unsupported Element Types, Procedures, and Output Variable KeysSince this capability pertains to material point quantities, it cannot be used for most of the element types that do not require a material definition. The following element types are, therefore, not supported:
If used with user subroutine UVARM, this capability is available for static perturbation procedures but not for any other linear perturbation procedures (General and Perturbation Procedures): The following output variable keys are not available for use with GETVRM: