Previewing the Animation of Analysis Steps

You can use the Motion Manager to preview the animation of an analysis step before computing the simulation scenario of a mechanism.

Before you begin:
  • Create an analysis case with at least one analysis step.
    Important: Before previewing or computing the simulation of a mechanism, specify the following elements:
    • For a kinematics step : create at least one driver with a function on a joint.
    • For a dynamics step : define the mechanism gravity, or create at least one driver with a function on a joint.
  • Verify that the mechanism is up-to-date and solved. For more information, see Solving Mechanisms.
See Also
Using a 2D Plot
  1. From the Simulation section of the action bar, click Motion Manager .
  2. Select an analysis case including the analysis step to play.
    The analysis case appears as current in the tree.
  3. Select an analysis step to preview.
    • The analysis step appears as current in the tree.
    • The analysis step duration is calculated and appears at the bottom of the dialog box.
  4. Optional: To edit the current analysis step, click Edit Analysis Step .

    Note: If no analysis step appears as current, click to create a new analysis step. For more information, see Creating Analysis Steps.

  5. Optional: Click Preview Settings to define options for the animation preview:
    1. Check the Play every frame option to play back every frame captured during the animation.

      Note: If the option is selected, the speed of the animation preview corresponds to the output time step specified in the analysis step.

    2. Specify the speed of the animation playback. By default, the speed is 1 (normal speed).

      Tip: For example, specify 2 to double the animation speed. Enter a positive value.

  6. Click Preview Animation to preview the animation of the current analysis step.

    Tip: To pause or resume the animation, click Pause .

    The status of the animation preview and a progression bar appear.
  7. Click Restart to replay the animation.
  8. Click Exit to stop the animation preview.
    The model returns to its nominal position.
  9. Optional: Click Solver Messages to open the Solver Messages panel and display the list of messages computed during the preview.

    For more information, see Displaying Solver Messages.

  10. Click to close the Motion Manager dialog box.

To compute the entire analysis case and generate the corresponding simulation results in the tree, use Run Analysis Case . For more information, see Computing Analysis Cases.