About Affecting Defects

The Affecting Defects view of the Model Version Hierarchy page shows all defects that affect the selected model version revision and any model version revisions further down in the model version hierarchy. This means that the error causing a defect is somewhere in one of the model versions in that model version revision's hierarchy and, therefore, it may also affect the selected model version revision. From a model version hierarchy perspective, it is useful to be able to identify the set of defects that affect a model version revision, either individually or because of their impact on another model version in the hierarchy below that model version revision. It is also useful to be able to see both the number of defects that are still open and the number of defects that have been closed with a workaround or waiver, as well as the dispositions associated with those defects for all model version revisions in the hierarchy.

This page discusses:

See Also
About Defect Impact Analysis
Defect Impact Analysis Report
Model Version Hierarchy Page