Structural View ConceptsStructural view provides capabilities to generate the logical view by computing primary and secondary objects based on plane and spatial box. Primary Object: The main part in the logical view. Secondary Object: Structural object that intersects with the primary objects. Isolated Object: The object in the view that is not a primary or a secondary object.
The 2D representation for the SFD or SDD parts is based on the GSV settings on the structural logical view. For more information on GVS settings on the structural logical view, see 3D Modeling: Multi-Discipline Engineering: Structure Functional Design: Administration: Working with Drawing Production. Primary Angle ComputationIf a spatial filter box is created, all the panels that intersect with the spatial filter boxes and are parallel to the view plane with an angular tolerance specified by you are considered as primary objects.
In the above image, P1, P2, P3, P4 are panels. P3 has an angle of 20 deg with the view plane. With spatial filter boxes is defined If the angular tolerance for primary objects >= 20 deg, the computed primary objects are P1, P2, P3, and P4. If the angular tolerance for primary objects < 20 deg, the computed primary objects are P1, P2, and P4. As P3 is an angle with the view plane higher than the input value of angular tolerance. With no spatial filter boxes is defined The primary objects are P1 and P2, because only these two panels have the same support as the view plane. Secondary Angle ComputationDuring a view update, the angle between the secondary and primary objects is computed as follows: If the angle is below the secondary angle tolerance value (orthogonal to primary objects), the default result specified in the tolerance for structure object is used. If the angle is above the secondary angle tolerance value, the default result specified in the tolerance for structure object is used. You can override the default result on a specific structure using the change object result command. For more information, see Modifying the 2D Result Corresponding to a Structural Object. About the Default Structural Box
Default structural box is also a spatial filter box. It is used
to filter the view objects during view update based on the filter type selected.
You can create multiple spatial filter boxes. All boxes are used for computing primary objects and as a spatial filter. For more information, see Creating a View Filter. |