Duplicating Objects with Advanced Options

You can duplicate a structure and choose to duplicate, reuse, or exclude each child object.

Compared to the Duplicate command, the Duplicate Advanced command provides options that give you more control over the resulting duplicated structure.

The Duplicate Advanced command is only available for physical products, functional and logical references, 3DEXPERIENCE drawings with CAD master, and analyses.

Before you begin:

Select one or several objects, and click Duplicate . Depending on the app, this command might be available from the action bar, a context menu, or from the context menu of the Revision Explorer.

  • The Advanced Duplicate command is available if you select supported objects only.
  • Select all connected objects together to duplicate the connections and move them to the new objects. Otherwise, the new objects will remain connected to the initial object. For more information, see Relation Management.

See Also
About Revisions, Branches, and Duplicates
Duplicating Objects
  1. Click Advanced Duplicate.

    The structure of the objects and a panel with the advanced options are displayed in the dialog box. You can move this panel or dock it at the top or on the right of the dialog box.

    Note: If you selected a filtered object, only the child objects that are not filtered are displayed and will be part of the duplicate.

    Each selected object is displayed as a separate root, and is expanded. If you selected a parent object and one or several of its children, they are displayed under the same root.

    If you selected a single analysis or 3DEXPERIENCE drawing with CAD master, a dialog box appears to let you select the related objects you want to duplicate at the same time (for example, their related part).

    • You can only select indexed related objects.
    • Related objects are also displayed as separate roots.
    • If the product contains a V5 design table, this V5 design table appears in the structure. The Non-PS Representation Reference tag is available in the Tags section of the Selection tab to filter V5 design tables.

  2. To select objects, do one of the following:
    • Select one or several objects in the table.
    • In the Selection tab of the panel, specify the filters of your choice:
      • To filter objects based on their title, in the Title section of the panel, enter a string of characters, and select either the Contains or Does not contain option.
      • To filter objects based on their properties (for example, types of objects or maturity states), in the Tags section of the panel, select the tags of your choice.
      Click either Add to add the objects matching these filters to the selection, or Remove to remove them.
  3. To specify whether the selected objects are duplicated, reused, or excluded from the duplication process, select the operation from the Actions list in the Tools tab of the panel.

    For more information, see Duplicates.

    Tip: You can also select these operations in the Action column of the table for each object.

    • Only the Duplicate action is available for root nodes.
    • When selecting the Reuse or Exclude actions, the children of the selected objects are not duplicated either, and you cannot select another action for them.
    • Selecting the Duplicate Tree group action also applies the Duplicate operation to all the children of the selected object. However, you can still select another operation for its children if required.

  4. To modify the title for the duplicates, select one or several objects, and do one of the following:
    Add a prefix or a suffix
    1. In the Add Text section of the Tools tab, enter a string of characters.
    2. To add this prefix or suffix to the children of the selected objects, select the Apply to children option.
    3. From the list, click either Before Title or After Title.
    Replace a string of character with another one
    1. In the last section of the Tools tab, enter the string to replace in the Find box, and the new string in the Replace box.
    2. Click Replace.
    Modify the complete title of the object Click the title in the New Title column, and enter the title of your choice.
    The modifications are applied in the New Title column of the table.
    Note: The modifications are applied to the selected objects, independently from their duplication status. Reused or excluded objects are also modified. If you do not select any object, the modifications are applied to all the objects in the structure.
  5. Optional: If the structure contains 3DEXPERIENCE content with CAD master, to duplicate the related drawings along with products and parts, do either of the following:
    • To duplicate all the related drawings contained in the structure: In the Options section of the Tools tab of the panel , select the Include Drawings option.
    • To duplicate the related drawings contained in the selected objects: From the Actions list in the Tools tab of the panel, select Duplicate with Drawings.
    • To duplicate the related drawings contained in a row: In the Action column of the table, select Duplicate with Drawings.

    • You cannot apply the Duplicate with Drawings action if you selected the Include Drawings option.
    • The connections between the products and parts, and the drawings are automatically moved to their duplicates.

      If the source drawing is connected to several source products or parts (for example, Prd1 and Prd2) and you duplicate only one of them (for example, Prd1), the duplicate of the drawing is connected to the duplicate of Prd1, but also to Prd2. If you duplicate Prd1 and Prd2 simultaneously, the duplicate of the drawing is connected to the duplicate of Prd1 and the duplicate of Prd2.

    • The title of each duplicate of a drawing is automatically generated in the following format: <title of the source drawing> - <ID number of the new drawing>.

  6. Click Duplicate.

The duplicate is created with the specified options.

If you selected large data and the operation requires a prolonged amount of time to complete, a message appears. The operation continues in the background, and a notification appears in the 3DNotification Center when it is completed, if Collaborative Lifecycle notifications are activated. For more information, see Customizing 3DNotifications.