Creating a Revision

You can create a revision of an object to capture a particular derivation during its lifecycle.

You can create a new revision of an object if:

  • The last revision is in a maturity state that allows revising
  • The last revision of this object belongs to the local site. For more information, see Exchange Management User's Guide: Site Information.

By default, you can create a new revision from any revision. Administrators can modify this behavior and allow the creation of revisions from the latest revision only. For more information, see Configuring Lifecycle and Collaboration Commands.

  • When you create a new revision, a part is a separate entity from its reusable representations (such as 3DShape) and, therefore, they need to be revised separately.
  • The enterprise item number, if any, is copied from the latest revision in the source branch, independently from the selected revision. For more information, see Engineering Release User's Guide: Managing Engineering Items: Specifying Enterprise Item Numbers for Engineering Items.
  • The New Revision command does not keep graphic properties modifications. For more information, see Product Structure Design User's Guide: Working with Persistent or Volatile Product Graphic Properties: Keep Modifications.

Before you begin:

Select one or several objects, and click New Revision . Depending on the app, this command might be available from the action bar, a context menu, or from the context menu of the Revision Explorer.

The New Revision dialog box appears. If you selected several objects, this dialog box displays the list of selected objects with their type, revision ID, and maturity state.

Important: Select all connected objects together to duplicate the connections and move them to the new objects. Otherwise, the new objects will remain connected to the initial object. For more information, see Relation Management.

See Also
About Revisions, Branches, and Duplicates

Context: The following diagram shows examples of revisions:

P1 A is the initial revision of the family, and all other objects are revisions created along the same branch.

  1. Optional: In the Revision field, enter the revision ID to be assigned to the new revision.

    If you leave it blank, a default value is automatically computed.

    Note: This field cannot be edited for all object types.

  2. Optional: Enter a comment for the new revision in the Revision Comment box.
  3. Optional: If you selected an object that supports intermediate revisions, to create the revision before the object's revision you selected, select the Insert before ... option.

    Important: This option is only available for some object types, like model versions and their subtypes.
    For more information, see Revisions.

  4. Click Revise.

The new revision is created.

If you selected large data and the operation requires a prolonged amount of time to complete, a message appears. The operation continues in the background, and a notification appears in the 3DNotification Center when it is completed, if Collaborative Lifecycle notifications are activated. For more information, see Customizing 3DNotifications.