Alert Dialog Box

You create an alert work instruction whenever you want to warn workers about safety or equipment concerns in a manufacturing operation. You can create as many alert instructions per operation as you need. The Alert dialog box appears when you select Create Alert and click the resulting work instruction reference on the list for the operation. Alternatively, the Alert dialog box appears when you click an Alert work instruction that already exists.

This dialog box contains controls for:

This page discusses:

See Also
Using Create Alert Instruction
RGB Numbers for Common Colors

Read-Only Identifiers

If you cannot edit a work instruction, the system marks it with a read-only identifier.

Another user has locked the instruction.


The instruction's maturity level keeps you from editing the instruction.

Text Formatting

Formatting options are available if you have the correct option specify in Me > Preferences > Manufacturing Planning > Work Instructions.


Click and the Print dialog box appear. Select printer accordingly.


Click once, and the Content Templates window appears. Select accordingly.


Select the text you want cut and click Cut, then move the cursor to where you want the cut text located, and click Ctrl + V.


Select the text you want copied and click Copy, then move the cursor to where you want the cut text located, and click Paste.


Once you have cut or copied text, move the cursor to where you want the text placed, and click Paste.

Paste as plain text.

Once you have cut or copied text, move the cursor to where you want the text placed, and click Paste as plain text.

Paste from Word.

Once you have cut or copied text from a word document, move the cursor to where you want the text placed, and click Paste from Word.


Click once, and you have undone your change. Continue clicking to undo to the required change.


Click once, and you have redone your change.


Click once, and the dialog box Find and Replace appears. In the Find tab, type in the word and use the Find Options if required. You can also highlight a word then click and the word appears in the search window.


Click once, and the dialog box Find and Replace appears. In the Replace tab, type in the word and use the Find Options if required. You can also highlight a word then click and the word appears in the search window.


Click once, and you have made the selected text bold. Click a subsequent time, and the text is no longer bold. Does not affect any additional text formatting (such as italicizing).


Click once, and you have italicized the selected text. Click a subsequent time, and the text is no longer italicized. Does not affect any additional text formatting (such as underlining).


Click once, and you underline the selected text. Click a subsequent time, and the text is no longer underlined. Does not affect any additional text formatting (such as italicizing).


Click once, and this strikethrough the selected text. Click a subsequent time, to undo. Does not affect any additional text formatting (such as italicizing).


Click once, and you subscript the selected text. Click a subsequent time, and the text is no longer subscripted. Does not affect any additional text formatting (such as italicizing).


Click once, and your superscript the selected text. Click a subsequent time, and the text is no longer superscripted. Does not affect any additional text formatting (such as italicizing).

Copy Formatting

Select the text with the ideal style, click Copy Formatting, and then select the text whose style you want changed.

Remove Format.

Select the text, then click once, and this removes the format.

Align Left.

Select the text, then click once, and it aligns the text to the left.


Select the text, then click once, and it aligns the text to the center.

Align Right.

Select the text, then click once, and it aligns the text to the right.


Select the text, then click once, and it justifies the selection.

Insert / Remove Numbered List.

Click once, and you have created a numbered list, or select to remove a numbered list.

Insert / Remove Bulleted List.

Click once, and you have created a bulleted list, or select to remove a bulleted list.

Text Direction from Left to Right

Select the row, or rows and click. The texts direction left to right.

Text Direction from Right to Left

Select the row, or rows and click. The texts direction right to left.


Select the text and click Link. The link dialog box appears and fills in your specifications.


Select the link and click unlink to remove the link.


Click once, the Anchor Properties window appears. Type specifications accordingly.

Insert Special Character.

Click once, and the Select Special Character window appears. Select accordingly and the window closes.


Click once, and select your image.


Click once, and select your table specifics.

Insert Horizontal Line.

Click once, and you have made a horizontal line.

Font Name

Click the arrow once, and select the different types fonts.

Font Size

Click the arrow once, and select the different font sizes.

Text Color

When you click Color , you can select the RGB values for a specific color.

You can also specify the alpha (A) channel, which determines the opacity of the color. 0 is transparent; 255 is opaque. You can select a number within the 0-255 range.

Background Color

When you click Color , you can select the RGB values for a specific background color.

You can also specify the alpha (A) channel, which determines the opacity of the color. 0 is transparent; 255 is opaque. You can select a number within the 0-255 range.

By default, No formatting applies. You can see the formatting in the dialog boxes and when you create previews; it does not appear in the Textual Instructions Panel.

Alert Text

You can accept the default name provided or create your own. In most cases, alerts are one of two types: notices of change or warnings. You may want to have the type appear in the name itself.

the name includes of the work instruction type (in this case, alert).

Instruction Text
You can use copy/paste during text entry. If you enter more text than is visible in the initial box, scroll bars appear. The text cannot include any kind of formatting tags or commands, such as those for italics or bold.
Note: You can resize this dialog box.

Alert Options

The Alert dialog contains the following options:

Show Once
If this option is selected, the alert appears once for a particular user in the downstream MES, and then disappears. This option is typically selected for alerts of changes.
Show Always
If this option is selected, the alert appears every time the operation appears in the downstream MES. This option is typically selected for alerts of some kind danger to data, materials, or people.

By default, Show Once is selected.

Track Confirmation
Selecting this option means the downstream MES records workers' confirmations that they have seen the alert.

By default, Track Confirmation is selected.

  • MES uses the alert options; they do not affect your user interfaces.
  • You can search for previously saved Alert work instructions in the top bar. Use the search shortcut wia.