What's New

This page describes recent changes in xOptimize Pro.

This page discusses:

R2022x FD01 (FP.2205)

Usability Improvements - Label Expression, iPad NumPad, Duplicate Node, Multi-Operation Execution

Several usability improvements are now integrated in xOptimize Pro.
The following has been improved:
  • Refactoring of label expression. For more information, see Label expression.
  • Numpad as a reusable new component in fields.
  • New progress bar.
  • Multiselection in Operations list for delete, upgrade, and export.
  • Optimization of node parameters.
  • Recent operations in app home page. For more information, see Home Page.
Benefits: Improved handling of the app.
For more information, see Operator Properties

Tooltips in Operators and Selectors

You can now see tooltips with information in the operators and selectors.
Benefits: Makes it easier for you to access information on the use of the operators and selectors.

Operation Version Upgrade

You can now upgrade operations you created for an older version.
Benefits: You can reuse operations that have an older version by upgrading them to a higher version instead of recreating it for the current version.
For more information, see Operations Dialog Window

R2022x GA

Value List

You can now enter a list of values in the Value setting of the Property selector.
Benefits: Entering values is now more user-friendly.
For more information, see Property Selector

Operations List Window

The Operations list has been restructured for destop and mobile devices.
  • The operations are listed by modification date.
  • You can order the operations by date and name ascending or descending.
  • You can see available actions by hovering over the operation in the list: Share, Export , and Delete.
  • You can open an operation by clicking it.
Benefits: The Operations list is now more structured and therefore easier to view for the users.
For more information, see Operations Dialog Window