R2022x FD01 (FP.2205)
Usability Improvements - Label Expression, iPad NumPad, Duplicate Node, Multi-Operation ExecutionBenefits: Improved handling of the app.
For more information, see
Operator Properties
Tooltips in Operators and SelectorsBenefits: Makes it easier for you to access information on the use of the operators and
Operation Version UpgradeBenefits: You can reuse operations that have an older version by upgrading them to a
higher version instead of recreating it for the current version.
For more information, see
Operations Dialog Window
R2022x GA
Value ListBenefits: Entering values is now more user-friendly.
For more information, see
Property Selector
Operations List WindowBenefits: The Operations list is now more structured and therefore
easier to view for the users.
For more information, see
Operations Dialog Window