Revise a Model Version
You can revise a model version to capture a particular derivation during its
Branch a Model Version
You can branch of a model version.
While revisions are
derivations of the same object, a branch is a new object with a new identification.
Insert a New Revision Between Existing Revisions
To insert a new revision between existing revisions, do one of the following:
Context |
Action |
Model version's identity card |
Click the current revision number. |
Click . |
The Revisions dialog box opens.
Select the revision before which you want to insert the new revision.
For more information, see Creating a Revision.
Select the Insert before check box.
The new revision is inserted before the selected revision. It
continues the definition of its parent revision, in terms of variability and configuration
Change the Model Version's Maturity State
You can change the lifecycle maturity state of a model version to evolve it through
its lifecycle.
To change the lifecycle maturity state of a model version, depending on your
context, do one of the following:
Context |
Actions |
My Model Versions page in any view |
From the model version's context menu, select
Maturity. |
Recently Opened page |
Model version's identity card |
My Model Versions page in Data Grid View |
Click the model version's hyperlinked Maturity
state. |
Model version's identity card |
For more information, see Changing Maturity.
Change the Model Version's Organization, Collaborative Space, or Owner
You can move a model version to another organization or to another collaborative
space. You can change its owner using the same process.
To move a model version to another collaborative space or organization, or to change
its owner, do the following:
Context |
Actions |
My Model Versions page in any view |
From the model version's context menu, select
Move To. |
Recently Opened page |
Model version's identity card |
For more information, see Moving Objects to Another Collaborative Space or Organization.
Explore the Objects Related to the Model Version
You can explore the ecosystem of objects related to the model version.
To explore the objects related to the model version, do the following:
Context |
Actions |
My Model Versions page in any view |
From the model version's context menu, select Relations. |
Recently Opened page |
Model version's identity card |
For more information, see Exploring Relationships Between Objects.
Delete a Model Version
You can delete a model version once it no longer has variability, configuration
rules, product configurations, or manufacturing plans associated with it.
Remove or delete all the objects associated with the model version such as
variability, configuration rules, product configurations, and manufacturing plans.
To delete the model version, do one of the following:
Context |
Actions |
My Model Versions page in any view |
From the model version's context menu, select
Delete. |
Recently Opened page |
Model version's identity card |