Simulating a Model in a Cockpit

You can simulate a model inside a cockpit view.

Before you begin: Create a cockpit. For more information, see Creating a Cockpit.
See Also
About Cockpit
Displaying Properties
Editing Parameters and Variables
  1. To open a cockpit, select a cockpit in the tree under the Cockpits node.
    The work area splits and the cockpit appears on the right half side of the widget.
  2. Edit the parameter values in the categories as required.

    Important: When you edit or reset a parameter, all the occurrences of the parameter in the cockpit are updated or reset. For example, when you reset a parameter in the parameter's category, the parameter is also reset in the variables area of the cockpit.

    Tip: You can hover over a parameter to see its default value.

  3. Optional: To delete or reset the parameter:
    1. Click under the Menu column.
    2. Select Delete or Reset .
  4. Click Simulate .
    The simulation status is updated to Simulation up-to-date in green color, if the simulation is executed successfully. An animation player is also available for animating the simulated results. For more information, see About Animation.