Engineering change name |
Lists the properties that define the
engineering change. |
Engineering Change Properties |
Items |
Lists the objects affected by the
engineering change. |
Affected Items Page |
Assignees |
Lists the persons assigned to the
engineering change. |
Assignees Page |
Analysis |
Shows the impact analysis. |
Impact Analysis Page |
Items |
Lists implemented items. |
Implemented Items Page |
History |
Shows the history for the object. |
Viewing History for Content |
Lifecycle |
Shows the lifecycle for the engineering
change. |
Lifecycle Page and Engineering Change Lifecycle |
Documents |
Lists the reference documents
associated with the engineering change. |
Documents and Content |
Items |
Lists the resolved Items. |
Resolved Items Page |
Test Cases |
Lists the test cases. |
Product Line Management
User's Guide |
Executions |
Lists the test executions. |
IP Classification
User's Guide |