Opening a Route Template

You can access all the information related to a route template.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Routes > Route Templates.
  2. Click the name of the required route template. You can use the categories in the navigation pane to access information related to the route template.

    Category Name Description For More Information
    Route template name Lists the properties that define the route template. Route Template Properties
    Tasks Lists the tasks in the template and lets the owner edit the task definitions (must create a revision to make changes). Tasks Page for a Route
    Revision Lists the previous revisions of the template and lets you view history for all revisions. Route Template Revisions
    Lifecycle Shows the current state of the route template and allows you to promote and demote it. Lifecycle Page and Route Template Lifecycle
    History Shows a log of events that have occurred for the route template. Viewing History for Content
    Access Lists the route members saved with the template, if any. Members Page for a Route