Search for a Project
You can proceed to a classical search to search for a project.
Search for a ProjectYou can proceed to a classical search to search for a project. Make Actions from the Search Context MenuWhen searching for a project, you can launch the following commands from the context menu appearing after right-clicking a project. Explore a ProjectYou can explore a project. See the Properties of a ProjectYou can see the project properties. Make Actions from the Navigation WindowIn the Navigation window, right-click the project you are working on to launch the following actions: See the Properties of a ProjectYou can see the project properties. Expand a ProjectYou can expand a project. Refresh and Collapse a ProjectYou can refresh and collapse a project. Make Actions from the PLMWorkplaceYou need the HUD to send and share data with the designers you work with and the PLMWorkplace from which you can launch commands. The PLMWorkplace helps you to launch the following commands from the context menu.
Edit Project PropertiesWhen opening a task, a project section appears in the PLMWorkplace. Show Task DescriptionWhen opening a task, a project section appears in the PLMWorkplace. Right-click the project section and select Show Task Description. An immersive dialog box appears with the description of the task.
Set Task as DoneWhen a task is completed, an output briefcase is produced. The designer assigned for the task has to share it through a standard Sharing Data in Asynchronous Mode mechanism so that the modifications can be taken into account in the project. In the following scenario, you are the designer assigned to the task to be shared. The modifications you brought are shared with the project manager.
Leave ProjectYou can leave a project. |