About the Virtual Stacking Management

When you click Virtual Stacking, you enter a subapp dedicated to the virtual stacking management.

Virtual Stacking is a subapp that aims at defining the complete stacking, that is, stacking sequence and virtual sequences/plies shapes by cells coverage. It is made of:

When activated, Lock Symmetry lets you work on a delimited zone, the operation results being automatically duplicated from that work zone to the mirror one. This symmetry is determined by the cells coverage of the virtual plies, symbolized by three zones:

  • Upper zone: that is the work zone at the top of the table, colored in yellow.
  • Lower zone: that is the mirror zone, at the bottom of the table, colored in gray. Results are duplicated to this zone. You cannot make selections in that zone.
  • Neutral zone: The zone in the middle of the table, that contains the rest of the virtual (nonsymmetrical) plies. You work in that zone as you would in a nonlock symmetry context.

Note: When Lock Symmetry is active: