
Sections contain information about the templates and reports.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Owner
  • App-Specific: Template Administrator

This topic describes:

This page discusses:

Sections for Template

This page displays the list of sections. You can create and manage multiple sections for a template.

To access this page:

  • Open a template, click Sections tab.


Columns Description
Sequence OrderLists the sequence of the template section in the final template preview. When you edit the table, you can modify the sequence of the section.
Note: You must enter numeric values.
Section NameName of the section.
Description Description of the section.
Section Type Type of the section.
Modify AccessLists the approvals change action.

Lists whether the section is mandatory or not.

This column displays a list when editing with the following options: Yes or No.


Lists whether the section is maintainable or not.

This column displays a list when editing with the following options: Yes or No.

Note: You cannot edit the Classification section of the Maintainable column.

Actions/ Toolbar Commands

Sections CommandsDescription
Create Section Creates a section. For more information, see Creating a Section.
Edit Edits any existing section. For more information, see Editing a Section.
Delete Deletes one or more sections.

Sections for Reports

The sections page for reports page is divided into two tabs: Sections and Preview.

  • The Sections tab displays information about the sections that are related to the reports.
  • The Preview tab gives a detailed view about the structure of the report.

For a consolidated report, the sections created under a template are added by default. For a release snapshot report, you have to add the required sections using Add Section command.

To access this page:

  • From the structure navigator view of a template, click Consolidated Report or Release Snapshot.


Column NameDescription
Sequence OrderThe sequence of template sections. If the section type is Container and has multiple subsections, the sections inside the container are sequenced and the container acts as a section.
Section NameThe name of the section.
DescriptionThe description of the section.
Section WidthThe width of the section. One of the following is displayed:
  • Full
  • Half
  • Third
Note: Section Width is available only for configurable reports. The section width changes in the final configurable report.
Show Section HeaderIndicates if the section header must be displayed or not.
Section TypeThe type of section.

Action/ Toolbar Commands

Action/ Toolbar CommandDescription
Create Section Creates a section for the report. For more information, see Creating a Section for Report.
Add Section Add an existing section to the report. For more information, see Adding a Section.
Remove Section Removes the selected section.
Edit Edits the section information.