Defining the Attributes of the Device

You can set the attributes from a single command.

Before you begin:

This works only on an existing resource having a valid mechanism.

  1. From the Motion Controller section of the action bar, click Define Mechanical Resource .

    If the root object in the tree is not a resource, a dialog box is displayed and prompts you to select a resource type.

  2. Select a resource type from the list and click OK.

    A motion controller is automatically created under the resource.

  3. Select the device.

    The context toolbar is displayed.

    The commands provided by the context toolbar allow you to perform the following actions:

    Jog the device
    Modify speed and acceleration
    Add, delete or modify home positions
    Modify command limits
    Define kinematic relations
    Mounting and Unmounting Devices
  4. Click Define Mechanical Resource to dismiss the command.