Preparation: Create a Dymola Behavior Library Containing a Script
File and a Function
In this subtask, you create a Dymola behavior library with a simple script file and a
simple function to be able to exemplify scripting with batch.
The script file and function are not very realistic, they are the
minimum to be able to exemplify scripting with batch.
Create a Dymola behavior library and name it MyLib.
For information on how to create a Dymola behavior library, see Creating a Modelica Library or Dymola Behavior Library.
In the library, create a model and name it
For information on how to create a model, see
Create a New Class or Extend from an Existing Class Using the New Class Command.
Create a script the following way:
The script, when ready, looks like: openModelFile("Modelica");
The script opens the Modelica Standard Library, simulate the model Coupled Clutches, plot a
signal, and export the plot image to a folder on the computer. Note:
first line might seem redundant since the Modelica Standard Library
is often by default opened by preferences or specified in
uses-annotations. However, this is a precaution since the script
might be used on a remote computer that does not have this
preference activated and the uses-annotations might not be present.
Open the script editor, and create the script in the editor.
For opening and editing a script in the script editor, see
Creating a New Script
Editing a Script.
Save the script as a resource to
MyModel, with the name
To save the script as a resource from the script editor,
Save a New Script to the Resources.
It is possible to save the script as a file on the computer, and to later call that script
from the batch by the file path. However, this is not
recommended since it does not work on remote computers.
Create a function in the library the following way:
The function, when ready, looks like: function MyFunction
input String ModelToSimulate;
input String SignalToPlot;
input String PlotExportPath;
simulateModel(ModelToSimulate, 0, 1.5);
end MyFunction;
The function does the following:
- It opens the Modelica Standard Library.
- It simulates a model from the Modelica Standard Library. The
model must be specified in the call.
- It plots a signal specified in the call.
- It exports the plot as an image to a location specified in the
- The first line in algorithm might
seem redundant since the Modelica Standard Library is often
by default opened by preferences or specified in
uses-annotations. However, this is a precaution since the
script might be used on a remote computer that does not have
this preference activated and the uses-annotations might not
be present.
- If you simulate a model from another library, you must open
also that library with the
Create, in
MyLib, a function with the name
For creating a function, see
Create a New Class or Extend from an Existing Class Using the New Class Command
Be sure to insert the function in
MyLib when creating it.
Save the library with
Execute the Script File and the Function with Batch From a
You can execute script files and functions of Dymola behavior
libraries with the batch utility.
You can start the batch utility from any app during a session.
Before you begin:
Perform the task above to have an example to work with.
From the
Tools section of the
action bar,
The Batch Monitor is a separate application, this means you might have
to supply a password and select options when starting it.
Batch Monitor appears to let you select the
convenient batch.
CATSymBatchExecuter dialog box appears to let
you select a behavior library.
Click 3DEXPERIENCE Platform
Object Search to select a behavior library.
Object Search dialog box appears.
In the
Object Selection tab of the dialog, do the
following to perform a simple search for a behavior library by the title:
In the
Object box, select, from the list,
Behavior Library Reference.
In the
Extension box, keep
(No Extension).
In the Easy tab, use the
Title field to search the title of the
library, by entering a text string.
In this example, use *My* to be able to
find MyLib.
Keep the default selection
Add Results.
Click Apply to perform the search.
The CATSymBatchExecuter dialog box
displays your selection.
OK to close the search dialog.
Delete all search results except the search result you want to work
In this example, delete all libraries except
To select the script file and function to be executed, do the
Click the
Selected Operation tab.
Enter the name of the Modelica script file and the Modelica
function that you want to execute together with the scenario.
In this example, specify the following paths and inputs:
- In the Modelica script field, enter
- In the Modelica function field, enter:
"R1.i", "E:/temp/MyPlot2.png")
Optional: Click
Save to create an .xml file from the
behavior experience batch.
Click Run to start the behavior experience batch.
The CATBatchStarter.exe is launched.
You can
check the result in the .htm report.
On your computer, in
E:/temp , you have two plot images if the batch for
the example succeeded.
From a Prompt Command
You can start the behavior experience batch without entering any app.
Before you begin:
Save your behavior experience in an .xml file.
Open a prompt command.
Type one of the following command lines:
- CATUTIL -Name CATBatchStarter xml_file
- catstart -run "CATBatchStarter" -input xml_file -host
- CATBatchStarter -input xml_file
The CATBatchStarter.exe is launched.
You can
check the result in the .htm report.
On a Remote Computer
You can start the behavior experience batch on a remote computer.
Open a prompt command.
Launch a daemon service by entering the following command line:
- catstart -run "CATBatSrvMonitorExe BB"
Launch the behavior experience batch by entering one of the following
command lines:
- CATUTIL -Name CATBatchStarter xml_file
- catstart -run "CATBatchStarter" -input xml_file -host remote_machine
- CATBatchStarter -input xml_file
The CATBatchStarter.exe is started on the remote computer.
You can
check the result in the .htm report.
Check the Result in a .htm File
A .htm report with the name SimulationReport_.htm is generated
to let you verify your behavior experience result.
Enter the dedicated folder. By default, this folder is:
This path can be customized when launching the batch from the Behavior
Experience Batch dialog box, in the
Report tab.
Open the SimulationReport_.htm file.
The batch process is described.
In the report, click the minor green OK to access a
.htm report with the behavior experience results.
Working with the
Process Composer
You can, in the
Process Composer
use the
System Experiment Batch utility to execute
selected scripts and functions of a Dymola behavior library.
For more information, see Process Composer User´s Guide: Using Adapters: Function
Adapters: 3DEXPERIENCE Utility Adapter: Configuring the 3DEXPERIENCE Utility Adapter: Configuring the Execution
of a 3DEXPERIENCE Utility: Executing Modelica Functions and
Scripts and CATIA System Behavior Simulations.