If not open, from the Behavior Tools section of the action bar, click Modelica Script Editor to open a Modelica Script
You can also access this command from the Simulation
section of the action bar.
The Modelica Script Editor appears.
The tabs in the Modelica Script Editor allow you to have
several scripts opened at the same time, but only one is active, the one you see
displayed in the pane.
A number of features are available for editing:
You can use code completion when typing text; by Ctrl+Space
you get possible alternatives to select from, including new defined variables not
yet syntactically checked.
You can insert the currently displayed plots as script commands by the context
menu command Insert Current Plot Commands. This makes it easy
for you to recreate the plots later.
You can cut, copy, paste, find and replace, and go to a certain line using context
menu commands.
You can comment out a section of the code in the script: select it, right-click
and select Comment Selection - now it is not executed. To
activate the code again, select it, right-click and select Uncomment
You can insert types and insert statements, the latter helps you to get
the proper structure of statements like if ... then ... else.